Memory Improvement category: 772 books

Cover of Mind Empowerment: Unleash the Power of Your Mind
by Instafo
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

Enlightenment of Mind for Greater Intelligence Enter the realm of your mind where human intelligence is stored. Those with the superior mind are always able to acquire knowledge, analyze information, and access thoughts much more readily than those who are less mentally empowered. People’s...
Cover of Understanding the Divine Mission of Your Birth
by Dr. Ojong J. Tabi
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2015

This book is designed to give you an understanding of the specific assignment which prompted God to send you to this world.You are a divine project sent to earth for a divine mission. Your birth is not a mistake but a decisive calculated plan of God.
Cover of Writer's Block?: 101, Getting Better Now
by William Allen Perry 2nd
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2015

It came to me that I had to move thru this period of dismal production, the grey cloudy days... with showers thrown in to upset me more. I was not being a good anything...partner, mate or good writer because I didn't know what was causing my problem. Nothing helped until I realized that there...
Cover of Press the “Fix Me” Button

Press the “Fix Me” Button

Improve Your Life Through Perception Modification

by Dr. Richard A.M. Powell
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2011

When I was kid I can remember numerous times being told that I needed to change my behavior or I would find myself in prison or possibly dead. The only challenge that I had was no one could provide me with guidance or the how to. At the age of 12 I learned self hypnosis from an audio tape and at the...
Cover of Max Your Mind

Max Your Mind

The Owner's Guide for a Strong Brain

by Sandra Sunquist Stanton
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2015

An inspiring guide to keeping your mind, body, and spirit working together to keep you sharp, healthy, and happy through life. Frustrated with your brain? How would you like to remember where you put your car keys? Is multitasking working for you? Do you ever wonder how you drove to your destination?...
Cover of The Weigh of Life

The Weigh of Life

A Guide to a Universal Understanding for a Time Where It Will Be Crucial

by Grizz Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2017

One day an epiphany was found. Like it was sitting on the table the whole time. It seemed far too simple to be true. But this epiphany grew as it started to explain other things around it. One after another, unsolved mysteries seemed to file in line and join the solution. It quickly grew to a theory...
Cover of Textbook of Wisdom

Textbook of Wisdom

Shortcuts to Becoming Wiser Than Your Years

by Edward de Bono
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2019

Wisdom comes with living a long life, full of rich experiences and can’t be learnt, right? Wrong. In the Textbook of Wisdom bestselling author Edward De Bono (Lateral Thinking, Serious Creativity) explains how you do not have to have lived forever to benefit from the experience of those who...
Cover of Handbook for a Positive Revolution

Handbook for a Positive Revolution

The Five Success Principles for Personal and Global Change

by Edward de Bono
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2018

Anyone can join the positive revolution. All you need is creativity. Historically, revolutions have been negative – defining, overthrowing or destroying an enemy, fuelled by a sense of mission and direction. After victory, however, this energy often races on, causing factionalism and strife...
by Alberto Coto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 23, 2012

Se ha demostrado científicamente que una mente sana y en forma es garantía de salud y un sólido pilar sobre el que construir una vida más feliz y plena. Pero para mantenerse en forma, la mente necesita estímulos, ejercicio, actividad, en definitiva: ¡necesita pensar! Este libro podríamos definirlo...
Cover of Manifesting Smooth Transitions. Adolescence to Adulthood
by Ashish Mehta
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2014

Teenage, adolescence and youth are phases that are perhaps the most beautiful in any individual’s life. Yet, for many, this becomes a period of turbulence, turmoil, confusions and many more such feelings. It does not necessarily have to be so. There is no Correct Approach. It has to be a Personal...
Cover of O Estudante Eficiente: Métodos para Aumentar a Concentração e Manter a Persistência no Estudo por um Longo Período de Tempo
by Daniel Marques
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 6, 2015

Na sua primeira edição, esta obra tornou-se de imediato num dos maiores Bestsellers Internacionais para a Aprendizagem, tendo sido classificada em Primeiro Lugar na secção de Educação da Amazon no Brasil e mantendo-se durante meses entre os 20 livros mais vendidos de sempre. Após inúmeras...
Cover of 考試要靠爆發力!最強七天衝刺讀書法



by 鈴木秀明
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2018

日本考試魔人超強讀書心法! 不補習,自學應屆考上東大,一年取得50張證照,目前共考取500多張證照! 考前7天翻轉人生!證照、檢定、升學考試統統完勝! 一般讀書法:最初努力→中途放棄→背好的東西又忘記,最後追趕 七天讀書法:最初不用太努力→時間緊迫再迎頭趕上,從容應試 **■一開始不用太努力!**捨棄不重要的內容,越重要越要抱佛腳 **■沒時間也能立見成效!**考前精準記憶,勝過長時間拖拉背誦 **■一試必中,百試百勝!**拿分技巧不藏私,解答考試迷思,制定考前攻略 ◆考前衝刺,你做對了幾件事? □越重要的內容,越要留在後面記憶 □把讀書當成「搬家」,先決定「什麼不做」 □從考古題掌握命題機率:八成的出題來自兩成的範圍 □考前二至三小時起床,考完再進食,時間到再進去 □決定考前最後關頭要讀的內容,考前一天反覆短時間記憶 □以考古題取代教科書:不要拿來「解題」,而是拿來「照本宣科」 ◆教你攻無不克的衝刺應試技巧: □如何使用考古題庫? □超短時間記憶術:1天背誦「經常出題重點」的六個技巧 □多拿1分也好!不懂內容也可以正確作答的七個技巧 □模擬考試當天的行程:考前一天進行「駛急流作戰」 □從考古題和課本中找到命題機率 □訂定計畫要以「無法按照計畫執行」為原則 ◆讀者實踐,五星好評: ◎不花時間的讀書法,簡單運用三大重點:1.研究考古題,區分要做和不做的事;2. 常用的內容=考試常出的問題,要擺在後面再讀;3.不在一開始努力,而是在最後衝 刺。 ◎本書詳述短期有效的讀書方法,能更專注於目標,集中火力,減少無謂的努力。 ◎書中除了針對升學考試以外,還包括檢定、證照考試的準備方法,即使對於時間有限的在職人士而言也非常實用有效率,極具參考價值。 ◎畢業多年後重拾書本,對於該怎麼有效率地讀書,完全摸不著頭緒,讀了這本書後信心大增。正如作者所說,「只要努力七天,任何人都可以做到!」因此覺得心情輕鬆多了。 ◎十分推薦給即將面臨重大考試的人作為考前全力衝刺指南,若覺得自己平時準備不周,只要在考前七天照本宣科「抱佛腳」,便能扳回一城! ◎看了書之後才發現,自己一直以來都在用沒效率的方法準備考試,總是老早就把時間、心力花在最重要的內容上,但是到考前通常也忘得差不多了。原來要把最重要的放在最後再念! 作者簡介 證照.學習顧問 鈴木秀明 1981年8月4日生於日本富山縣。高中沒上過補習班,自學應屆考上東京大學理科。畢業於東京大學理學部、東京大學公共政策研究所。 24歲任職All...
Cover of Dealing With Learning Difficulties
by Samuel Tabe
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The ability to read, retain, understand and retrieve what is read is a challenge most people experience. These learning impediments have negatively impact on several persons, not just in their studies, but also on their self-esteem. Most people sincerely wish to improve their mental capacities, but...
Cover of 「好同學」被領導,「壞同學」當領導
by 蘇建軍
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2013

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