Medical Law category: 575 books

Cover of Die empfaengergerichtete Organspende

Die empfaengergerichtete Organspende

Im Kontext der bedingten Einwilligung in die Organentnahme

by Martina Resch
Language: German
Release Date: April 25, 2014

Die Arbeit unterzieht die Regelungen des Transplantationsgesetzes (TPG) hinsichtlich der Verknüpfung einer Organspendeerklärung mit einer Bedingung einer verfassungsrechtlichen Prüfung. Nach einem Überblick über den aktuellen gesetzlichen Rahmen für Leichen- und Lebendspende wird zunächst die...
Cover of Strafbarkeit grenzueberschreitend taetiger Forschungsgruppen im Bereich der biomedizinischen Forschung in der Europaeischen Union
by Christina Dorr
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2014

Die Arbeit zeigt Probleme auf, die sich im Rahmen grenzüberschreitender Forschungstätigkeit aufgrund der unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Regelungen, denen die beteiligten Forscher aus verschiedenen Nationen unterliegen, ergeben. Sie konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung von Forschungsvorhaben in...
Cover of La valutazione delle capacità di agire
by Angelo Bianchi & Pasquale Giuseppe Macrì
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 9, 2011

Il volume, che si sviluppa in circa 300 pagine, fa parte della collana “Medicina legale e scienze affini” diretta da Giusto Giusti, medico legale, già ordinario all’Università Tor Vergata di Roma e consulente tecnico in moltissimi ed importanti processi. Il titolo di questo volume intende...
Cover of Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen

Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen

Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis

Language: German
Release Date: October 13, 2015

Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen Das erste systematische und umfassende Buch ausschließlich zur Straffälligkeit älterer Menschen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Zu aktuellen Fragen rund um das Thema „Seniorenkriminalität“ werden durch jeweils einschlägig tätige Experten verschiedener...
Cover of Abrechnungsbetrug von ambulanten Pflegediensten und Vertragsaerzten

Abrechnungsbetrug von ambulanten Pflegediensten und Vertragsaerzten

Eine Untersuchung unter Beruecksichtigung der streng formalen Betrachtungsweise des Sozialversicherungsrechts

by Kerstin Badorff
Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Die Autorin beleuchtet erstmalig und umfassend den Abrechnungsbetrug von ambulanten Pflegediensten – ein Thema, das immer mehr ins Visier der strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsbehörden gerät. Sie untersucht die strafrechtlich relevanten Konstellationen und ergänzt die bisherige Literatur zum Abrechnungsbetrug...
Cover of Male Criminal Activity from Childhood Through Youth

Male Criminal Activity from Childhood Through Youth

Multilevel and Developmental Perspectives

by Marc Le Blanc, Marcel Frechette
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2013

Male Criminal Activity From Childhood Through Youth reports the results of a large longitudinal study from 1972 to 1985 on a sample of delinquents and a comparison sample of the population in Montreal. A clarification emerges from this extensive study: how to describe criminal activity in a comprehensive...
Cover of Forensic Dental Evidence

Forensic Dental Evidence

An Investigator's Handbook

Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2010

Forensic Dental Evidence: An Investigators Handbook highlights the discussion regarding unjust convictions caused by inaccurate bitemark opinions. The book focuses on cases that use forensic techniques, emphasizing modern methods and protocols. Through this book, the latest information available is...
Cover of Modern Prometheus

Modern Prometheus

Editing the Human Genome with Crispr-Cas9

by Jim Kozubek
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2018

Would you change your genes if you could? As we confront the 'industrial revolution of the genome', the recent discoveries of Crispr-Cas9 technologies are offering, for the first time, cheap and effective methods for editing the human genome. This opens up startling new opportunities as well as significant...
Cover of Banking on the Body
by Kara W. Swanson
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2014

Each year Americans supply blood, sperm, and breast milk to "banks" that store these products for use by strangers in medical procedures. Who gives, who receives, who profits? Kara Swanson traces body banks from the first experiments that discovered therapeutic uses for body products to current websites that facilitate a thriving global exchange.
Cover of Just and Lasting Change

Just and Lasting Change

When Communities Own Their Futures

by Daniel C. Taylor, Carl E. Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2016

How can public health workers, policy experts, and medical professionals work with members of developing nations to promote social change in rapid, cost-effective, and locally appropriate ways? In Just and Lasting Change, Daniel C. and Carl E. Taylor present readers with an innovative, proven, and...
Cover of How Will the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Affect Liability Insurance Costs?
by David I. Auerbach, Paul Heaton, Ian Brantley
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2014

This report identifies potential mechanisms through which the Affordable Care Act (ACA) might affect liability claim costs and develops rough estimates of the size and direction of expected impacts as of 2016. Overall, effects of the ACA appear likely to be small relative to aggregate auto, workers’...
Cover of Introduction to US Health Policy

Introduction to US Health Policy

The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America

by Donald A. Barr
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Health care reform has been a dominant theme in public discourse for decades now. The passage of the Affordable Care Act was a major milestone, but rather than quell the rhetoric, it has sparked even more heated debate. In the latest edition of Introduction to US Health Policy, Donald A. Barr reviews...
Cover of Ambulatory Surgery Center Safety Guidebook

Ambulatory Surgery Center Safety Guidebook

Managing Code Requirements for Fire and Life Safety

by Dale Lyman
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2017

Ambulatory Surgery Center Safety Guidebook: Managing Code Requirements for Fire and Life Safety helps guide ASC administrative and security staff meet the requirements and standards of both federal and state authorities, including the Life Safety Code, a critical designation for facilities participating...
Cover of Self-determination in Health Care

Self-determination in Health Care

A Property Approach to the Protection of Patients' Rights

by Leroy C. Edozien
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

It is generally accepted in legal and bioethical discourse that the patient has a right to self-determination. In practice though, this is often not the case. Paternalism is waning and it is increasingly recognised that there are values other than medical factors which determine the choices that patients...
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