Cicero: 169 books

Book cover of De Imperio

De Imperio

An Extract 27-45

by Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2013

De Imperio Cn. Pompeii (in support of Pompey), or Pro Lege Manilia, (in favour of the Manilian law) was Cicero's first speech on public affairs. Delivered in 66 BC when Cicero was praetor, he argued in support of a proposal from Manilius, the tribune at that time, to extend Pompey's command in the...
Book cover of Cicero: Paradoxe der Stoiker

Cicero: Paradoxe der Stoiker

Philosophie, Ethik und Selbstdisziplin der Stoiker

by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: German
Release Date: August 7, 2017

Paradoxe der Stoiker (Paradoxa Stoicorum) ist der Titel einer kleinen philosophischen Schrift, die Cicero im Frühjahr 46 v. Chr. verfasste. Es ist eine Erörterung einiger der moralphilosophischen Lehrsätze, die von den Anhängern der Stoa als Paradoxa bezeichnet wurden, weil sie 'im Widerspruch...
Book cover of Gesammelte Werke von Cicero

Gesammelte Werke von Cicero

Von den Pflichten + Vom Redner + Paradoxe der Stoiker + Vom Schicksal + Sechs Bücher vom Staat + Reden gegen Verres + Von der Weissagung + Vom höchsten Gut und vom größten Übel

by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Diese Ausgabe der Werke von Cicero wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Dieses eBook ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut gegliedert. Cicero (106 v. Chr.-43 v. Chr.) war ein römischer Politiker, Anwalt, Schriftsteller...
Book cover of De Officiis

De Officiis

(English Edition)

by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Walter M. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2014

Example in this ebook   In the de Officiis we have, save for the latter Philippics, the great orator's last contribution to literature. The last, sad, troubled years of his busy life could not be given to his profession; and he turned his never-resting thoughts to the second love...
Book cover of The Republic and The Laws
by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2019

This work contains two of Cicero’s most important political writings, “The Republic” and “The Laws”. In “The Republic”, or “On the Commonwealth”, Cicero crafts a Socratic dialogue in six books on the subject of Roman politics. Cicero discusses the history of Roman politics and its...
Book cover of Cicero: On Duties
by Marcus Tullius Cicero, M. T. Griffin
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 1991

De Officiis (On Duties) was Cicero's last philosophical work. In it he made use of Greek thought to formulate the political and ethical values of Roman Republican society as he saw them, revealing incidentally a great deal about actual practice. Writing at a time of political crisis after the assassination...
Book cover of Treatises on Friendship and Old Age and Selected Letters
by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

In this collection we find two of Cicero’s philosophical treatises, "On Friendship" and "On Old Age". In Cicero’s treatise on friendship we learn of his belief that true friendship with someone is derived from complete honesty, truth and trust. Cicero placed a high value upon friendship and saw it...
Book cover of Political Speeches
by Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2006

'Two things alone I long for: first, that when I die I may leave the Roman people free...and second, that each person's fate may reflect the way he has behaved towards his country.' Cicero (106-43 BC) was the greatest orator of the ancient world and a leading politician of the closing era of the Roman...
Book cover of Defence Speeches
by Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2001

'But I must stop now. I can no longer speak for tears - and my client has ordered that tears are not to be used in his defence.' Cicero (106-43 BC) was the greatest orator of the ancient world: he dominated the Roman courts, usually appearing for the defence. His speeches are masterpieces of persuasion:...
Book cover of The Fourteen Orations (Philippics) of Cicero against Marcus Antonius
by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Based upon the speeches of Demosthenes, who delivered several attacks on Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC, The Fourteen Philippics, or fiery, damning speeches delivered to condemn a particular political actor, were made by Cicero in 44 and 43 BC. In these speeches Cicero seeks to publically...
Book cover of Cicero: Pro Marco Caelio
by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2013

Pro Marco Caelio is perhaps Cicero's best-loved speech and has long been regarded as one of the best surviving examples of Roman oratory. Speaking in defence of the young aristocrat Marcus Caelius Rufus on charges of political violence, Cicero scores his points with wit but also with searing invective...
Book cover of How to Be a Friend

How to Be a Friend

An Ancient Guide to True Friendship

by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2018

A splendid new translation of one of the greatest books on friendship ever written In a world where social media, online relationships, and relentless self-absorption threaten the very idea of deep and lasting friendships, the search for true friends is more important than ever. In this short...
Book cover of Cicero Letters to Atticus (Complete)
by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

The letters contained in this volume cover a large and important period in Cicero’s life and in the history of Rome. They begin when he was 38 years of age; and at first they are not very numerous. There are only two of that year (68 B.C.), six of the following year, one of the year 66, when he...
Book cover of Selected Letters
by Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2008

'How I wish that you had invited me to that most attractive feast on the Ides of March!' Cicero lived through some of the most turbulent years in the history of Rome, and witnessed at first-hand the overthrow of the republic and its replacement by a tyranny. His letters to friends and family are an...
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