Memory Improvement category: 772 books

Cover of Vida Inteligente: Coleção (Livros 1-5)

Vida Inteligente: Coleção (Livros 1-5)

O Kit de Iniciante para Pensar e Viver de Forma Mais Inteligente

by I. C. Robledo
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 11, 2017

Viva o Estilo de Vida Inteligente para Dominar Sua Mente e Obter Sucesso Mais Rápido Se você deseja desenvolver uma mente funcional superior, essa coleção de livros é o que você precisa. Dentro dela você irá aprender como melhorar o seu foco, suas habilidades de aprendizado, suas habilidades...
Cover of Memória Prática

Memória Prática

Um Guia Simples para Ajudá-lo a Lembrar Mais E Esquecer Menos na Sua Vida Diária

by I. C. Robledo
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 15, 2018

Dicas para Lembrar Mais e Esquecer Menos, Simples, Prático e de “Bom Senso” Você está aqui porque sua memória não é tão boa quanto você gostaria. Por que isso acontece? Bem, a internet tem todos os dados que precisamos na ponta dos dedos. Neste caso, câmeras armazenam nossas...
Cover of As Ferramentas Intelectuais dos Gênios

As Ferramentas Intelectuais dos Gênios

40 Princípios que o tornarão mais inteligente e o ensinarão a pensar como um gênio

by I. C. Robledo
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 13, 2015

Pense Como Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein e Charles Darwin Esses incríveis gênios antes de nós descobriram certos princípios chave em suas trajetórias até o sucesso. Você pode aprender esses princípios agora, sem todo o suor, as lágrimas, e os erros que saem caro. Imagine...
Cover of Unlikely Destiny: Volume One

Unlikely Destiny: Volume One

The Beginning from Opportunity Comes Unlimited Success

by Joe E. Pryor Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2018

Have you ever really looked at yourself in the mirror? Have you ever asked yourself, "Why are you here?" Have you ever thought about your true purpose in life, or your Destiny? These are just a few of the questions I've asked you to think about, while reading Unlikely Destiny Volume One....
Cover of Maximising Your Intellectual Abilities

Maximising Your Intellectual Abilities

Learn how to make the most of your intelligence

Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2017

Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about maximising your intellectual abilities with this practical guide.Human beings only use 10% of their brain capacity: this is a fact that most people are aware of, but few know what it really represents. Optimising...
Cover of 細節,決定你3年後的成敗
by 孫大為
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Cover of L'arte di ricordare tutto
by Joshua Foer
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 22, 2011

Quaranta giorni. È il tempo che ciascuno di noi spreca in media ogni anno per rimediare a ciò che dimentica: per andare a recuperare il cellulare lasciato chissà dove, per cercare le chiavi di casa o per rintracciare informazioni importanti. Joshua Foer rientrava a pieno titolo in questa media,...
Cover of 骨牌效應:成功與失敗的距離0.01mm
by 黃瑞德
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Cover of It Just Is
by Keith Giemre
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2017

In this fifth book by Keith Giemre within the body, mind and soul genre, he writes: "It became apparent that not only my life, but the life of the collective, was changing moment by moment, and as such our future in the universe and on earth was also being created moment by moment.”“It...
Cover of 腦袋微整型:讓努力獲得更大收益
by 黃冠誠
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Cover of Zeit für Stimmigkeit

Zeit für Stimmigkeit

Kommunikation - Worte - Tonalität - Gestik - Mimik

by Katja Dyckhoff & Thomas Westerhausen
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2017

Sehr bekannt ist die unzählige Male erwähnte und teils umstrittene Untersuchung des Psychologen Albert Mehrabian, wonach sich die Effektivität einer Kommunikation in ca. 7% durch die tatsächlichen Worte, 38% durch die Tonalität und etwa 55% durch die Gestik und Mimik erklären lässt. Nur, was...
Cover of Der große Gehirntrainer

Der große Gehirntrainer

Besser lernen, schneller denken, mehr behalten mit dem Gedächtniskünstler und Weltrekordhalter

by Jens Seiler
Language: German
Release Date: April 18, 2011

„Wissen ist Macht.“ Dies erfährt der junge, hochbegabte Jens Seiler, als er, mit einer Gehbehinderung zur Welt gekommen, lange Jahre seiner Kindheit und Jugend im Krankenhaus verbringen muss. Die viele freie Zeit nutzt er nämlich dazu, sich ein immenses Wissen anzueignen, mit dem er seine Mitwelt...
Cover of Gedächtnistraining


Nie wieder vergesslich

by Jens Seiler
Language: German
Release Date: February 4, 2014

„Wissen ist Macht.“ (Francis Bacon 1561–1624) Dieser Ratgeber zeigt, wie Sie schnell wesentliche Informationen erkennen und so aufbereiten, dass Sie sich neues Wissen auf Dauer merken können – auch ohne Notizzettelchen. Schon nach wenigen praktischen Übungen werden Sie kaum noch etwas vergessen....
Cover of How To Analyze People

How To Analyze People

Proven Methods To Analyze And Read Anyone Instantly!

by Kellie Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2019

In order to relate well with the people around you and those whom you meet them daily, you must understand them. However, it is almost impossible to understand yourself, your fears, insecurities, behaviors and why you behave differently under different situations. It is only after understanding your...
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