Sermons category: 1447 books

Cover of La preparazione dell'anima alla contemplazione
by Riccardo di San Vittore
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

L'autore è Riccardo di San Vittore (Scozia, ca 1110 – Parigi, 10 marzo 1173) è stato un teologo e filosofo francese di origine scozzese. Fu uno dei più importanti teologi mistici del XII secolo nonché priore dell’abbazia benedettina di San Vittore a Parigi, dal 1162...
Cover of Enjoying God’s Gifts
by Fr. Kevin E. Mackin OFM
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2018

God speaks to us in the Bible so we can grow in holiness. With every reading, new understandings of our life with God emerge, and we will be better inspired to enjoy God’s many gifts for us. Some texts in the Bible evolved over decades; others did so over centuries. In fact, at least forty authors...
Cover of Jesus Was Not a Nice Guy
by Rev. Kory Wilcoxson
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2014

"You faithless generation..." "I came to send fire on the earth..." "Get behind me, Satan!" Do you wonder which smarmy evangelist spouted this incendiary phrases? How about the one who lived 2000 years ago and was nailed to a cross? Jesus Christ was a savior, prophet, healer...nice guy? We may want to...
Cover of Introducción a la vida devota
by Francisco De Sales
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 18, 2013

Este maravilloso libro, escrito por San Francisco de Sales, es una guía para aquellos que quieren una verdadera ayuda para recorrer la longitud de la ruta de la santidad. Esta obra fue publicada por primera vez en 1608, cuando San Francisco de Sales todavía estaba vivo y pudo examinar...
Cover of God's Help With Life's Struggles

God's Help With Life's Struggles

34th annual southwest lectures

by Samuel Willcut
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2015

Are you struggling with the difficulties of life? Do you know someone who is overwhelmed with the stresses and the strains that present themselves to us every day, but do not know how to help them? Our loving God wants to help us when we struggle with our daily challenges, because He knows that when...
Cover of Trattato sulla preghiera
by Evagrio Pontico
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

L'autore è Evagrio Pontico (latino: Evagrius Ponticus greco: Εὐάγριος ὁ Ποντικός; Ebora, 345 – Egitto, 399) fu un monaco, asceta e scrittore cristiano. Diacono e teologo, Evagrio nacque a Ebora, nella regione del Ponto (Asia minore), nel 345. Amico di Basilio...
Cover of Sermoni
by Sant'Antonio da Padova
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 14, 2017

I Sermoni sono senza dubbio la summa della scienza biblica e teologica e dell'azione pastorale di Sant'Antonio da Padova. Un volume indispensabile per chiunque voglia entrare in diretto contatto con la predicazione, il pensiero, la spiritualità di una delle figure centrali del cristianesimo. In...


De son efficacité et des conditions avec lesquelles on doit la faire - Édition illustrée

Language: French
Release Date: August 6, 2015

Publié avant son ouvrage de réference LE GRAND MOYEN DE LA PRIÈRE, Saint Alphonse-Marie de Liguori, dans ce PETIT TRAITË DE LA PRIÈRE, présente de façon synthétique les principaux éléments d'une prière efficace et des conditions...
Cover of Inspire Me Jesus

Inspire Me Jesus

70 Days of simple, subtle and fresh inspirations

by Nikita Assilamehoo
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Isn't it wonderful when Jesus inspires us by his spirit, his Holy Spirit? The Bible is a breathtaking book, remarkably well written and a treasure of wisdom. For the past 20 years that the author has given his life to Jesus, he has kept talking about his Saviour all around him. And always,...
Cover of Sermoni per l’Avvento
by Bernardo di Chiaravalle
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

L'autore è Bernardo di Chiaravalle, in latino Bernardus Claravallensis, in francese Bernard de Clairvaux (Fontaine-lès-Dijon, 1090 – Ville-sous-la-Ferté, 20 agosto 1153), fu un monaco e abate francese, fondatore della celebre abbazia di Clairvaux e di altri monasteri. Viene...
Cover of Lodi della Vergine Madre
by Bernardo di Chiaravalle
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

Tale scritto figura tra i primissimi di Bernardo: la sua data di composizione si colloca tra il 1124 ed il 1125. La lettura del trattato di San Bernardo di Chiaravalle, «Lodi alla Vergine Madre», sembra prestarsi particolarmente ad accompagnare la meditazione durante il tempo di Avvento....
Cover of Florecillas
by Francisco de Asìs
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 27, 2013

El libro de I Fioretti -en español, Florecillas- es una de las obras maestras de la literatura universal; traducido a todas las lenguas, sigue editándose sin cesar, sin que pierda actualidad el mensaje fresco e ingenuo de sus relatos. Una tal perennidad no obedece, ciertamente, al perfume...
Cover of Sämtliche Sermonen
by Leo der Große
Language: German
Release Date: January 7, 2013

Danke auch an die reiche literarische Erbe uns überlassen, ist Leo der Große einer der Väter der Kirche, dessen Stimme wird kontinuierlich durch die Jahrhunderte der christlichen Geschichte wider. Die Lehre, Seelsorge und Persönlichkeit dieses Papstes werden vor allem von 98...
Cover of Über die Seele (de anima)
by Tertullian
Language: German
Release Date: March 18, 2013

Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus oder kurz Tertullian (* nach 150; † nach 220) war ein früher christlicher Schriftsteller. Er hieß eigentlich Quintus Septimius Florens. Durch seinen scharfen, glänzenden Stil – und die Tatsache, dass er der erste Kirchenvater war, der auf...
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