Special Needs category: 986 books

Cover of Doing Life Together
by Debbie Lillo
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2017

Many churches have very active Disability Ministries.  However, most of the ministry takes place on Sunday mornings.   But what happens to families affected by disability between noon on Sunday and 9:00 AM the next Sunday?   That period of time is when the “messiness” of life with a disability...
Cover of Vivere al buio
by Mauro Marcantoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Tentare di immaginare come potrebbe essere una vita al buio non è facile. Provare a tenere gli occhi chiusi per qualche minuto, oppure per qualche ora, non basta: essere ciechi è cosa diversa da non vedere.Avere davanti qualcuno che non ci vede, parlarci, ci turba. Immersi come siamo nella cultura...
Cover of Un sourire dans la nuit

Un sourire dans la nuit

Une réflexion sur la trisomie

by Bernard De Traux De Wardin
Language: French
Release Date: July 9, 2015

La naissance d'un enfant « différent » est un évènement qui plonge dans l'incertitude et la peur de l'avenir. Nous sommes tous si mal préparés à faire face au handicap, à l'enfant qui « ne sera pas comme les autres ». A la naissance de Nanou, Bernard et Wendy ont vécu intensément cette impression...
Cover of Early Intervention and Autism

Early Intervention and Autism

Real-Life Questions, Real-Life Answers

by Jim Ball
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Gold Winner in the 2009 National Parenting Publications Awards Finalist in the 2008 ForeWord Book of the Year Awards! Gold Award Winner in the 2009 Independent Publisher Book Award! Leave behind confusing textbooks and unreliable websites. This book will guide you through your child’s early years...
Cover of Malina's FARM Adventure
by Keith Fechtman
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2018

STRUGGLING WITH DYSLEXIA as a child and failing out of multiple spelling bees, I wrote this book to let parents and children know that it is okay to struggle with this. Join Malina on her adventure through the farm! Malina loves coming up with names for all the amazing animals while learning fun facts about these incredible creatures.
Cover of Jacob’S Adventure

Jacob’S Adventure

On the Playground

by Cheryl L. Rich
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2015

Jacobs Adventure follows Jacob, a special little boy, around a playground. It shows you how someone who has struggled his entire life to do the simplest of things. You see Jacob was born one pound six ounces and hooked on cocaine, but this has not stopped this tough little boy from fighting to learn new things.
Cover of Lese- und Rechtschreibstörungen
by Karin Schleider
Language: German
Release Date: May 20, 2009

In leicht verständlicher Form erklärt die Autorin die Symptomatik, Klassifikation und Epidemiologie von Lese-Rechtschreibstörungen. Neben Fragen nach Methoden der Diagnostik werden Möglichkeiten der Prävention und Intervention bei Lese-Rechtschreibstörungen ebenso thematisiert wie Fragen nach...
Cover of ADHS
by Caterina Gawrilow
Language: German
Release Date: September 16, 2009

Die Autorin gibt einen fundierten Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) und beschreibt die drei Kernsymptome Unaufmerksamkeit, Hyperaktivität und Impulsivität. Diagnostik, Verlauf über die Lebensspanne und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten sind weitere Schwerpunkte.
Cover of Hochbegabung
by Albert Ziegler
Language: German
Release Date: November 19, 2008

Das Buch bietet Studierenden einen umfassenden und praxisrelevanten Forschungsüberblick über das Phänomen der Hochbegabung: von der Begriffsklärung über Merkmale von Hochbegabung - differenziert nach Begabungsbereichen - und verschiedene Erklärungsmodelle bis hin zu Förder- und Beratungsmöglichkeiten....
Cover of La supereroina Sandy e il cacciatore Mellito
by Luana Cacciatore
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 11, 2015

"La supereroina Sandy e il cacciatore Mellito" è una favola creata come strumento di educazione terapeutica per i bambini affetti da diabete. La favola, attraverso un linguaggio semplice e immagini colorate, si presta a letture educative e progetti che coinvolgono i bambini che scoprono...
Cover of Mon enfant est dyslexique

Mon enfant est dyslexique

Pour mieux le comprendre et accompagner efficacement sa scolarité

by Anne-Marie Montarnal
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2015

Avoir un enfant dyslexique, c’est non seulement devoir apprendre à lui venir en aide dans le cadre de ses apprentissages, mais c’est aussi s’informer des démarches administratives à accomplir. Celles-ci sont nombreuses et parfois difficiles à mener, et les informations ne sont pas...
Cover of Tengo Autismo

Tengo Autismo

Pero El Autismo No Me Tiene a Mí

by Elda Reyes Castañón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 3, 2012

Autismo?.. Pero mi hijo est sano, brinca, corre, le encanta jugar, re mucho, es independiente, alegre y muy inteligente! Una noticia que no poda creer!. Es ste el caso de Elda Reyes Castan, la autora del presente relato de vida, en la etapa ms difcil: del proceso al diagnstico. En donde est la incertidumbre...
Cover of Brave Love

Brave Love

Making Space for You to Be You

by Lisa Leonard
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2019

Women today feel pressure to be the best wife, mom, and professional possible - often at the expense of their own identity. But what if you could experience deep peace - knowing you are loved right now, just as you are? In Brave Love, the founder of the multi-million dollar company Lisa Leonard...
Cover of Know the Night

Know the Night

A Memoir of Survival in the Small Hours

by Maria Mutch
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2014

A transcendent memoir by poet Maria Mutch about the distances that can form between people who should be the closest of all—husband and wife, parent and child, lifelong friends and partners. Unfolding over the witching hours between midnight and 6am, this moving and meditative book takes...
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