Ash: 487 books

Book cover of Aftermath of Armageddon

Aftermath of Armageddon

FirstWorld Saga, #2

by Christopher Jackson-Ash
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2014

 “If the radiance of a thousand suns Were to burst at once into the sky That would be like the splendour of the Mighty one … I am become Death, The shatterer of Worlds.” Bhagavad Gita Weylyn the Wolf has been defeated and Elannort saved. Simon Redhead has found his sword and begun to...
Book cover of Frostgrave: The Wizards’ Conclave
by Mr Joseph A. McCullough, Alessio Cavatore, Alex Buchel
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2019

Wizards tend to be secretive and solitary, rarely sharing their knowledge, and associating with only a select few apprentices, followers, and henchmen. It is rare that they spend time in the company of other spellcasters, and rarer still that they work together. Now, however, something is about to...
Book cover of 快成長時代


精實思維X牽引力指標X顧客產出率 打造快成長引擎

by 艾許‧莫瑞亞 Ash Maurya
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 31, 2017

☆釐清從0到1的加速邏輯,STEP by STEP圖解工具 ☆亞馬遜5顆星熱情推薦、創新成長必備手冊 ** ** 有了可行的商業模式,為何無法快速擴展規模? 你的顧客成長率如何?營收達到目標了嗎? 獲利、投資報酬率是不是也每天追著你跑? ** ** 新事業剛起步,千萬別只用營收、獲利作為指標 關注從使用者身上變現的速率,找到可重複擴展規模的商業模式, 事業才能倍速擴張!     新創從0到1的過程面對的問題與不確定,與既有企業從1到1萬的邏輯非常不同,營收、獲利、投資報酬率等傳統指標,並不適合評量新創事業的發展進度。這些數字在新創初期可能都接近零、甚至為負,可能誤導你為求數字而慌亂投入財務操作或短線方案,反而分散了資源。   ▎牽引力----新創事業最關鍵的指標,評量從使用者身上變現的速率   《快成長時代》融合精實創業思維、系統思考與科學方法,幫助創業家在事業發展的每個階段都能即時檢測組織的健康情況,並與利害關係人溝通,而且可以在發展不如預期時採取精確的改善行動,是新創事業成員不可或缺的實務參考書。 本書作者是知名新創加速器導師艾許‧莫瑞亞,不但是連續創業家,還是精實創業方法的積極提倡者,長期幫助創業家解決事業發展的困境。全書分為三大部分,並提供牽引力模型、顧客終身價值、十倍速成長的預測邏輯、顧客轉化工廠模式、避免局部優化陷阱等多種工具,你可以按部檢視、調整,在資源耗盡前找到可重複擴展規模的商業模式:   以牽引力指標作為衡量事業進展的標準,將模糊不清的商業模式目標化為具體明確的數字指標 找出商業模式參考標準,排定商業模式中最具風險的假設或限制的優先順序,加以調整 用精實衝刺行動,打破商業模式的限制   ▎三張關鍵圖示,幫助創業家將商業模式倍速成長   **顧客工廠模式圖:**了解訪客變成顧客的核心過程。 **學習循環圖:**掌握測試、學習、成果的關鍵。 **牽引力模式圖:**了解指數成長的重要性,設立分階段成長目標。     台灣大學國際企業系教授...
Book cover of Patent Your Idea
by Ash Tankha, Lynn Bout, Swaroop K.S.
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2011

'Patent Your Idea' is a collaboration of knowledge, experience and strategy on current patent law, drafting of patent applications, filing procedures, prior art searches, prosecution of patent applications, assignments and licensing of patents. The book contains sample patent drafts, responses to...
Book cover of Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

A Practical Guide For Hair Multiplication, Baldness Cure and Much More

by Scott Ash
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2013

The truth about hair transport, baldness cure, cure for baldness, hair multiplication and much more.
Book cover of Gluten Free

Gluten Free

Small Book Big Ideas

by ash bunsee
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2016

Read the eBook and learn the art of being truly gluten-free… In this, all inclusive, easy reading eBook, learn about the writer's life threatening, painfully acquired lessons on how to happily live life without wheat and gluten and enjoy it. Reading this eBook is like taking a crash course...
Book cover of Banking and Finance Collections
by Ash Lee
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 1984

A wide range of special librarians from banking, finance, and government provide descriptive accounts of their respective collections in this comprehensive volume. They provide an introduction to some of the major library and archival resources available to bankers, financiers, and investors, as well...
Book cover of China's Integration in Asia

China's Integration in Asia

Economic Security and Strategic Issues

by Robert Ash
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2013

A collection of authoritative papers on key issues for China's relations with other countries in the region in terms of trade, defence, regional development, energy security, and social, political and economic development.
Book cover of Travels with my Daughter
by Niema Ash
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2001

"You could say I had an unconventional upbringing. At the age of four, I was sharing my bedroom with Bob Dylan, and by the time I was fifteen, I had been taken out of school to go traveling and was smoking joints with my mother." Some may be shocked at the adventures mother and daughter...


Book cover of Of


by Nigel Ash
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

Even in death I heard the scrattle An orange bunch of oak leaves Tossed this way and that On the luke warm tarmac As I sat on a branch, Grounded. (bus stop)
Book cover of Poetic Stories
by Ash Shawwa
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2015

Throughout this book, many poetic stories depict love, hate, relationships, dreams, fantasy, and an opportunity to run away from reality into a good book
Book cover of Science/Fiction Collections

Science/Fiction Collections

Fantasy, Supernatural and Weird Tales

by Lee Ash
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2013

Science/Fiction Collections offers different views and attitudes toward Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature and descriptions of a variety of collections. Written during a time when Science Fiction and Fantasy writings had just gained widespread popularity, it offers suggestions and considerations for approaching any special collection dealing with a relatively new field.
Book cover of In the Wake of the Day
by John Ash
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2010

Istanbul-a place that is both exotic and familiar, spanning west and east, past and present-is fully explored in this collection of poetry that sketches out its many faces. Memories, cultures, and histories intersect in these poems that arch from imaginings of contemporary Turkey and trace back...
Book cover of Psychology's Territories

Psychology's Territories

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives From Different Disciplines

by Mitchell Ash, Thomas Sturm
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2007

What are the conceptual and practical territories of psychology? How have the boundaries of psychological thought, research and practice developed in history, and how might they be renegotiated today? This volume presents new approaches to these questions, resulting from a three-year collaboration among internationally known psychologists, neurosci
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