Christopher Lasch: 13 books

Book cover of La rivolta delle élite

La rivolta delle élite

Il tradimento della democrazia

by Christopher Lasch
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 6, 2017

Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1995, un anno dopo la morte del suo autore, La rivolta delle élite apparve subito come un libro fondamentale, capace di cogliere, più di qualsiasi testo di politologia, le ragioni profonde della crisi delle moderne democrazie liberali. «Anziché attenersi ai sondaggi»,...
Book cover of Il paradiso in terra

Il paradiso in terra

Il progresso e la sua critica

by Christopher Lasch
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 16, 2016

«Come può accadere che delle persone serie continuino a credere nel progresso, malgrado le importanti confutazioni che parevano aver liquidato una volta per tutte la validità di questa idea?» Muovendo da questo interrogativo, Christopher Lasch dà avvio in questo libro – vera e propria pietra...
Book cover of Women and the Common Life: Love, Marriage, and Feminism
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 1997

"Vintage Lasch.... One of the refreshments of reading him is that he states his beliefs outright."—Andrew Delbanco, New York Times Book Review Christopher Lasch has examined the role of women and the family in Western society throughout his career as a writer, thinker, and historian....
Book cover of The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 1996

"[A] passionate, compelling, and disturbing argument that the ills of democracy in the United States today arise from the default of its elites." —John Gray, New York Times Book Review (front-page review) In a front-page review in the Washington Post Book World, John Judis wrote:...
Book cover of L'io minimo
by Christopher Lasch
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2018

«La moderna deificazione della mera sopravvivenza… è senz’altro la tappa intellettuale più strana mai proposta da un uomo a un altro uomo». Nulla più di questa frase di William James, che compare in esergo alle pagine che seguono, spiega il contenuto proprio di quest’opera di Christopher...
Book cover of The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in An Age of Diminishing Expectations
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2018

The classic New York Times bestseller, with a new introduction by E.J. Dionne Jr. When The Culture of Narcissism was first published in 1979, Christopher Lasch was hailed as a “biblical prophet” (Time). Lasch’s identification of narcissism as not only an individual ailment but also a...
Book cover of The True and Only Heaven: Progress and Its Critics
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 1991

"A major and challenging work. . . . Provocative, and certain to be controversial. . . . Will add important new dimension to the continuing debate on the decline of liberalism." —William Julius Wilson, New York Times Book Review Can we continue to believe in progress? In this sobering...
Book cover of New Radicalism in America
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2013

Around the turn of the century, the American liberal tradition made a major shift away from politics. The new radicals were more interested in the reform of education, culture, and sexual mores. Through vivid biographies, Christopher Lasch chronicles these social reformers from Jane Addams, Mabel Dodge Luhan, and Lincoln Steffens to Norman Mailer and Dwight MacDonald.
Book cover of The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 1985

"Even more valuable than its widely praised predecessor, The Culture of Narcissism." —John W. Aldridge Faced with an escalating arms race, rising crime and terrorism, environmental deterioration, and long-term economic decline, people have retreated from commitments that presuppose...
Book cover of World of Nations
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2013

The world of nations is the world men have made, in contrast to the world of nature. Seeking to understand the civil society Americans have made, Christopher Lasch, author of The Agony of the American Left, reexamines the liberal and radical traditions in the United States and the limitations of both, along the way challenging a number of accepted interpretations of American history.
Book cover of The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 1991

When The Culture of Narcissism was first published, it was clear that Christopher Lasch had identified something important: what was happening to American society in the wake of the decline of the family over the last century. The book quickly became a bestseller. This edition includes a new afterword, "The Culture of Narcissism Revisited."
Book cover of The Agony of the American Left
by Christopher Lasch
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2013

Five long essays by an American historian, the author of The New Radicalism in America (1965). Under the rubric of "the collapse of mass-based radical movements," Lasch examines the decline of populism, the disintegration of the American socialist party, and the weaknesses of black nationalism....
Book cover of Rifugio in un mondo senza cuore
by Christopher Lasch
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 26, 2019

Attraverso la ricostruzione storica della nascita della moderna famiglia borghese, l’autore porta alla luce le contraddizioni di una società che si era illusa di liberarsi, attraverso la negazione, dell’importanza delle relazioni familiari. La crisi della famiglia nella “società edonistica”...
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