Negotiating category: 462 books

Cover of 101 secrets pour bien négocier son salaire... ou une augmentation
by Dominique Pialot, Daniel Porot
Language: French
Release Date: December 26, 2017

Dans des périodes difficiles, s'il est une question cruciale dans le monde du travail, c'est bien celle du salaire. Pourtant le sujet reste tabou et la négociation tourne le plus souvent à l'avantage de l'employeur. Il est donc essentiel pour tous les candidats ou salariés de connaître...
Cover of Develop Irresistible Skills Of Persuasion - Learn The Fine Art And Science Of Persuasion And Motivation To Effectively Influence People
by Aiden Sisko
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2015

Within the last few years several of those in the field of behavioral science have come to the fact based conclusion that we have the power to change anything in our lives we desire. By turning to those who have affected major change using their influence, we too can educate ourselves as to...
Cover of Transition 2 Practice

Transition 2 Practice

21 Things Every Doctor Must Know in Contract Negotiations and the Job Search

by Napoleon Bonaparte Higgins, Jr., MD
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2015

Medical school teaches you practical, in-the-field knowledge, but it doesn't teach business skills. That's where Transition 2 Practice can help. A quick and easy read, this book will teach you the essential_tools for your career search and contract negotiations so you can find your dream job that allows...
Cover of How to Sweet-Talk a Shark

How to Sweet-Talk a Shark

Strategies and Stories from a Master Negotiator

by Bill Richardson, Kevin Bleyer
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Sharks are not evil. But they're single-minded and very, very hungry. On land, they take the form of bosses, businesspeople, colleagues, family, and sociopathic neighbors. In the world of former governor of New Mexico and US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, they have taken the form...
Cover of A Quick and Dirty Guide to the Japanese Business Meeting
by Tony Silva
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2014

A basic but thorough rundown of what the Westerner can expect when involved in Japan-style meetings. Preparation, etiquette, strategies, pitfalls, and cultural notes are all covered. The American author has lived in Japan for over twenty-five years and spent much too much of that time in meetings...
Cover of The Radio Producer's Handbook
by Rick Kaempfer, John Swanson
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2004

Two award-winning major market producers present the definitive how-to guide for producing a radio show, explaining every duty a radio producer is expected to perform. With refreshing honesty and the humorous flair of professional radio comedy writers, the authors reveal how to get one's professional...
Cover of Designing & Projecting Powerful First Impressions
by Nicky Westen
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2014

“He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore”.Sigmund Freud perceptively pointed out the fact that humans communicate with more than just words and...
Cover of Synthesizing Powerful Influence at Work and with Friends: Finding and Using that sweet spot on how to effectively influence people!
by Gloria Moses
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2014

Within the last few years several of those in the field of behavioral science have come to the fact based conclusion that we have the power to change anything in our lives we desire. By turning to those who have affected major change using their influence, we too can educate ourselves as to the steps...
Cover of How to Break (or renegotiate) ANY Contract
by Simon Kennedy Rose
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Half of author royalties for ‘How to Break (or renegotiate) ANY Contract’ are donated to ShelterBOX; an international provider of emergency shelter and life-saving supplies for families around the world - who through no fault of their own have lost everything in natural disasters, including their...
Cover of The Skilled Negotiator

The Skilled Negotiator

Mastering the Language of Engagement

by Kathleen Reardon
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2014

In The Skilled Negotiator Kathleen Reardon engagingly describes how to expand on negotiation strategies and develop language skills to enhance success in negotiation. The book is filled with real-life examples revealing how to detect subtleties in manner and speech that negotiation novices fail to...
Cover of IJs verkopen aan Eskimo's

IJs verkopen aan Eskimo's

de psychologie van overtuigen

by Pacelle van Goethem
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Hét Nederlandse standaardwerk over overtuigen! Wat geeft persoonlijke overtuigingskracht? Wat maakt ideeën overtuigend? Overtuigen lijkt pure magie, maar wordt in dit boek feilloos ontrafeld tot één geheim. In IJs verkopen aan eskimo's biedt Pacelle van Goethem een revolutionair model, inzicht...
Cover of Dealonomics


How you can earn more money in a bad economy

by Kim Meredith
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2013

The global economy is a mess. Big business, aided by bad government, has spoilt the party for everyone, yet it is individuals and small companies that are really paying the price. With the depressed state of the economy, companies are not giving much in the way of increases, vacant positions are not...
Cover of 跟華爾街之狼學銷售(試讀本)
by 喬登‧貝爾福
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 3, 2018

《華爾街之狼》幕後祕密大公開 獨創「直線銷售說服系統」,本尊手把手指點 「把這支筆賣給我!」——教你精通狼的說服力之道   3量表 X 5要素 X 10法則   掌握獨門「直線銷售說服法」的精華絕招,   不論銷售、談判、交涉、日常溝通,   發揮你的影響力,讓任何人全都心甘情願去做任何事,   創造財富,成就人生。   李奧納多.狄卡皮歐飾演的喬登.貝爾福在電影《華爾街之狼》中,利用直線銷售說服系統,把一群社會適應不良、賺錢少少的人,變成善於成交、賺錢多多、能夠把任何東西賣給任何人的搖滾巨星。   大銀幕上,金融圈紙醉金迷、腐敗沉淪、大起大落的黑暗面深入人心,但在新書《跟華爾街之狼學銷售》裡,早已浪子回頭、華麗轉身的貝爾福,要傳授他何以能夠呼風喚雨的真功夫。   在你的事業與人生中,最重要的資產是什麼?   ——說服力!   說服力意味著不管在工作或個人生活中,有效銷售你的產品或服務、敲定交易、脫穎而出的能力;向世界證明你的立場和理由,創造個人最棒的未來,也全都有賴於如何去說服對方行動。   銷售是生活中的一切。不是只有業務員、銷售員才在用。其實,每一天你都在說服別人,訴說你的想法、觀念或產品很有道理。銷售也適用於所有人、適用於企業與個人生活中的所有層面。總之,我們在一生中的某個時點,都會面臨必須對別人、對夥伴、老闆、員工,甚至約會對象等等,推銷自己。   這是第一部針對貝爾福在國際大獲成功的「直線銷售說服系統」的全方位指南,這個系統經過科學驗證,能顯著增進一個人達成預定結果的影響力與說服力,應用範圍不限於商場職場,也包括個人生活場景。貝爾福將破解如何說服任何人去做任何事的關鍵要訣,以及教導不論年齡、教育或技術程度的任何一個人嫻熟說服的方法,使你蛻變為銷售、成交、談判、創業、演講或溝通高手。   全書要點   ◎拆解銷售與說服的密碼   ◎發現銷售魔法子彈   ◎創造符合道德價值的簡報且能順利成交   ◎精通肢體語言、聲調的藝術   ◎辨識甄選有價值客戶的方法   ***   【書籍重點特色】   1.貝爾福以絕對成交的銷售心法重新再起,大力倡導「良心銷售與說服」,書中逐步分析他自創且經過反覆驗證的「直線銷售說服系統」,讓每一個人或組織團隊都能成為金牌冠軍銷售員。   2.所謂的良心銷售與說服,不是讓客戶接受他們不願意或不該接受的東西,而是讓他們克服踟躕不前的心理障礙,這能幫助你也成為非凡的商業成功者。   3.貝爾福是位天生的銷售高手,他獨創的直線銷售說服法,強調發掘客戶的需求,開場白要單刀直入在頭四秒取得先機,同時透過一系列事先想好的步驟,從初識客戶到最終成功賣出產品。   4.本書適合業務、行銷人員的養成培訓。強調針對任何一家公司或個人,無論年齡、種族、性別、教育程度、社經背景,都有能力創造巨大的財富與成功。   *** 名人推薦   謝文憲(憲哥)知名講師、作家、主持人  ...
Cover of How to Win Friends & Influence People

How to Win Friends & Influence People

By Dale Carnegie - A Complete Summary

by Instant-Summary
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

A Complete Summary of How to Win Friends and Influence People Released in 1936, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a self-help mega classic and has sold more than 15 million copies. This Dale Carnegie book has proven to be a timeless best seller. As with most famous books, more...
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