Edgar Poe: 1724 books

Book cover of La caída de la Casa Usher
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 20, 2015

La caída de la Casa Usher es la quintaesencia del cuento gótico: una casa embrujada, un paisaje lúgubre, dos hermanos gemelos, una enfermedad misteriosa… Todos los elementos del género son fácilmente identificables y, sin embargo, parte del terror que inspira esta historia se debe a...
Book cover of The Murders In The Rue Morgue
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2013

When the mutilated bodies of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter are found in the rue Morgue, detective C. Auguste Dupin is faced with the most puzzling case of his career as witness accounts contradict each other and key evidence from the perpetrator does not appear to be human. “The Murders in...
Book cover of Kitty Literature

Kitty Literature

An Illustrated Collection for Cat Lovers

by John Richard Stephens, Beatrix Potter, The Brothers Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2013

People have been fascinated by cats for centuries. From the ancient Egyptians, all the way down to today's cat lovers throughout the world, cats have held a special place in people's lives. Cats are unique creatures. It shouldn't be surprising that they have captured the imaginations of many of the...
Book cover of The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2003

This selection of Poe's critical writings, short fiction and poetry demonstrates an intense interest in aesthetic issues and the astonishing power and imagination with which he probed the darkest corners of the human mind. The Fall of the House of Usher describes the final hours of a family tormented...
Book cover of The Pit And The Pendulum
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2013

Imprisoned and condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition, an unnamed man is cruelly tortured by his captors even as an enemy army encircles the city. A pioneer of the short story genre, Poe’s stories typically captured themes of the macabre and included elements of the mysterious. His...
Book cover of The Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart

Short Story

by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2013

Having killed in a fit of passion, an unnamed narrator quickly hides the victim’s body only to be haunted by the victim’s relentless heartbeat. A pioneer of the short story genre, Poe’s stories typically captured themes of the macabre and included elements of the mysterious. His better-known...
Book cover of Histoire extraordinaires (suivi de Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires)
by Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe
Language: French
Release Date: January 8, 2013

Cette édition de référence rassemble ici dans un même volume tout le génie macabre de Poe dans ces courtes histoires tortueuses, perverses et sinistres. Un délicieux voyage au cœur de la folie d’un auteur légendaire. « Histoires extraordinaires » : Entre enquêtes policières, chasses...
Book cover of Arria Marcella

Arria Marcella

Le pied de momie - La Vénus d'Ille - Petite discussion avec une momie

by Théophile Gautier, Prosper Mérimée, Edgar Allan Poe
Language: French
Release Date: March 23, 2011

Une nuit, un homme et ses amis décident d’ouvrir un sarcophage égyptien qui a piqué leur curiosité. Alors que l’aurore point, la momie commence à s’agiter. La statue d’une Vénus à la beauté ensorcelante et au regard féroce a été déterrée dans un petit village des Pyrénées. Est-elle...
Book cover of Derniers Contes
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: French
Release Date: January 3, 2015

Moins connus que les Histoires extraordinaires ou les Histoires grotesques, ces textes intéresseront tous les amateurs de Poe.
Book cover of Histoires grotesques et sérieuses
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2018

«Poe est l'écrivain des nerfs. Chez lui, toute entrée en matière est attirante sans violence, comme un tourbillon. Sa solennité surprend et tient l'esprit en éveil. On sent tout d'abord qu'il s'agit de quelque chose de grave. Et lentement, peu à peu, se déroule une histoire dont tout l'intérêt...
Book cover of Racconti
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 16, 2010

(Nuova versione aggiornata: agosto 2013.) Sia che Poe – spiega Gabriele Baldini nell’introduzione – s’avventuri fin sulla soglia del cuore umano e se ne tragga indietro, impietrito dal terrore dei fantasmi che l’assediano, sia che procrei tutta un’umanità nuova e sfigurata, abitatrice d’un...
Book cover of Las aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Las aventuras de Arthur Gordon Pym La única novela de Poe, que tantos y tan intensos cuentos escribió, es un verdadero friso de atrocidades: a un ritmo vertiginoso, en una atmósfera agobiante, se suceden tempestades, naufragios, hambre y canibalismo, matanzas, gritos, silencios opresores… En...
Book cover of El cuerpo del delito

El cuerpo del delito

Antología de relatos policiacos clásicos

by Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2015

El cuerpo del delito es una recopilación de trece magníficos relatos policiacos clásicos que alterna textos consagrados con otros menos conocidos, todos ellos perfectamente representativos de las variantes de la literatura policiaca, teniendo siempre presente la máxima exigencia de calidad literaria,...
Book cover of El poder de las palabras
by Edgar Allan Poe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Estamos especializados en publicar textos en español. Para encontrar mas títulos busque “NoBooks Editorial” o visite nuestra web http://www.nobooksed.com Contamos con mas volúmenes en español que cualquier otra editorial en formato electrónico y continuamos creciendo. Poe escribió cuentos...
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