Aimard Gustave: 318 books

Book cover of The Guide of the Desert
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Loading in the environs of Barbara Bay, Cape Horn, I was surprised, with two companions, by the Patagonians, and made prisoner. I had the pain of witnessing from the cliffs the departure of the whaler on board of which I had entered at Havre as harpooner. It was with a deep pang of grief, and eyes bathed...
Book cover of The Flying Horseman
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2014

Book cover of The Red River Half-Breed: A Tale of the Wild North-West
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2017

Excerpt: We stand on the loftiest peak of the Big Wind River Mountains, that highest and longest chain of the Northern Rockies, a chaos of granite fifteen thousand feet towards the firmament from the sea. Around us the lesser pinnacles hold up heads as fantastic in shape as an Indian's plumed for...
Book cover of The Flying Horseman
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2014

We left the Marchioness de Castelmelhor and her daughter Eva prisoners of the Pincheyra.[1] Thanks to the presence of the strangers in the camp, no one came to trouble the solitude of the captives. Towards the evening they were warned by a somewhat brief message to make all their preparations, so...
Book cover of The Pearl of the Andes: A Tale of Love and Adventure
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

While Doña Rosario effected her escape by the assistance of Curumilla, as recorded in the "Adventurers," Don Tadeo was not long in regaining his senses. On opening his eyes he cast a bewildered look around him, but as soon as memory threw light into his brain, he let his head sink into his hands, and...
Book cover of The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican War
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

The story begins on May 5, 1805, in one of the wildest and most abrupt portions of New Spain, which now forms the State of Coahuila, belonging to the Mexican Confederation. If the reader will have the kindness to take a glance at a numerous cavalcade, which is debouching from a canyon and scaling at...
Book cover of The Gold-Seekers: A Tale of California
by Gustave Aimard & Lascelles Wraxall
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

On the 5th of July, 184-, at about six in the evening, a party of well-mounted horsemen started at a gallop from Guadalajara, the capital of the state of Jalisco, and proceeded along the road that traverses the village of Zapopan, celebrated for its miraculous virgin. After crossing the escarped summits...
Book cover of The Freebooters: A Story of the Texan War
by Gustave Aimard
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

All the wood rangers have noticed, with reference to the immense virgin forests which still cover a considerable extent of the soil of the New World, that, to the man who attempts to penetrate into one of these mysterious retreats which the hand of man has not yet deformed, and which preserve intact...
Book cover of Les Rois de l'océan

Les Rois de l'océan


by Gustave Aimard
Language: French
Release Date: May 11, 2016

Extrait : "Nous avons abandonné l'Olonnais, au moment où, grâce à l'appui qui lui avait prêté Vent-en-Panne, il avait réussi à délivrer la duchesse de la Torre et sa fille des mains des Espagnols. Les deux dames s'étaient évanouies ; la duchesse, soulevée dans les bras robustes de Pitrians,...
Book cover of Des nouvelles de France
by Marguerite Audoux, Gaston Leroux, Gustave Aimard
Language: French
Release Date: May 26, 2014

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique, a été relu et corrigé. Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Ce livre comporte plusieurs nouvelles, voici les nouvelles : Fin moka Ce que je sais de lui Les trois souhaits La hache d’or La tour des hiboux Une...
Book cover of Les Rôdeurs de frontières
by Gustave Aimard
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

Les immenses forêts vierges qui couvraient le sol de l’Amérique septentrionale tendent de plus en plus à disparaître sous les coups pressés des haches des squatters et des pionniers américains dont l’insatiable activité recule de plus en plus vers...
Book cover of La Tour des hiboux
by Gustave Aimard
Language: French
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Dans un banquet, quand vient son tour de raconter un fait marquant dans sa vie, un officier choisit de raconter une mésaventure qui lui est arrivée en Espagne : A la fin d'une soirée au cours de laquelle il a rencontré un ancien brigand, il décide, contre l'avis de son hôte, de rentrer chez...
Book cover of Les Peaux-Rouges de Paris
Language: French
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Extrait : Avant de commencer notre récit, disons d’abord quelques mots sur le pays où vont se dérouler les scènes qui en forment pour ainsi dire le prologue. Les départements situés sur le versant nord des Pyrénées, et...
Book cover of Les Chasseurs d'abeilles
Language: French
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Extrait : Depuis la découverte des riches placeres de la Californie et de la rivière Frazer, l’Amérique septentrionale est entrée dans une ère de transformationtellement active, la civilisation a si bien marché à pas de géant...
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