History Criticism category: 15616 books

Cover of Philosophies of Defeat

Philosophies of Defeat

The Jargon of Finitude

by Bruno Bosteels
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2021

How radical thought has internalized the experience of defeat A rising star of contemporary critical theory offers an expansive critique on a prominent tradition of thought, 'the jargon of finitude.' Associated with Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida, over the past few decades this tradition...
Cover of Transcending Greedy Money

Transcending Greedy Money

Interreligious Solidarity for Just Relations

by U. Duchrow, F. Hinkelammert
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2012

This major work offers an historical description and systematic analysis of the root causes of this global economic crisis, which the authors understand as a crisis of western civilization, and provides a comprehensive solution based on theological social justice.
Cover of Il pesce e la pietra

Il pesce e la pietra

Psicoanalisi dei fenomeni religiosi

by Niccolò Cappelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 27, 2013

Il confronto tra psicoanalisi e spiritualità è una tematica che fin dai suoi esordi ha impegnato e appassionato gli specialisti di quella che Freud definì scienza dell’inconscio. Attraverso una rivisitazione ad ampio respiro delle opere di autori dell’importanza di Jung, Fromm, Hillman e ovviamente...
Cover of Negotiating Clerical Identities

Negotiating Clerical Identities

Priests, Monks and Masculinity in the Middle Ages

Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2010

Clerics in the Middle Ages were subjected to differing ideals of masculinity, both from within the Church and from lay society. The historians in this volume interrogate the meaning of masculine identity for the medieval clergy, by considering a wide range of sources, time periods and geographical contexts.
Cover of Nietzsche e la costruzione del superuomo

Nietzsche e la costruzione del superuomo

Controstoria della filosofia VII

by Michel Onfray
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 26, 2014

Il XIX è stato il secolo delle Masse e degli Individui: del movimento operaio e dei capitani d’industria, dei rivoluzionari e dei dandy, di Bakunin e Oscar Wilde, di Marx e Baudelaire. Ma è stato anche il secolo di Friedrich Nietzsche: l’epoca della morte di Dio e della nascita del Superuomo....
Cover of Pensare l'Islam

Pensare l'Islam

Un libro spregiudicato sulla religione, il terrorismo e le responsabilità dell'Occidente

by Michel Onfray
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 4, 2016

«Il ciclone Michel Onfray continua a scuotere il mondo della cultura francese.» La Repubblica «Michel Onfray, spirito libero e libertario, uno dei maggiori filosofi contemporanei francesi, è al centro di una polemica a 360 gradi, nel mirino (come sempre) anche della sinistra “ufficiale”.» La...
Cover of The Bioarchaeology of Virginia Burial Mounds
by Debra L. Gold
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2009

A long-ignored prehistoric moundbuilding people. By the 14th century more than a dozen accretional burial mounds—reaching heights of 12 to 15 feet—marked the floodplains of interior Virginia. Today, none of these mounds built by the nearly forgotten Monacan Indians remain on the landscape,...
Cover of Martin Heidegger on Technology, Ecology, and the Arts
by A. Lack
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2014

Lack begins with a discussion of Max Weber's analysis of the disenchantment of the world and proceeds to develop Heidegger's philosophy in a way that suggests a "re-enchantment" of the world that faces the modern condition squarely, without nostalgia.
Cover of Heidegger: A Very Short Introduction
by Michael Inwood
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2019

Martin Heidegger, considered by some to be the greatest charlatan ever to claim the title of 'philosopher', by some as an apologist for Nazism, and by others as an acknowledged leader in continental philosophy, is probably the most divisive thinker of the twentieth century. In the second edition of...
Cover of Gerda Walther’s Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

This book explores the philosophical writings of Gerda Walther (1897–1977). It features essays that recover large parts of Walther’s oeuvre in order to show her contribution to phenomenology and philosophy. In addition, the volume contains an English translation of part of her major...
Cover of Dialectique


Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: March 20, 2017

Partez à la découverte de la dialectique avec ce Grand Article Universalis ! Le terme « dialectique » dérive du mot composé grec διαλ́εγειν (dialegein), qui indique dès le départ que son sens n'est pas simple. La signification la plus courante de λ́εγειν, c'est « parler...
Cover of The Great Perhaps

The Great Perhaps

God as a Question

by Burton F. Porter
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2015

God created man in his own image; but did man perhaps return the compliment? The question of God's existence has been a pivotal issue for every civilization. Those with faith in God want assurance that their belief is justified, and atheists want confirmation that God is nowhere to be found. When...
Cover of The Concealed Influence of Custom

The Concealed Influence of Custom

Hume's Treatise from the Inside Out

by Jay L. Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2019

Jay L. Garfield defends two exegetical theses regarding Hume's Treatise on Human Nature. The first is that Book II is the theoretical foundation of the Treatise. Second, Garfield argues that we cannot understand Hume's project without an appreciation of his own understanding of custom, and in particular,...
Cover of L'Essence de la philosophie
by Ivan Gobry
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1993

À l’heure où tous les candidats au baccalauréat révèlent une incapacité à comprendre les grands problèmes et les œuvres de ceux qui ont tenté de les résoudre, on ne peut que se poser la question : la philosophie est-elle un savoir, dont la nature s’apprend ? Ou n’est-elle pas plutôt une expérience intime des plus hautes vérités, qui défie la formulation scolaire ?
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