Running category: 839 books

Cover of Glorious and Free
by Bryce Dymond
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2015

In the spring of 2011, a small group of volunteers set off from St. John’s, Newfoundland on a journey across Canada. They would run the same path that Terry Fox had set out on more than 30 years before them—ocean to ocean, along rivers, across prairies and over mountains. Their message was simple:...
Cover of High School Cross Country Handbook

High School Cross Country Handbook

Everything you need to know as a high school XC runner.

by Rich Davis
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2018

Joining a high school (or middle school) cross country team can be daunting. Becoming a runner isn't easy. This book will guide you through everything you need to know to be successful as a high school cross country runner.
Cover of Serial Racing: Planning For And Affording A Lifetime Of Endurance Events
by Andrea Herrmann
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2015

Do you love road races, triathlons, or obstacle course events? Are you in a 5K or half marathon every month? Are your closets loaded with race shirts? Chances are you might be a serial racer- someone who loves and regularly does endurance events.If your goal is to do as many races as you can...
Cover of 一雙慢跑鞋:一年內完成42K馬拉松訓練計畫
by 高志明
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 26, 2016

跑過的路不會背叛 時間是伴侶,里程是情人 汗水是付出,成績是回饋 l 自我挑戰: (迷你馬) (半馬) (全馬)選擇自己可承受的里程數,為自己設定目標。 l 平時練習該怎麼練?該如何選擇適合的練習場地?高手就在你身邊,跑者不藏私通通大公開。 l...
Cover of 體能!技術!肌力!心志!全方位的馬拉松科學化訓練
by 徐國峰、羅譽寅
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Dr.Romanov, Ph.D.(Author and Founder of the Pose Method)? 尼可拉斯.羅曼諾夫博士(《跑步,該怎麼跑?》作者╱姿勢法創始人)? 專文推薦:? 本書不只是知識的匯集,它是作者經過深思熟慮、用智慧轉化多位研究者關於馬拉松訓練與運動表現知識的結晶。它將帶你通過知識與理論的荒林,並用簡單的方式教你把這些知識運用在訓練和提升運動表現上。我確信你能透過本書來達成自己的目標。? 〔台灣各界跑者,真誠推薦〕?(依姓氏筆劃順序排列) 陳雅芬(全馬破3超萌少女)? 張嘉哲(TrulyMan真男人)? 黃崇華(三重箭歇團創始人兼總教練)? 詹宇豪(兩岸三地最速藝人)? 鄭匡寓(don1don動一動總編輯.PTT路跑社土城夜跑團團長) ? 陳雅芬(萌少女):了解自己的人是自己,如何做自己的運動教練?如何在有限時間達到有效訓練?這本書從基礎實用的訓練到有效的「科學化訓練」,通通讓您一網打盡。邊跑邊學同時進步。? 張嘉哲(真男人):馬拉松,是智慧與體力的最高體現具象化。跑馬拉松需要智慧,而智慧是經驗與知識的總合,經驗要靠時間累積,而知識則要閱讀這本書。? 黃崇華(三重箭歇團創始人兼總教練):國峰致力於長距離運動耐力項目鑽研,從學術、精進到推廣,透過第一本台灣跑者自製專業跑步訓練全書,讓台灣跑者更快速定位本身跑步架構,達成最佳比例的平衡。訓練並不輕鬆,但可以訓練的很輕鬆?? 詹宇豪(兩岸三地最速藝人):看完這本書後,讓我對全馬sub3更加充滿信心了。? 鄭匡寓(don1don動一動總編輯):國峰成就了跑步的道,集大成而鑄成此書。 ? 〔所有跑者都想問:如何才能跑好馬拉松?〕? 在42.195公里的競賽中盡情發揮訓練成果,真正感受到跑步的樂趣,從跑步中淬鍊出自信、更喜歡自己,並且一場比一場進步,體驗破PB的美妙境界!? 潛心研究跑步多年的徐國峰與羅譽寅,透過科學化的「體能」、「技術」、「肌力」訓練,加上精神領域的「心志」探討,他們將這份對跑步運動源源不絕的熱情,灌注在本書中,帶來一部理論、實用與感性兼具,能全方位支援跑者的訓練書。? □...
Cover of 40 Days

40 Days

Life, Love, Loss and A Historic Run Around One of the World's Largest Lakes

by Steven Cannon
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2018

"An inspiring, at times funny, and at times heartbreaking read.” —Iowa Governor Terry Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds  A marathon a day, every day, for 40 days. 40 Days is a brutally honest and inspiring story about Steve’s historic 40-day, 1,037-mile run around...
Cover of Bruny Surin

Bruny Surin

Le lion tranquille

by Saïd Khalil, Bruny Surin
Language: French
Release Date: December 7, 2010

Héritier d'une lignée rare, celle des légendes du sprint, Bruny Surin a connu une fabuleuse carrière qui le place parmi les grands de l'épreuve-reine du 100 m. Le journaliste Saïd Khalil nous convie à une incursion unique dans l'univers d'un athlète exceptionnel et d'un homme vrai et...
Cover of La Course - Le Saut - Le Lancer

La Course - Le Saut - Le Lancer

L'entrainement rationnel : Course de vitesse - Course de fond - Le saut en hauteur - Le saut en longueur - Le lancer : du poids, du disque, du javelot

by Salmson-Creak, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: August 30, 2016

Extrait : "Ce que nous disons pour la course, se reproduit également pour le saut. Quant au lancer, il est pour ainsi dire le corollaire des deux premiers. Le lecteur qui nous a suivi jusqu'ici est en possession d'un système musculaire développé dans la normale, également il jouit d'une circulation...
Cover of La course à pied

La course à pied

Savoir courir intelligemment

by Philippe JEANDEY
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2017

Si vous êtes comme la grande majorité des coureurs, vous chercherez peu à peu à savoir si les séances que vous accomplissez vous aident effectivement à atteindre vos objectifs. Courez-vous à la bonne intensité, risquez-vous le surentraînement ou de vous blesser ? Est-ce qu’une autre forme...
Cover of Entrenar el ultramaratón

Entrenar el ultramaratón

La guía práctica de Hal Koerner

by Hal Koemer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2017

Prepararse para un ultramaratón no tiene tanto que ver con el número de kilómetros como con la resistencia mental: decidir qué distancia afrontar y centrarse en ella. Conseguir terminar un ultramaratón conlleva un gran sentimiento de logro. En esta guía, Hal Koerner, uno de los mayores corredores...
Cover of Best Trail Runs Seattle
by Adam Chase, Nancy Hobbs
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2018

Best Trail Runs Seattle features nearly forty of the best trail runs within an hour or so of downtown—complete with color photos, maps, and detailed specs and trail descriptions. Full of inspirational photos throughout, this book includes practical maps, elevation gains, and key information on training, safety, and must-see attractions along the way.
Cover of Loo Rolls to Lycra

Loo Rolls to Lycra

The Ironman Dreams of an IBD Sufferer

by Caroline Bramwell
Language: English
Release Date: December 24, 2017

Loo Rolls to Lycra: The Ironman Dreams of an IBD Sufferer is the inspirational and insightful biography of Caroline Bramwell, a wife and mother who believed her life was going down the toilet when she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. With an encyclopaedic knowledge...
Cover of Daughters of Distance
by Vanessa Runs
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2015

What does it mean to be a female in endurance sport? Hundreds of women open up about their realities as athletes, wives, girlfriends and mothers. From the intimacy of the bedroom to the community of competition, some of these stories will encourage and uplift. Others will surprise and infuriate. Welcome to the beautiful and complicated world of strong women.
Cover of Ultramaratón
by Dean Karnazes
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 15, 2019

Con Ultramaratón acompañará al autor en sus aventuras recorriendo las montañas de la Sierra Nevada estadounidense, atravesando el Valle de la Muerte en pleno verano y hasta podrá correr un maratón hasta el Polo Sur con temperaturas de –40ºC. Las confesiones íntimas de Dean Karnazes sobre...
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