Damien: 358 books

Book cover of MiXed Messages
by Damien Howard
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2015

Mixed Messages outlines important aspects of cross cultural management that perplex many new and experienced workers. It explains the importance of managing the often different but parallel management styles that operate in cross cultural organisations. It guides those working cross culturally on...
Book cover of Dieu est mort
by Damien Ruzé
Language: French
Release Date: August 20, 2013

Une tueuse d’enfant expose en temps réel ses faits et gestes, un flic – au passé déchiré et aux méthodes surannées – mène l’enquête. ‘ Il est malade ton chien ou quoi !?’ Bingo. Quelle phrase ! Quelle putain de phrase ! Marcher vers l’animal qui tente de re décoller...
Book cover of Art's Emotions

Art's Emotions

Ethics, Expression and Aesthetic Experience

by Damien Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2014

Despite the very obvious differences between looking at Manet’s Woman with a Parrot and listening to Elgar’s Cello Concerto, both experiences provoke similar questions in the thoughtful aesthete: why does the painting seem to express reverie and the music, nostalgia? How do we experience the reverie...
Book cover of Wrong Way

Wrong Way

How Privatisation and Economic Reform Backfired

by Damien Cahill, Phillip Toner
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2018

Since the 1980s, waves of neoliberal ‘economic reform’ have transformed Australia. Privatisation, deregulation, marketisation and the contracting out of government services: for three decades now, there has been widespread agreement among policymakers on the desirability of these strategies....
Book cover of Mes recettes anti-inflammatoires
by Damien Galtier
Language: French
Release Date: May 11, 2011

Votre alimentation est votre préoccupation n°1 pour rester en bonne santé ? Vous avez raison ! Elle permet de lutter efficacement contre des maux chroniques, l’inflammation par exemple ! Kézako ? L’inflammation est une réponse naturelle de l’organisme destinée à faire face à une...
Book cover of Souls of the Sea
by Damien Tiernan
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2012

In January 2007, within the space of only six days, three large fishing boats - the Pere Charles, the Honey Dew II and the Renegade - capsized and sank off the south east coast of Ireland. There were eleven crewmen on board the three vessels. In a tragic week, seven fishermen lost their lives in storm-force...
Book cover of Pomegranate


A Global History

by Damien Stone
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Supple but crunchy, sweet but tart—with its strange construction of seeds filled with delicious garnet juice so vibrant it’s hard not think it is some otherworldly blood—no wonder the pomegranate has appealed so much to the human imagination throughout the centuries. Holding aloft this singular...
Book cover of La Bande à Deschamps

La Bande à Deschamps

Naissance d'une équipe

by Damien DEGORRE, Raphaël RAYMOND
Language: French
Release Date: August 28, 2014

Leur billet pour le Mondial 2014 arraché au terme d'un barrage homérique contre l'Ukraine dans un Stade de France qui n'avait jamais été si joyeux depuis l'historique 12 juillet 1998, les Bleus de Didier Deschamps se sont envolés pour le Brésil, porteurs d'autant d'espoirs que d'interrogations....
Book cover of Recettes minceur aux protéines végétales
by Damien Galtier
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2010

130 recettes gourmandes pour mincir en bonne santé ! Avez-vous remarqué que les végétariens sont en général minces ? Pour des raisons économiques, écologiques ou encore spirituelles, nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à exclure les viandes de notre régime alimentaire. Mais...
Book cover of The Dream
by Damien Huxley
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2017

As a parent, all I've ever wanted is for my children to do the best they can, and no more.I've always wanted to know, how do you change the attitude they have, or put in that spark that drives them.You see it there everynow and then, in them, and sometimes on the wrong thing, or it gets...
Book cover of La Chine au XVIIIe siècle

La Chine au XVIIIe siècle

L'apogée de l'empire sino-mandchou des Qing

by Damien Chaussende
Language: French
Release Date: June 23, 2017

Le vaste empire multiethnique appelé Qing (Tch'ing) – fondé non par des Chinois mais par des Mandchous – brille de tous les feux d’une civilisation raffinée au XVIIIe siècle. C’est l’âge d’or de l’Empire du Milieu, celui dans lequel s’épanouissent les plus belles fleurs de l’art...
Book cover of Wet 'N Wild
by Damien Swift
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2015

Cedar Creek water park, one of the most exciting water parks in America. Cassie, a fresh-new lifeguard, finds herself partnered with the snark, blunt yet very attractive Elizabeth. But as the two grow closer, they'll find more than one way to get wet... Wet 'N Wild is the hot, racy story of...
Book cover of Actualités en droit pénal
by Sophie Cuykens, Dimitri de Beco, Mona Giacometti
Language: French
Release Date: December 26, 2013

Le présent ouvrage aborde quatre thématiques à partir de développements récents et d’actualités jurisprudentielles dans le domaine pénal. Damien Vandermeersch fait le point sur l’évolution de la jurisprudence en matière d’admissibilité de la preuve obtenue irrégulièrement,...
Book cover of Nannerl's Symphony
by Paul Damien
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2013

Drinking herself into a stupor to avoid her horrible nightmares is the only way Julie Conway can face life...until she hears about “The Hammer.”NANNERL'S SYMPHONY is an unusually chilling and thought-provoking psychological thriller that takes the reader into the tormented soul of an Atlanta...
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