J I : 379 books

Book cover of Death on an Autumn River

Death on an Autumn River

Akitada Mysteries, #9

by I. J. Parker
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2015

On a journey to Naniwa to unmask officials who are selling information to pirates, Akitada witnesses the recovery of a body from the river.  The image of the drowned child prostitute follows him as his own problems and disasters multiply.  Someone is sabotaging his investigation. His young clerk disappears,...
Book cover of The Hell Screen

The Hell Screen

Akitada Mysteries, #5

by I. J. Parker
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2015

After a posting to the northern provinces, Akitada hurries to the deathbed of his mother in the capital. On the road, he spends the night in a monastery where he sees a painted hell screen.  The realistic depictions of tortured men, women, and children haunt his dreams until he wakes to a scream. ...
Book cover of The Nuns of Nara

The Nuns of Nara

Akitada mysteries, #19

by I. J. Parker
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2019

The nuns of one of the Nara temples have misplaced an imperial concubine. Concerned about her well-being, the emperor dispatches Akitada to find her. Akitada decides to take along his new wife, hoping to combine a trivial matter with a belated honeymoon. Alas, murder intervenes. An old man dies in...
Book cover of Advertising Worldwide

Advertising Worldwide

Advertising Conditions in Selected Countries

by M. Abe, R. Hugo-Burrows, D. Caumont
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2011

This book addresses the following questions: What are the social, cultural or religious particularities of advertising and advertising practices? Are there any taboos? What about legal restrictions? How is the advertising infrastructure? Are there any institutions, federations or boards of advertising?...
Book cover of The Mediterranean and Middle East: Volume I The Early Successes Against Italy (To May 1941) [Illustrated Edition]
by Major-General I.S.O. Playfair C.B. D.S.O. M.C., Commander G.M.S. Stitt R.N., Brigadier C. J. C. Molony
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

Illustrated with 30 maps and 40 photos. “Britain defeats Italy on land and sea in Africa and the Mediterranean in 1940. “The first of eight volumes in the 18-volume official British History of the Second World War covering the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatres. After setting the political...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable production of poultry meat Volume 1
by Lisa K. Williams, Prof. Tom J. Humphrey, Dr Sabrina Vandeplas
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2016

Reviews latest research on zoonoses affecting poultry meat such as Salmonella and Campylobacter as well as methods for their control on the poultry farm and in the slaughterhouse Summarises advances in understanding and optimising poultry quality traits such as flavour, colour, tenderness, shelf life...
Book cover of La pecora nera
by I.J. Singer
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 2, 2015

Decisamente, il piccolo Yehoshua non è portato per la santità: le preghiere infinite del padre, i libri di morale della madre, l'onnipresenza della Torah che pesa «come un macigno» sulla sua famiglia, quel mondo in cui è attribuita più verità alle fiamme dell'inferno che alla natura circostante...
Book cover of Sender Prager
by I.J. Singer
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 2, 2015

Sono tutte in lacrime, le cameriere ebree del Praga, alla vigilia delle nozze del padrone: certo, hanno sempre saputo che lui andava a letto con tutte, «eppure ognuna era convinta in cuor suo che con lei si sarebbe comportato in modo diverso ... l'avrebbe portata via dalla cucina per sistemarla dietro...
Book cover of The American Civil War on Film and TV

The American Civil War on Film and TV

Blue and Gray in Black and White and Color

by Biljana Oklopčić, Rosanne Welch, Fran Pheasant-Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Whether on the big screen or small, films featuring the American Civil War are among the most classic and controversial in motion picture history. From D. W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation (1915) to Free State of Jones (2016), the war has provided the setting, ideologies, and character archetypes...
Book cover of Opportunities Missed, Opportunities Seized

Opportunities Missed, Opportunities Seized

Preventive Diplomacy in the PostDCold War World

by Alexander L. George, James E. Goodby, Jane E. Holl
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 1999

The basic logic of preventive diplomacy is unassailable. Act early to prevent disputes from escalating; reduce tensions that could lead to war; deal with today's conflicts before they become tomorrow's crises. Yet as we look at the record of these first years of the post-Cold War era, it is quite...
Book cover of The Faculty Mentor's Wisdom

The Faculty Mentor's Wisdom

Conceptualizing, Writing, and Defending the Dissertation

by Tricia Browne-Ferrigno, Angela Calabrese Barton, Paula A. Cordeiro
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2010

This book focuses on using faculty mentoring to empower doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral studies. The book is a collection of mentoring chapters showcasing professors and dissertation advisors from the most prestigious universities in the United States. They provide an extraordinary...
Book cover of Party Government in 48 Democracies (1945–1998)

Party Government in 48 Democracies (1945–1998)

Composition — Duration — Personnel

by I. Budge, Hans Keman, J.J. Woldendorp
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2013

Since the 1980s, political scientists have developed a renewed interest in the study of political institutions, based on the assumption that "institutions matter" -that is, that formal governmental institutions and constitutional-legal rules (as well as informal institutions like parties...
Book cover of Handbook of Democratic Government

Handbook of Democratic Government

Party Government in 20 Democracies (1945–1990)

by J.J. Woldendorp, Hans Keman, I. Budge
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The Handbook of Democratic Government is the first compact and comprehensive data collection for 20 countries which simultaneously provides comparative and complete information on the composition of governments. Parties, ministries, portfolios, ministers and parliamentary support are listed, as well...
Book cover of Heavy Metal Music and the Communal Experience
by Keith Kahn-Harris, Deena Weinstein, Esther Clinton
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2016

It is common to hear heavy metal music fans and musicians talk about the “metal community”. This concept, which is widely used when referencing this musical genre, encompasses multiple complex aspects that are seldom addressed in traditional academic endeavors including shared aesthetics, musical...
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