Andy Maslen: 6 books

Book cover of Write to Sell

Write to Sell

The ultimate guide to great copywriting

by Andy Maslen
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2010

Write to Sell is a concise, inspirational and practical guide to creating words and copy that will help you to sell, sell, sell! Now fully updated, this bestselling book is aimed at anyone (from small and large companies) who needs to write sales copy (emails, letters, brochures, proposals, bid documents,...
Book cover of 100 Great Copywriting Ideas

100 Great Copywriting Ideas

From leading companies around the world

by Andy Maslen
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2009

Are you looking for a great idea or some inspiration to make your marketing and sales literature more effective and cutting edge? Do you need words to move and inspire your employees, shareholders or customers? Words are powerful in any business, but only if you use and implement them in the right...
Book cover of The Copywriting Sourcebook

The Copywriting Sourcebook

How to write better copy, faster for everything from ads to websites

by Andy Maslen
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2009

It’s OK knowing the theory, but when it’s 9am and you have just been given until lunchtime to write some copy for a new sales email, landing page, press ad or brochure, what you really need is a shortcut. This book takes the grind out of planning and writing almost any type of copy by providing step-by-step...
Book cover of More Great Ideas a Day

More Great Ideas a Day

365 more business ideas for each day of the year

by Jim Blythe, Patrick Forsyth, Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Are you looking for a great idea or some inspiration to make your business more effective and cutting edge? Do you need to motivate and inspire your employees, shareholders or customers? Do you need to turbocharge your career? Do you want to do things differently? By starting each day with a new idea,...
Book cover of 超好賣的文案銷售術:洞悉消費心理,業務行銷、社群小編、網路寫手必備的銷售寫作指南
by 安迪.麥斯蘭(Andy Maslen)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 13, 2017

★★★本書為《寫出銷售力》改版★★★ 如何光憑文字,就說服別人購買你的產品? 「超好賣」的文案,看起來是什麼樣子?聽起來是什麼樣子? 今天,成年人的專注力只有8秒鐘;人們每天被無數的資訊轟炸; 千百萬人夜不成眠,只為一句好文案。 這是壞消息,也是好消息。 你的文案只要比別人好一點,你就有機會了。 先搞清楚「文案」是什麼? 文案就是利用文字的力量,改變別人的行為,或促使別人去做你想要他們做的事。 因此,這本書中的「文案」、「銷售寫作」,包括利用你的寫作來銷售產品、獲取利益、在業界取得領先地位、贏得團隊的共識、向上司爭取加薪或升遷機會等等。 一開始作者就強調:要了解你的讀者,而非只了解你的產品。讀者總是想到他們自己,所以你要善用人類的「七大原罪」,思考如何運用在文案上: 傲慢(虛榮) 忌妒 爆食 淫慾 憤怒 貪婪 懶惰 利益(讀者獲得的好處)大於特性(產品性能)。利益才是成交關鍵,產品特性只是讀者購買的藉口。 閱讀本書,你將學到: ....
Book cover of Persuasive Copywriting

Persuasive Copywriting

Cut Through the Noise and Communicate With Impact

by Andy Maslen
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2019

Persuasive Copywriting*,* second edition, is the ultimate copywriting survival guide for the 21st century. With the majority of creative professionals developing their skills on the job, it is notoriously difficult to benchmark successful copy. This book provides a step up for those who already know...
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