Angus Buchan: 25 books

Book cover of It's Time (eBook)

It's Time (eBook)

A historic prayer meeting that influenced an entire nation

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2017

On 22 April 2017, an estimated one million people united in prayer for a nation in need of God. Gathering on a farm just outside of Bloemfontein, people from all walks of life united to pray for South Africa. What started out as a humble request to well-known evangelist Angus Buchan to bring a nation...
Book cover of Dit is tyd (eBoek)

Dit is tyd (eBoek)

'n Historiese gebedsbyeenkoms wat 'n hele nasie geraak het

by Angus Buchan
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: September 6, 2017

Op 22 April 2017 het ongeveer 1 miljoen mense op ’n plaas net buitekant Bloemfontein bymekaargekom om vir Suid-Afrika te bid. Wat begin het as ’n versoek aan die evangelis Angus Buchan het gegroei tot een van die grootste gebedsbyeenkomste in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika. DIT IS TYD vertel hoe...
Book cover of My Best Friend (eBook)

My Best Friend (eBook)

How to cherish your spouse and cultivate a fulfilling and Christ-honoring marriage

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2014

MY BEST FRIEND is the latest offering from the pen of well-known author and evangelist Angus Buchan. In it, Buchan shares his perspectives on marriage and how to appreciate and protect this God-given blessing. Angus draws from his own experiences of being a husband for over forty years as well as...
Book cover of A Harvest of Blessing (eBook)

A Harvest of Blessing (eBook)

Experience overflowing abundance from the hand of our generous God

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2017

How do you get that first seed of faith planted in your life to germinate and grow into a fruitful, faith-filled life? In A HARVEST OF BLESSING, well-known author and evangelist Angus Buchan helps readers to do just that. Each of the 366 devotions includes a Scripture verse, a thoughtful meditation...
Book cover of Die binnekamer (eBoek)

Die binnekamer (eBoek)

Kom vind innerlike krag by God vir 'n lewe van oorwinning

by Angus Buchan
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Om elke dag tyd te maak om stil te word voor God en ʼn spesiale plek daarvoor in te ruim, is baie belangrik, sê die bekende evangelis Angus Buchan in DIE BINNEKAMER. In hierdie heilige ruimte kan gelowiges onder andere: • stil by Jesus rus • God se stem hoor • die krag van die Woord ervaar •...
Book cover of Now Is The Time

Now Is The Time

A daily devotional

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2014

Here are readings for the full calendar year, with a Scripture passage for each day, a meditation and a prayer. Angus Buchan gave his life to Jesus on 18th February, 1979. Shortly afterwards a friend commented that there was something different in him: the old anger and aggression had been replaced...
Book cover of Is Jesus Enough? (eBook)
by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Is Jesus enough for you? Can you with absolute certainty say that He is? Or do you consider Him a kind of by-the-way add-on to your life – a nice-to-have, but not a necessity? In IS JESUS ENOUGH?, author and evangelist Angus Buchan raises readers’ awareness to the fact that Jesus needs to be their...
Book cover of Is Jesus genoeg? (eBoek)
by Angus Buchan
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Is Jesus genoeg vir jou? As jy die vraag moet beantwoord, kan jy met alle eerlikheid sê jy leef elke oomblik tot eer van God? Outeur en evangelis Angus Buchan fokus jou aandag in IS JESUS GENOEG? op die feit dat Jesus altyd jou hoofdoel moet bly – diens aan ander is ’n uitvloeisel hiervan. Hy raak...
Book cover of The Booth (eBook)

The Booth (eBook)

Finding quiet time in the presence of God

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2013

THE BOOTH, by renowned and beloved author and evangelist Angus Buchan, is a practical guide to having quiet time with God. It abounds with biblical and modern-day examples of men and women whom God has used to change the world – men and women who were disciplined in spending time in “the booth”...
Book cover of A Rushing Mighty Wind (eBook)
by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2013

Inspired by the miraculous events of the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles in the En-Gedi Desert near Jerusalem, comes A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND by Angus Buchan. With sharp attention to detail Buchan fervently testifies how he, together with 4,500 believers, experienced the reality of the Holy Spirit – the tangible...
Book cover of Conversations with God (eBook)

Conversations with God (eBook)

Prayers for fostering a deeper relationship with God

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2014

CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD is the latest offering from well-known author and evangelist Angus Buchan. Buchan shares his thoughts on one of the issues closest to his heart: getting back to basics and spending time with God in prayer. Featuring 40 themed prayers, each day includes specially chosen Scriptures,...
Book cover of Die krag van die Heilige Gees (eBoek)

Die krag van die Heilige Gees (eBoek)

Skielik was daar 'n geluid uit die hemel soos van 'n geweldige stormwind, en dit het die hele vertrek gevul waar hulle gesit het. Hand. 2:2

by Angus Buchan
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: May 15, 2013

DIE KRAG VAN DIE HEILIGE GEES deur Angus Buchan is geïnspireer deur die wonderbaarlike gebeure van 2012 se Fees van die Tabernakels in die En-Gedi-woestyn naby Jerusalem. Buchan getuig vurig hoe hy saam met 4 500 gelowiges die werklikheid van die Heilige Gees beleef het en hoe hy vir ewig daardeur verander...
Book cover of Starting the Journey (eBook)

Starting the Journey (eBook)

The most important decision that you can ever make

by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2014

The plain, undiluted Gospel of Jesus needs to be told, and it is the most important decision that one can ever make. In STARTING THE JOURNEY readers will discover that God loves them and has a perfect plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. In a simple and conversational style Angus Buchan explains the...
Book cover of Peace in His Presence (eBook)
by Angus Buchan
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2016

“If I can only have a moment of peace. Just an hour or two with no worries, no cares, no troubles … just peace and quiet.” We’ve all felt like this at one point or another. When our schedules are packed and everything just seems to go wrong, all we want to do is run away. But we seldom can. Peace...
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