D D Scott: 321 books

Book cover of Innovations in Higher Education

Innovations in Higher Education

Igniting the Spark for Success

by Linda L. Baer, David Bonsall, Jeff Bonsall
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2011

Rising costs and increasing global competition press institutions to do more with less. At the same time, deep budget cuts and a general social and political impatience have revived calls for reform in educational affordability, curriculum, and outcome measurement. Yet within this environment, a myriad...
Book cover of Commonplace Commitments

Commonplace Commitments

Thinking through the Legacy of Joseph P. Fell

by Kenneth L. Anderson, Scott D. Churchill, Vincent M. Colapietro
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Joseph P. Fell proposes that the solution to the problem of nihilism is found in the common experience of persons and the everyday commitments that one makes to people, practices, and institutions. In his landmark 1979 book Heidegger and Sartre, and in his subsequent essays, Fell describes a quiet...
Book cover of On New Shores

On New Shores

Understanding Immigrant Fathers in North America

by Carl F. Auerbach, James D. Bachmeier, John W. Berry
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2008

Over the past several decades, researchers as well as social policymakers and educators have acknowledged the importance that fathers play in their children's lives. A good deal of research on fathering has been conducted among Euro-American families in North America. However, our understanding of...
Book cover of Tibes


People, Power, and Ritual at the Center of the Cosmos

by Edwin Crespo-Torres, Lisa M. Stringer, L. Antonio Curet
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2009

The first comprehensive analysis of a strategically located ceremonial center on the island of Puerto Rico. The prehistoric civic-ceremonial center of Tibes is located on the southern coast of Puerto Rico, just north of the modern coastal city of Ponce. Protected on two sides by a river, and...
Book cover of A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament
by Richard Belcher, John D. Currid, William B. Fullilove
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2016

Read the Old Testament from a biblical-theological perspective. Featuring contributions from thirteen respected evangelical scholars, this gospel-centered introduction to the Old Testament will help anyone who teaches or studies Scripture to better see the initial outworking of God’s plan to redeem the world through Jesus Christ.
Book cover of Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education

Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education

Meeting the Needs of the Twenty-First Century Student and Modern Workplace

by Shawn Apostel, Mary Z. Ashlock, Carolyn Baum
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education: Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century Student and Modern Workplace presents a thorough consideration of the role, use, and implications of transformative and active instructional strategies in higher education. It examines the changing landscape...
Book cover of Learning from a Disaster

Learning from a Disaster

Improving Nuclear Safety and Security after Fukushima

by Scott D. Sagan, Edward D. Blandford
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2016

This book—the culmination of a truly collaborative international and highly interdisciplinary effort—brings together Japanese and American political scientists, nuclear engineers, historians, and physicists to examine the Fukushima accident from a new and broad perspective. It explains...
Book cover of Ask Your Gynecologist

Ask Your Gynecologist

Answers to Over 200 (Sometimes Embarrassing) Questions Women Ask through Every Age and Stage of Their Lives

by R. Scott Thornton, M.D., Kathleen Schramm
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

Ask Your Gynecologist was written for all of the women who cannot find the information they need to answer their questions about their bodies. Drs. Thornton and Schramm examine the most commonly asked questions and give valuable insight and advice about everything related to gynecology, including...
Book cover of Chinese Business Etiquette

Chinese Business Etiquette

A Guide to Protocol, Manners, and Culture in thePeople's Republic of China

by Scott D. Seligman
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2008

East-West business is booming as thousands of people flock to China. The author, with 25 years of experience dealing with the Chinese, provides up-to-date advice on how to succeed, avoid gaffes, interpret behaviour and make positive impressions.
Book cover of Fiction River: Time Streams

Fiction River: Time Streams

An Original Anthology Magazine

by Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Fiction River
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2013

Time-travel stories open the entire world and all of time to writers’ imaginations. The fifteen writers in this third original anthology in the Fiction River line explore everything from Chicago gangsters to Japanese tsunamis, and travel from 2013 to the nineteenth century to a vast future. Featuring...
Book cover of One Horn to Rule Them All

One Horn to Rule Them All

A Purple Unicorn Anthology

by Lisa Mangum, Todd McCaffrey, Peter S. Beagle
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2014

Unicorns, with their single ivory horn, are elusive and magical creatures of myth. Yet even more elusive are the purple unicorns. First sighted at the Superstars Writing Seminar, their legend has grown year after year until it could only be contained in this anthology. Nineteen storytellers,...
Book cover of The Complete Book of Birdhouse Construction for Woodworkers
by Scott D. Campbell
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2012

Here is a complete, down-to-the-last-detail guide for building attractive, sturdy, and genuinely inhabitable wooden birdhouses that will add a touch of natural beauty to garden, backyard, or anywhere else they are placed. Step-by-step instructions, clear diagrams, and many helpful illustrations and...
Book cover of The Moral Rights of Animals
by Tom Regan, Jeremy Garrett, Mylan Engel Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2016

Edited by Mylan Engel Jr. and Gary Lynn Comstock, this book employs different ethical lenses, including classical deontology, libertarianism, commonsense morality, virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and the capabilities approach, to explore the philosophical basis for the strong animal rights view, which...
Book cover of 創新者的修練:對未來的預測,決定我們的策略選擇(暢銷改版)


Seeing What’s Next:Using the Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change

by 克雷頓‧克里斯汀生 Clayton M. Christensen、史考特.安東尼 Scott D. Anthony、艾力克.羅斯 Erik A. Roth
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 4, 2017

☆亞馬遜年度10****大好書 ☆《公司》雜誌好評推薦 ** ** 應用破壞性創新的思維架構,有系統檢視產業訊號 分辨機會與衝擊,預測賽局的變化方向 五大產業深入解析,見證產業創新的策略演進 避免落入看不見顛覆、看不懂趨勢的敗部循環   市場冒出新服務,只是曇花一現、無法長久的噱頭,還是即將顛覆市場的新勢力? 新技術出現,是機會還是威脅?誰會受害、誰將得利?又將如何改變產業的發展?許多破壞性創新一開始都非常不起眼,該如何判斷後續衝擊?   判斷趨勢,需要有系統的思考架構 ** ** 克里斯汀生是全球最受推崇的創新大師,他的破壞性創新理論是《經濟學人》評為有史以來最重要的六大管理著作之一,尤其當今無一產業不面臨被科技顛覆的威脅。   本書是克里斯汀生以破壞性創新理論為觀察環境與思考策略的架構,從外而內,幫助經理人及早辨識出新技術的衝擊方向,預測產業變化,選定企業在未來競爭中的最有利位置,分為三大部分:   辨識產業變化跡象:知道該注意什麼,就能在即將改變產業的企業崛起之前,看出端倪。 評估競爭戰役:攻擊者與在位者的近身肉搏戰,誰的勝算高? 影響交戰結果的策略選擇:掌握把賽局扳向對自己有利的方法,對抗挑戰者。   同時以教育、航空、半導體、醫療保健與電信產業為例,深入分析破壞力量如何改變產業、攻擊者如何掐住在位企業的咽喉,透過實際的案例,幫助每個企業思考什麼是威脅?什麼是機會?什麼創新是沒有用?如何在產業成長中掌握商機?   即使沒有受過產業訓練的經理人,也可以應用這套架構,更清晰的思考創新,見微知著,擬定策略。   華碩電腦董事長...
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