齊格蒙.包曼Zygmunt Bauman: 126 books

Book cover of This is not a Diary
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2013

This is not a diary: while these observations were recorded in autumn 2010 and spring 2011 in the form of dated entries, they are not a personal reflection but an attempt to capture signs of our times in their movement - possibly at birth, at a stage when they are still barely perceptible, and in...
Book cover of Globalization


The Human Consequences

by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2013

'Globalization' is a word that is currently much in use. This book is an attempt to show that there is far more to globalization than its surface manifestations. Unpacking the social roots and social consequences of globalizing processes, this book disperses some of the mist that surrounds the term. Alongside...
Book cover of Globalization


Education Research, Change and Reform

by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2005

From the streets of Seattle to corporate boardrooms to new factories in third-world nations, globalization is subject to very different and often explosively divergent interpretations. Where some see globalization as driving poor countries into further poverty, others see it as the path to economic...
Book cover of Intimations of Postmodernity
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2003

This thoughtful and illuminating book provides a major statement on the meaning and importance of postmodernity.
Book cover of Retrotopía
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Hace tiempo que perdimos la fe en la idea de que las personas podríamos alcanzar la felicidad humana en un estado futuro ideal, un estado que Tomás Moro, cinco siglos atrás, vinculó a un topos, un lugar fijo, un Estado soberano regido por un gobernante sabio y benévolo. Pero, aunque hayamos perdido...
Book cover of Violence


Humans in Dark Times

by Brad Evans, Natasha Lennard, Simon Critchley
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2018

There are a number of anthologies on violence, but none exist as presented in this conversational interview format, which provides a meaningful and sophisticated introduction into the most cutting-edge thinking on the problem of violence in the contemporary world. The market for this book includes...
Book cover of Liquid Life
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2013

'Liquid life’ is the kind of life commonly lived in our contemporary, liquid-modern society. Liquid life cannot stay on course, as liquid-modern society cannot keep its shape for long. Liquid life is a precarious life, lived under conditions of constant uncertainty. The most acute and stubborn...
Book cover of Thinking Sociologically
by Zygmunt Bauman, Tim May
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2019

Widely acclaimed insight on the human condition, updated to view modern issues through a sociological lens Now in its third edition, Thinking Sociologically continues to offer a stimulating exploration of the underlying assumptions and tacit expectations which structure our view of the world....
Book cover of Retrotopia
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 7, 2017

Abbiamo invertito la rotta e navighiamo a ritroso. Abbiamo invertito la rotta e navighiamo a ritroso. Il futuro è finito alla gogna e il passato è stato spostato tra i crediti, rivalutato, a torto o a ragione, come spazio in cui le speranze non sono ancora screditate. Sono gli anni della...
Book cover of 液態現代性
by 齊格蒙.包曼(Zygmunt Bauman)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 4, 2018

一切堅固的事物都煙消雲散了。 在宛如流水般不斷變動的城市裡,我們四處游移,不知何去何從…… 從現代到後現代 為兩個世紀把脈的思想家 當代社會學大師包曼 剖析後現代社會經典之作 政治大學社會學系特聘教授 黃厚銘 專文導讀 本書為社會學大師齊格蒙.包曼的代表作,是其晚年思想的核心源頭, 更是後現代研究中自成一家之言的經典。 他運用「固態/液態」的概念,取代既有的「現代/後現代」區分, 並從五個基本概念著手:解放、個體性、時間/空間、工作,共同體, 試圖理解並診斷當代的社會文化。 包曼認為,當今社會最重要的特質,就是「液態」。 以前強調固態靜止的空間占據,現在是流動輕盈的時間至上; 舊有資本主義的大工廠式、持久耐用的商品被屏棄, 現在創造利潤的是輕薄短小、可高速流動傾銷更替的商品。 游牧式菁英掌控了固定人群,掌握移動方式取代據地為王, 成為新的權力工具。在快速變化的全球化社會,個體從長久穩定的共同體中解放, 社會地位不斷流動,多重身分快速切換,親密關係脆弱易碎, 個人的不確定感與不安感也隨之加深。面對如此困境與機遇, 如何省視個人主義不斷深化下流動個體的道德責任,成為包曼關心的焦點。 他經歷了整個...
Book cover of Estado de crisis
by Zygmunt Bauman, Carlo Bordoni
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 12, 2016

Hoy en día la crisis está en boca de todos y son frecuentes las comparaciones con la Gran Depresión de la década de 1930, pero hay una diferencia crucial entre ellas: y es que, en la actualidad, ya no confiamos en la capacidad del estado para resolverla y trazar un rumbo nuevo que nos haga salir...
Book cover of Vida de consumo
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 3, 2012

Después de sus aportaciones a la sociología contemporánea, mediante las cuales este destacado investigador ha definido las inestabilidades de las relaciones humanas y de los propios individuos como "la modernidad líquida", el autor nos entrega esta crítica de la cultura del consumo...
Book cover of En busca de la política
by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 5, 2016

Estudio que proporciona un amplio panorama del mundo globalizado caracterizado por la incertidumbre y en donde la "sociabilidad", se halla en un vacío en busca de un objetivo tangible, y que asegura que se carece de vías de canalización estables, ya que no existe una forma fácil de traducir...
Book cover of Il secolo degli spettatori

Il secolo degli spettatori

Il dilemma globale della sofferenza umana

by Zygmunt Bauman
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

«Spesso desideriamo aiutare le vittime, sebbene raramente andiamo oltre l’invio di un assegno e la dettatura del numero della nostra carta di credito all’indirizzo dell’agenzia caritativa che è impresso sullo schermo. Quasi mai l’impegno va abbastanza oltre da colpire le radici del male»....
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