Banking category: 2398 books

Cover of West Bank and Gaza Strip: Economic Developments in the Five Years Since Oslo
by International Monetary Fund
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 1999

This paper assesses macroeconomic developments and progress in institution building during 1994-1998. The five year interim period envisaged in the peace accords has ended, and the paper takes stock of what happened in this period. The paper was prepared in the Spring of 1999 and draws on work done by...
Cover of Monte dei Paschi - I 300 Protagonisti
by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 28, 2017

La Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena è vittima o protagonista del più grande scandalo finanziario italiano del ventunesimo secolo? Tra protagonisti invisibili che hanno guadagnato milioni di euro in cariche inutili e consulenti, clienti che hanno preso i soldi in prestito senza restituirli alla banca,...
Cover of Difendersi dalle banche

Difendersi dalle banche

Titoli di credito, usura, cattivi pagatori, banche dati, cancellazione elementi pregiudizievoli e protesti

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 10, 2015

La banca è l’usurario più diffuso: usa i mutui, ipotecari o chirografari (senza alcuna garanzia reale), gli scoperti di conto corrente, i leasing. Difendersi dai tassi usurari applicati da alcune banche si può. Non è semplice, perché è complicato il meccanismo utilizzato per camuffarli, ma...
Cover of Altreconomia 163 - Settembre 2014

Altreconomia 163 - Settembre 2014

Come cambia la cooperazione - La nuova legge, il ruolo dei privati e il nodo delle risorse

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 29, 2014

Altreconomia dedica la copertina del numero di settembre alla cooperazione allo sviluppo: l'Italia destina all'aiuto pubblico allo sviluppo oltre 2,4 miliardi di euro, e il settore è stato "riformato" da una legge approvata prima dell'estate, che apre anche all'interno di soggetti privati,...
Cover of Altreconomia 181, aprile 2016

Altreconomia 181, aprile 2016

Città che si adattano

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Altreconomia dedica la copertina del numero 181 di aprile 2016 alle città resilienti. Lo fa attraverso un viaggio da Rotterdam a Copenhagen, tra i centri che si preparano al cambiamento climatico. Un curato approfondimento spiega poi chi sono e come operano i “comparatori” dell’assicurazione...
Cover of Der effektive Jahreszins nach Preisangabenverordnung
by Tolga Sezan
Language: German
Release Date: February 6, 2007

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich BWL - Bank, Börse, Versicherung, Note: 2,0, Hochschule Bochum, Veranstaltung: Finanzwirtschaft, 7 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1. Definition 1.1Nominalzins Nominalzins ist der auf den Nennwert bezogene Ertrag eines Wertpapiers...
Cover of Effective Government Accounting
by A. Premchand
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 1995

This book, by A. Premchand, seeks to bridge fiscal economics and government accounting. It examines historical developments, ingredients of existing systems, features of accounting standards, and other issues that governments must address to perform their tasks economically and efficiently. Readers gain...
Cover of Regulation of the EU Financial Markets
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2017

This book provides a comprehensive and expert examination of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, which comes into force in January 2018 and will have a major impact on investment firms and financial markets. It offers detailed guidance on interpretation of MiFID II, its measure and...
Cover of Payment Systems, Monetary Policy and the Role of the Central Bank
by Omotunde Mr. Johnson, Jean-Marc Mr. Destresse, Nicholas Mr. Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 1998

A payment system encompasses a set of instruments and means generally acceptable in making payments; the institutional and organizational framework governing such payments, including prudential regulation; and the operating procedures and communications network used to initiate and transmit payment information...
Cover of Liability of Asset Managers
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2012

Given the international nature of the asset management industry, lawyers representing investors, asset managers, and regulators are often confronted with asset management agreements governed by foreign law. This book provides the necessary points of law and practice in the leading jurisdictions allowing...
Cover of Collective Investment Schemes in Luxembourg
by Claude Kremer, Isabelle Lebbe, Denise Kinsella
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2014

This book is the only analysis of the legal regime governing collective investments in the important financial centre of Luxembourg. Written by expert practitioners from a leading funds practice, it provides a detailed, comprehensive, and practical account of the regulation and operation of investment...
Cover of Market Abuse Regulation

Market Abuse Regulation

Commentary and Annotated Guide

Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

This book analyses the European market abuse regime contained in the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and related directives and regulations. Written by leading scholars in the field of capital market law from a number of European jurisdictions, the book is divided into two main parts. The first consists...
Cover of Der Höhenflug des Goldpreises - Empirische Analyse und ökonomische Hintergründe
by Daniel Börner
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2008

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Bank, Börse, Versicherung, Note: 2, Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 9 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In den vergangenen sieben Jahren konnte bei der Entwicklung des Goldpreises nur eine Richtung beobachtet werden....
Cover of Blockchain - A Comprehensive Introduction For Mastering Blockchain
by Jeffrey Miller
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2018

Do you finally want to understand what a Blockchain is and how it works? Are you aware of the amazing measures that come with this virtually impregnable security feature? For decades computer scientists have been creating defenses against hackers and for decades hackers have been overcoming...
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