Guido: 735 books

Book cover of Come Scegliere Il Mutuo. Come ottenere il mutuo migliore senza avere brutte sorprese. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Guido Di Domenico
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Come Scegliere il Mutuo Come ottenere il mutuo migliore senza avere brutte sorprese COSA E' IL MUTUO E COME FUNZIONA Perché è conveniente chiedere un importo inferiore dell'80% del costo complessivo dell'immobile. Come essere sicuri del buon esito della richiesta di mutuo per...
Book cover of Praxisleitfaden Immobilienanschaffung und Immobilienfinanzierung

Praxisleitfaden Immobilienanschaffung und Immobilienfinanzierung

Verständlicher und praxisorientierter Ratgeber für Immobilienerwerber in Deutschland mit aktueller Darstellung der Rechtslage und Berechnungstool für Kreditfinanzierungen

by Guido Rennert
Language: German
Release Date: January 11, 2012

Der Praxisleitfaden ist für alle diejenigen geschrieben, die in Deutschland eine (kreditfinanzierte) Immobilie kaufen oder selbst bauen wollen. Der Autor stellt das Thema anschaulich und leicht verständlich dar, wobei er prägnant und detailliert sowohl an rechtliche als auch an wirtschaftliche...
Book cover of Scalping d'Assalto. Guida Strategica per Investire e Guadagnare in Borsa nell'Intraday. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Guido Di Domenico
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Scalping d'Assalto Guida Strategica per Investire e Guadagnare in Borsa nell'Intraday COME PREPARARE IL PIANO D'AZIONE Scegliere la giusta piattaforma per ottenere profitti soddisfacenti. Come contrattare per strappare le migliori condizioni. Scegliere il giusto mercato di riferimento...
Book cover of Il castello
by Ferruccio Masini, Guido Massino, Franz Kafka
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 10, 2012

L'agrimensore K., protagonista del romanzo, giunge nel villaggio ai piedi del castello del conte Westwest, dove è accolto con ostilità e sospetto. Tuttavia, non ci si può disfare di lui, poiché il castello l'ha chiamato, né si può lasciargli svolgere le mansioni affidategli. Il romanzo è la storia...
Book cover of OpenACC for Programmers

OpenACC for Programmers

Concepts and Strategies

by Sunita Chandrasekaran, Guido Juckeland
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2017

The Complete Guide to OpenACC for Massively Parallel Programming   Scientists and technical professionals can use OpenACC to leverage the immense power of modern GPUs without the complexity traditionally associated with programming them. OpenACC™ for Programmers is one of the first...
Book cover of Coatings for Plastics
by Guido Wilke, Jürgen Ortmeier
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2014

This eBook presents the technology of coating plastics in a broad and integrated mode, treating both the single influence fields and their connections. One focus is set on the plastic substrate itself. Substrate topics are then connected with coating relevant plastic processing aspects and surface...
Book cover of Sustainable Luxury Brands

Sustainable Luxury Brands

Evidence from Research and Implications for Managers

by Cesare Amatulli, Matteo De Angelis, Michele Costabile
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2017

This book counteracts the claim that luxury and sustainability are conflicting concepts, and contends that they can successfully co-exist. Discussing key characteristics of luxury such as craftsmanship and preservation of artisan skills, product quality and durability, and limited quantities of luxury...
Book cover of Contemporary Psychology
by Guido Villa
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Service Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint
by Guido Schmutz, Peter Welkenbach, Daniel Liebhart
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2010

A theoretical guide, this book provides detailed and structured explanations and visualizations of the Trividas Integration Architecture Blueprint, showing you the strategy to implement your own integration projects. It draws on real-world integrations at an architectural level, and explores both...
Book cover of Geoenergy Modeling III

Geoenergy Modeling III

Enhanced Geothermal Systems

by Norihiro Watanabe, Guido Blöcher, Mauro Cacace
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2016

This book focuses on numerical modeling of deep hydrothermal and petrothermal systems in fractured georeservoirs for utilization in Geothermal Energy applications. The authors explain the particular challenges and approaches to modeling heat transport and high-throughput flow in multiply fractured...
Book cover of Reliability of High Mobility SiGe Channel MOSFETs for Future CMOS Applications
by Jacopo Franco, Ben Kaczer, Guido Groeseneken
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2013

Due to the ever increasing electric fields in scaled CMOS devices, reliability is becoming a showstopper for further scaled technology nodes. Although several groups have already demonstrated functional Si channel devices with aggressively scaled Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) down to 5Å, a 10...
Book cover of Chelation Therapy in the Treatment of Metal Intoxication
by Jan Aaseth, Guido Crisponi, Ole Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2016

Chelation Therapy in the Treatment of Metal Intoxication presents a practical guide to the use of chelation therapy, from its basic chemistry, to available chelating antidotes, and the application of chelating agents. Several metals have long been known to be toxic to humans, and continue to pose...
Book cover of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Manuale di comunicazione aziendale 2.0

by Guido Di Fraia
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2012

Nato dall'esperienza dei master in Social Media Marketing & Web Communication dell'università IULM di Milano, questo libro è il primo vero manuale sulla comunicazione e il marketing digitale, realizzato a più mani dai maggiori esperti italiani di marketing dei social media. Il lavoro condensa in...
Book cover of Altes Eisen

Altes Eisen

Kriminalroman aus der Eifel

by Guido M. Breuer
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2013

Im Kölner Dom wird ein Pater ermordet aufgefunden. Hat der Domschatzarchivar Kunsträuber am Grabmal des Erzbischofs Konrad von Hochstaden überrascht? Die Kölner Kriminalkommissarin Rita Bertold wird mit dem Fall betraut. Wenig später wird ein weiterer Mord in der Burg Nideggen in der Nordeifel...
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