Finance Investing category: 13468 books

Cover of 行為投資金律:現賺4%行為差距紅利,打敗90%資產管理專家的行為獲利法則


The Laws of Wealth: Psychology and the secret to investing success

by 丹尼爾.克羅斯比
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 5, 2019

實踐穩定獲利、不做蠢事的第一個金律,就是擺脫自己。 本書將Step by Step幫助你重塑投資行為, 現賺4%行為差距紅利,並建立簡單有效的風險規避策略 AXION年度商業書「金獎」 全球Amazon財經讀者共感推薦──★★★★★ 「行為金融學結合個人投資理財的代表作!」 【價值投資與趨勢交易者必讀】 完整揭露:20個扭轉投資績效的行為校準模型 如果你曾遇過以下進出股市的困境, 本書將擔任你投資生涯中第一個行為教練: ●對投資「風險性資產」缺乏心理準備,總是追高殺低、頻繁交易卻瞎忙一場。 ●身為資訊不對稱的散戶,總是靠著小道消息買賣股票,交易毫無章法可言。 ●對專家所謂的「資金與風險控管」懵懵懂懂,經常小賺就跑、虧錢死抱。 ●努力追求投資聖杯的「神祕知識」,跟過的股市老師一個換過一個。 ●認同葛拉漢、巴菲特、科斯托蘭尼等大師的投資心法,筆記本上畫滿重點,但等到自己實際進場時,卻總是心跳加速,將策略拋諸腦後。 本書針對金融市場參與者的行為落差, 提出能具體「實踐穩定獲利」與「規避風險」的方法論 即便是一個初入市場的新手,也知道投資必須要買低賣高、要順勢操作、要在別人恐懼時貪婪……但問題是:我們就是無法克制自己一再做出那些「反其道而行」的愚蠢決策。 行為金融學權威、《紐約時報》暢銷作家克羅斯比博士,將在這本熱銷全球的著作中告訴你:並不是你所學的交易技巧有問題,而是因為你忽視了「行為風險」帶給我們的危害,更缺少一套讓獲利機率最大化的「行為程序框架」。 表現出良好投資行為之所以困難,是因為即便你非常理解這些原則的重要性,人的本能卻經常使我們做出與之相違背的舉動。而本書所謂的「行為投資金律」,以及各種易於在實戰中有效運用的方法論,目的就是幫助讀者抵抗這樣的誘惑,並進一步利用與對手的行為差距,找到獲利機會。 透過這位強大的行為投資教練,你將學到: ▋自主管理10大行為投資金律 如何執行正確的行為,並為自己賺取因為行為差距所帶來至少4%的獲利? 在此之前,你必須學習一致性、耐心和自我否定的Know-how,而這些恰恰是人類最不具備的特質。 ▋建立打敗90%專家的行為投資組合 如何將前述的10大行為投資金律,結合風險管理模型,百分之百地運用在實戰之中?幫助你省去不斷試錯的龐大成本。 ▋Step...
Cover of Money Lessons For All Ages
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Learn How Helping Others Benefits You And How You Can Begin Accomplishing Powerful Goals In The Process! Money management is an art. Sadly, it is becoming a lost art. We are becoming poorer each day just because we cannot manage the resources that we have so painstakingly accumulated. We don't know...
Cover of The Great Mutual Fund Trap

The Great Mutual Fund Trap

How Americans Are Losing Billions to the Mutual Fund and Brokerage Industries-- and How You Can Earn More with Less Risk

by Gregory Baer, Gary Gensler
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2002

Convinced that your star mutual fund manager will help you beat the market? Eager to hear the latest stock picking advice on CNBC? FORGET ABOUT IT! The Great Mutual Fund Trap shows that the average mutual fund consistently underperforms the market, and that strategies for picking above-average funds...
Cover of How Would Have a Low-Cost Index Fund Approach Worked During the Great Depression?
by Dale Maley
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2013

Many of us have recently lived through the Tech Wreck of 2000 and the Sub-Prime Crash of 2008. The stock market declines of the Great Depression dwarf our two recent events. This short story explores what would have happened if you would have applied a low-cost index fund approach to investing during...
Cover of All About Exchange-Traded Funds
by Scott Frush
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2011

BUILD A SOLID, PROFITABLE PORTFOLIO WITH TODAY’S HOT TEST FUNDS All About Exchange-Traded Funds delivers everything you need to know about ETFs—from A to Z. It begins with an overview of the history of ETFs before moving on to important-to-know topics, such as regulatory essentials, the...
Cover of Day Trading Crash Course

Day Trading Crash Course

Trading, Investing, Forex, Options, Day Trading, #5

by Ken McLinton
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

This book, "Day Trading: Crash Course To Learn The Basics Of Trading Securities Within The Same Day. Proven Methods" is written for the person that is a beginner trader and needs to know the basic strategies and tips on day trading. In this book we teach you: The Basics of the Stock Market...
Cover of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Active Trading

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Active Trading

Turn High Volume into Cash in Today’s Market

by Ken Little
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2008

The smart way to succeed in electronic trading. There is money to be made in active electronic trading, if investors know the rules of the game and the right investing strategies. This guide includes all the information nonprofessional traders need to be successful at day trading stocks in...
Cover of The Unbiased Advisor

The Unbiased Advisor

101 Ways To Avoid Costly Investment Mistakes, Make More Money, and Achieve Financial Health

by Warren Mackenzie
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2010

More than ever, Canadians must rely on their investment decisions to determine their families’ security and ensure their retirement. But how many investors are actually receiving unbiased, easily understandable and practical advice on their investments? Are they selecting the right level of risk?...
Cover of Property vs Shares

Property vs Shares

Discover Your Knockout Investment Strategy

by Peter Koulizos, Zac Zacharia
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2013

A comparison of property versus shares and how to find the right mix for a profitable portfolio Almost every investor eventually considers the question: which is the better investment, property or shares? The answer isn't as simple as one or the other, since both asset classes offer different...
Cover of The Investor's Guidebook to Equities

The Investor's Guidebook to Equities

Equity Pricing, Trading, and Investing

by Stuart R. Veale
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2014

A concise, yet comprehensive, guidebook to understanding equity investments. This authoritative guide provides all the information that both the professional and individual investor will need to succeed in today’s equity market, including: • The role that equities play in a company's...
Cover of Learn Financial Terms for Stock Selection Criteria and Stock Screening Before Trading

Learn Financial Terms for Stock Selection Criteria and Stock Screening Before Trading

With the assistance of this book, the reader can increase the odds in his or her favor to win or profit in the stock markets.

by Pimarn Charn
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2016

Need to know financial terms to be successful in screening and trading stocks This book covers the financial terms used to select stock before trading and investing.  All significant financial terms are explained in plain and simple language.  The readers will increase the odds in...
Cover of Blockchain: The Revolutionary Technology Behind Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum For Beginners & Smart Contracts
by J.F. Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2018

Blockchain: The Revolutionary Technology Behind Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum For Beginners & Smart Contracts Allow me to congratulate you for the step you have taken to download the book, "Blockchain: The Revolutionary Technology Behind Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum...
Cover of 99 Lessons for Profitable Stock Trading Success
by Wong Yee
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2013

Dare to venture into the stock market? In a surging bull market, it is not a professional game. Share prices are rising so fast that practically everybody makes money. However, in a bear market, it is indeed a professional game — a case of the big investors winning at the expense of the small retail...
Cover of How to Make Money in Stocks Getting Started and Success Stories EBOOK BUNDLE
by Amy Smith, Matthew Galgani
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2013

How to Make Money in Stocks Getting Started Through both bull and bear markets, Investor’s Business Daily’s CAN SLIM® Investment System has consistently been the #1 growth strategy, according to the American Association of Individual Investors. How to Make Money in Stocks—Getting Started shows...
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