Emile: 1072 books

Book cover of Comment on se marie
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Le comte Maxime de La Roche-Mablon a trente-deux ans. Il appartient à l'une des plus vieilles familles de l'Anjou. Son père a été sénateur sous l'Empire, sans avoir abandonné, dit-il, une seule de ses convictions légitimistes. Les La Roche-Mablon, d'ailleurs, n'ont pas...
Book cover of la faute de l'abbé mouret
by emile zola
Language: French
Release Date: October 11, 2016

Résumé : Serge Mouret est le prêtre d'un pauvre village, quelque part sur les plateaux désolés et brûlés du Midi de la France. Barricadé dans sa petite église, muré dans les certitudes émerveillées de sa foi, assujetti avec ravissement au rituel de sa fonction et aux horaires maniaques...
Book cover of Madeleine Férat
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: July 12, 2014

Extrait du livre : Guillaume et Madeleine descendirent de wagon à la station de Fontenay. C’était un lundi, le train se trouvait presque vide. Cinq ou six compagnons de voyage, des habitants du pays qui rentraient chez eux, se présentèrent à la barrière...
by Emile Zola
Language: French
Release Date: September 7, 2015

Les Soirées de Médan est un recueil collectif de six nouvelles, publié le 15 avril 1880 chez Georges Charpentier éditeur à Paris, réunissant Émile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, J.-K. Huysmans, Henry...
Book cover of la curée
by emile zola
Language: French
Release Date: October 11, 2016

La Curée est un roman d'Émile Zola paru en 1871. Deuxième volume de la série Les Rougon-Macquart, il a pour thème la vie débauchée de Paris au Second Empire, que Zola résume en ce groupe binaire « l'or et la chair ».
Book cover of l'argent
by emile zola
Language: French
Release Date: October 13, 2016

Dix-huitième volume des Rougon-Macquart, L'Argent est le premier grand western financier des temps modernes : bilans falsifiés, connivences politiques, fièvre spéculative, manipulations médiatiques, rumeurs, scandales, coups de bourse et coups de Jarnac, lutte à mort entre les loups-cerviers...
Book cover of The Avenger
by Emile Tepperman
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2016

THE AVENGER was on the prowl tonight. Swiftly, the word spread through the slimy alleys and the dark corners of the great city's underworld. Hard men who flaunted the police and scoffed at the law sought hurried cover as the word reached them. At fly-specked bars, in closed and shuttered rooms, men...
Book cover of Nana
by Emile Zola
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Nana tells the story of Nana Coupeau's rise from streetwalker to high-class cocotte during the last three years of the French Second Empire. We first meet Nana at the tender age of fifteen, and all of a sudden, in the good-natured child the woman stood revealed, a disturbing woman with all the impulsive...
Book cover of The Dream
by Emile Zola
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Angelique is adopted by a couple of embroiderers, the Huberts. Enthralled by the tales of the saints and martyrs, Angelique is dreaming about a handsome prince and falls in love with Felicien d'Hautecoeur, the last in an old family of knights, heroes, and nobles in the service of Christ and of France. His father, the present Monseigneur, objects to their marrying.
Book cover of L'Assommoir
by Emile Zola
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

The story of Gervaise Macquart, running away to Paris with her shiftless lover Lantier to work as a washerwoman in a hot, busy laundry in one of the seedier areas of the city. The novel considered one of Zola's masterpieces, a study of alcoholism and poverty in the working-class districts of Paris. It established Zola's fame and reputation throughout France and the world.
Book cover of The Ladies' Paradise
by Emile Zola
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2013

Denise comes to Paris to work as a saleswoman at the heart of retail innovation – a new department store which threatens the existence of all the neighbourhood shops. Octave, the owner of this successful megastore, has gathered silks, woolens, ready-made garments, accessories and furniture. His aim...
Book cover of His Masterpiece
by Emile Zola
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

His Masterpiece is a fictional account of Zola's friendship with Paul Cezanne and a fairly accurate portrayal of the Parisian art world in the mid 19th century. The story follows painter Claude Lantier who advocates painting real subjects in real places, most notably outdoors. This is in stark contrast...
by Emile Leon
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2015

Nero’s Rome burns to ashes as his Phoenician mistress stands laughing…   The culprit is not Nero, and not the Roman Imperial Intelligence Agency. The latter has been conspiring to put an end to the continual Jewish turmoil. But the Intelligence Agency isn’t the only conspirator....
Book cover of Germinal
by Emile Zola
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Germinal, 1885 erschienen, ist das Hauptwerk von Émile Zolas zwanzigbändigem Werk Das Leben der Familie Rougon-Macquart. Es beschreibt die unmenschlichen Verhältnisse in französischen Bergwerken des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zugleich beleuchtet der Roman die Konflikte, die sich nicht nur zwischen arm...
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