Stress Management category: 1697 books

Cover of Vademecum antistress

Vademecum antistress

Da portare sempre con sé e da consultare in caso di necessità

by Giulio Cesare Giacobbe
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 2, 2018

L'affollamento di pensieri fa contrarre i muscoli e impedisce alle donne e agli uomini di essere imperturbabili ed efficienti come 007. Liberarsi dallo stress è come guarire da una malattia mortale: grazie a questa convinzione nasce questo manualetto da tenere sempre a portata di mano. Zittire la...
Cover of Self-Discipline Mastery
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

This is a highly detailed and step-by-step guide about how to build mental strength to stop making excuses, resist temptation, and finally reach your goals. This course is a series of guides that are designed to teach you everything you need to know about mastering self-discipline. Here...
Cover of Don't Think About Pink Elephants
by Peter Gilmour
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2019

The only self-help book you will ever need Imagine you had an instant switch for happiness. A switch that eliminated stress, anxiety, fear, doubt and worry and allowed you to enjoy a life full of happiness and fulfilment. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well that’s what you get with this book....
Cover of El Niño y el Oso : El libro de la relajación infantil que enseña a los niños pequeños a respirar profundamente.
by Lori Lite
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2011

Los niños entre las edades de 4 y 7 años les encanta pretender que ellos son el Oso o el Niño mientras practican la respiración profunda. Esta efectiva técnica de control de estrés y enojo es ampliamente aceptada y usada por ambas comunidades tanto tradicional como holística. La técnica se...
Cover of Gelassenheit lernen: WIE SIE GELASSENHEIT LERNEN, ÄRGER UND SORGEN LOSLASSEN UND ENTSPANNT UND GLÜCKLICH LEBEN! Die 10 Wege zu Gelassenheit und innerer Ruhe (Gelassenheit lernen schenkt Freiheit)

Gelassenheit lernen: WIE SIE GELASSENHEIT LERNEN, ÄRGER UND SORGEN LOSLASSEN UND ENTSPANNT UND GLÜCKLICH LEBEN! Die 10 Wege zu Gelassenheit und innerer Ruhe (Gelassenheit lernen schenkt Freiheit)

Gelassenheit lernen in der Praxis – mit Schritt für Schritt Anleitung (Gelassenheit lernen, Gelassenheit, innere Ruhe, Stressmanagement, Stress bewältigen, Gelassenheitstraining, Entspannung, Gelassenheit erreichen, innere Balance)

by Mariana Seiler
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2017

GELASSENHEIT LERNEN – 10 WEGE IN DER PRAXIS: In unserer hektischen Zeit mit ihren schnellen Veränderungen und den steigenden Erwartungen fällt es immer mehr Menschen schwer, gelassen durchs Leben zu gehen. Wir setzen uns (und Andere) mit unseren hohen Erwartungen unter Druck oder haben das Gefühl,...
Cover of Ma Slow Attitude

Ma Slow Attitude

Répondre en douceur à la violence

by Chaby Langlois
Language: French
Release Date: February 2, 2016

Un exemple d’auto-réhabilitation qui va vous réconcilier avec vous-même. Passer de la peur qui isole, empêche d’avancer et fait souffrir, à la Slow Attitude qui permet de transformer ses émotions et de s’ouvrir à la vie. En partant de son cheminement personnel Chaby Langlois, psychologue,...
Cover of Relax, Revive and Thrive
by Inez Mallet
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2014

It's Friday night and here you are stuck in gridlock on the freeway. You've had the week from you-know-where and doggone if the boss didn't dump a priority project on you just before quitting time!Now you're paying the sitter overtime and the dollars are clicking up by the...
Cover of Learning to Breathe, Learning to Live

Learning to Breathe, Learning to Live

Simple Tools to Relieve Stress and Invigorate Your Life

by Sharon Harvey Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2017

Breathing and visualization are profound tools for navigating our way through even the busiest or messiest of lives. Much like a trusty compass leading an outdoor enthusiast to a desired destination, these practices guide one into and through the inner world. Apply the beneficial and easy-to-use practices...
Cover of Stress e Burnout
by Rachel Scott
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 2, 2012

Il nucleo centrale del disagio è costituito da un sovraccarico emotivo seguito all'esaurimento delle risorse motivazionali. Una persona troppo coinvolta tende a sforzarsi sempre di più per gli altri, ma alla fine si sente sopraffatto dalle richieste di attenzione che gli altri impongono. La risposta...
Cover of Problemlos einschlafen

Problemlos einschlafen

Erfolgreiche Selbstbehandlung von stress- oder konfliktbedingten Schlafstörungen

by Jan van Berdel
Language: German
Release Date: October 2, 2014

Vieles ist erstaunlich einfach, wenn man weiß, wie es richtig geht. Dies gilt auch für das schnelle Einschlafen bei stress- oder konfliktbedingten Schlafstörungen. Jan van Berdel zeigt Betroffenen den Weg aus der Misere. Ziel des Ratgebers ist, selbstständig das gesunde Einschlafen zu erlernen...
Cover of The College Student’s Guidebook For Effective Time Management

The College Student’s Guidebook For Effective Time Management

Time Management Tips To Improve Your Study Skills And Organization Skills So You Can Plan Your Time Effectively And Fit In School, Work And Fun Into Your Busy Schedule

by Alison P. Gonzales
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2012

College life is sort of independent living. For most, it will be the first time away from home and away from family. It is the time when the college student will finally know how it is to be on his own. This means that he will need to be self-sufficient. He will need to look out for his own needs...
Cover of The Ultimate Time Management Guide for Workaholics
by Bogdan Vaida
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2014

As you already know, the internet is full of methods and techniques on this subject, but I wonder how many of them have actually been tested.  I can assure you that this is not the case with the techniques contained in this book. I have tested and re-tested every single one of them during workshops...
Cover of The Concise Time Management and Personal Development
by John Adair, Melanie Allen
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2003

Valuable ideas on how to establish clear long-term goals and link your daily action planning to their achievement. It provides you with the tools, techniques and framework needed for continuing personal development.
Cover of Reclaim Your Time
by Ramon Tarruella
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2018

Learn how to be more productive by focusing in what really matters. There is no way in the world you will achieve your goals and attain the level of success you wanted... if you don’t possess an effective time-management skill. With this ebook you will learn the secret to better time...
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