Horn: 408 books

Book cover of Ortatrox


The Greatest Gift

by Donald E. Horn
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2017

The story that you about to read could one day come true. Unexplained things are, always being discovered. Many people constantly talk about being abducted by aliens. Some people have indeed disappeared without a trace and were never heard from ever again. The Government doesnt like the public talking...
Book cover of The Meth Conspiracy
by J.E. Horn
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2012

Jonathan Champion was the golden boy. A federal prosecutor who made his mark bringing down some of the biggest meth dealers the country had ever known, and he did it in glamorous style. But fame often has a price, and Champion paid for it with the life of his wife and child. Now, he is a broken man....
Book cover of The P-Files

The P-Files

Die Phönix Akten

by Nele Sickel, Laurence Horn, Jessie Weber
Language: German
Release Date: May 26, 2018

Warum nur ein Leben leben, wenn es auch tausend sein können? Das ist der Leitsatz des Phönix, der aus der Asche wiedergeboren wird und unsterblich ist. In 31 Kurzgeschichten rund um den brennendsten Vogel der Welt werdet ihr alles finden: Wahrheit und Wahnsinn, Evolution und Revolution, Abenteuer...
Book cover of Aging within Transnational Families

Aging within Transnational Families

The Case of Older Peruvians

by Vincent Horn
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2019

Transnational migration studies has produced a wealth of literature on migrants’ economic, cultural, social and political practices and relationships across national borders. At least until recently, the primary focus of this literature was on younger adults, especially unskilled labour migrants...
Book cover of Aktualitaet der Metapher

Aktualitaet der Metapher

Das Meer, die Metapher und die Sprache

by Ina Paul-Horn
Language: German
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Der Bedeutung und Funktion von Metaphern nachzugehen und darüber aufzuklären, ist Aufgabe der Metaphorologie. Dieses Buch legt eine differenzierte Auseinandersetzung mit Hans Blumenbergs Metaphorologie vor, deren unterschiedliche Konzeptionen die Autorin in drei Schritten darstellt und erläutert....
Book cover of Von Menschen und Welten

Von Menschen und Welten

Aphorismen und Gedichte

by Wolfram Horn
Language: German
Release Date: November 19, 2013

Nur wer an der Oberfläche kratzt kann tief schürfen. - Diese Sammlung an Sinnsprüchen und Gedichten bietet in ansprechender Form vielfältige Gedanken zu den großen und kleinen Fragen des Lebens und des Menschseins an. Die Texte laden, stets auf Verständlichkeit bedacht, zum Genießen, Verweilen und zum Nach-, Mit- und Weiterdenken ein. - Ein Lesegenuss mit Tiefgang.
Book cover of Hunting Across the Danube

Hunting Across the Danube

Through Fields, Forests, and Mountains of Hungary and Romania

by Peter Lewis Horn II
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

This is the first book written in English about two of Eastern Europe’s premier hunting destinations. The book is animated by the author’s desire to share this little-known sporting paradise with educated hunters. The chapters detail game he has hunted over the past three decades, including stag,...
Book cover of Sheep Eaters
by Jill Van Horn
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2017

Who can you trust? The man brought up by an evangelist in a Christian home who spent most of his early life traveling with his family in a worship band? Or the so-called wealthy retired business man who is devoted to his children and wants to teach them the world of business transactions? In the spiritual...
Book cover of Six Steps to Inclusive Preschool Curriculum

Six Steps to Inclusive Preschool Curriculum

A UDL-Based Framework for Children's School Success

by Eva M. Horn Ph.D., Susan B. Palmer, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2016

Watch the webinar! Endorsed by DEC! How can inclusive early educators plan and deliver challenging instructions to help all young learners succeed in kindergarten? This guide has authoritative answers from some of today's most renowned names in early childhood education. Presenting the...
Book cover of Indigenous Rights to the City

Indigenous Rights to the City

Ethnicity and Urban Planning in Bolivia and Ecuador

by Philipp Horn
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2019

This book breaks new ground in understanding urban indigeneity in policy and planning practice. It is the first comprehensive and comparative study that foregrounds the complex interplay of multiple organisations involved in translating indigenous rights to the city in Latin America, focussing on...
Book cover of Integrale Führungskunst des digitalen Wandels

Integrale Führungskunst des digitalen Wandels

Kongress für Integrale Führung 2018

by Martin Bruders, Anette B. Christl, Norman Heydenreich
Language: German
Release Date: August 7, 2018

Die digitale Transformation eröffnet Chancen in Wirtschaft, Staat, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft: neue Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodelle, wirtschaftliches Wachstum, Bildung und die Lösung gesellschaftlicher und ökologischer Herausforderungen. Zunehmende Komplexität und Vernetzung...
Book cover of Zur Rolle des Geldsystems in der aktuellen Globalisierungsphase

Zur Rolle des Geldsystems in der aktuellen Globalisierungsphase

Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum, Kapitalismus und dem Geldsystem

by Anke Horn
Language: German
Release Date: June 30, 2015

Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich VWL - Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik, Note: 1,3, Universität Paderborn, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Als die sogenannte Bankenkrise die Euroländer im Jahr 2008 erreicht hat, gerät Griechenland in den Fokus der Kritik, denn Griechenlands Staatshaushalt weist...
Book cover of Final Inheritance
by Charlie Horn
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2013

A ruthless buyer wants to restore a depleted oil field owned by a wealthy New York family for generations. Only the patriarch can sell it and he doesn’t want to, despite his family’s frantic need for the money. Hank Tower is hired by the buyer “to make the deal,” then learns he’ll be murdered...
Book cover of Managing soil health for sustainable agriculture Volume 1
by Prof. Rainer Horn, Prof. Samira Daroub, Prof. Henry Lin
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2018

There has been growing concern that both intensive agriculture in the developed world and rapid expansion of crop cultivation in developing countries is damaging the health of soils which are the foundation of farming. At the same time we are discovering much more about how complex soils are as living...
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