J L : 2630 books

Book cover of Aesthetic Surgery of the Craniofacial Skeleton
by J.G. McCarthy, Min Li, John J. III Coleman
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Aesthetic Surgery of the Craniofacial Skeleton is a unique atlas presenting specific procedures for aesthetic craniofacial surgery in a comprehensive and easily understandable style. With over 190 fine line drawings specially created for this volume, this book will have multifaceted applications;...
Book cover of Lung Tumors

Lung Tumors

Lung, Mediastinum, Pleura, and Chest Wall

by B.J. Addis, M.S. Bains, M.E. Burt
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This series on the treatment of cancer is sponsored by the UICe. The editors and authors feel strongly that more standar­ dization in cancer therapy is needed on a worldwide basis. This, of course, is only possible if experts from all countries subscribe to a joint policy of making their treatment...
Book cover of Acetabular Dysplasia

Acetabular Dysplasia

Skeletal Dysplasias in Childhood

by Wiktor Dega, G. D. MacEwen, H. L. Moss
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Readers of the first volume of Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery may remember the introductory remarks of Drs. Wagner and Hungerford. It is the intention of the editors of this publication to familiarize English - speaking orthopaedists with articles published in the European literature which, because...
Book cover of La nuit du solstice T01 et T02 Solstice d'hiver, un coeur indompté
by L j Smith
Language: French
Release Date: November 22, 2012

Selon la légende, il y a bien longtemps, les passages reliant la Terre au Féérie Féerie ont été scellés, éloignant à jamais les humains de ce monde où les contes vivent encore. Seule la magicienne Morgana Shee détient le secret du dernier enchantement qui en ouvre les portes. On raconte...
Book cover of 20 Classic Fantasy Works Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics)

20 Classic Fantasy Works Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics)

Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Man Who Was Thursday...

by George MacDonald, Charles Kingsley, Golden Deer Classics
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2017

This Golden Deer Classics compilation contains the following classic fantasy works: Phantastes - George MacDonald The Water-Babies - Charles Kingsley Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) - Lewis Carroll Lilith - George MacDonald The...
Book cover of Molecular Imaging in Oncology

Molecular Imaging in Oncology


by E. Edmund Kim, J. Aoki, H. Baghaei
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This is a report on updated techniques, instrumentation and clinical application of PET, MRI and MRS in cancer management.
Book cover of Autism


Professional perspectives and practice

by A.J. Ravelli, A. F. Bobbink, M. J. E. van Bommel
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2013

Book cover of Corruzione, fino a quando...?

Corruzione, fino a quando...?

Expo e Mose riaccendono la fantasia dei media e l’interesse dei lettori ma non siamo di fronte a una novità quanto piuttosto al riemergere di un fenomeno endemico.

by Alberto A. Vannucci, Maria Cristina M.C. Colombo, Michele M. Cozzio
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 29, 2014

La corruzione non è solo un volgare passaggio di denaro di mano in mano e neanche solo la violazione delle regole ma è piuttosto lo strutturarsi di un certo tipo di influenza all`interno di una dinamica di influenze, con la straordinaria crescita dell`"industria della lobby" e l`asservimento...
Book cover of L'huile d'olive en Méditerranée

L'huile d'olive en Méditerranée

Histoire, anthropologie, économie de l'Antiquité à nos jours

by Nadine Richez-Battesti, Marcel Courdurié, Louis Pierrein
Language: French
Release Date: April 19, 2013

Après le café en Méditerranée, l’huile d’olive... Il nous est particulièrement agréable de présenter cette publication, dernier fruit de la coopération étroite qui unit le Groupement d’intérêt scientifique « Sciences humaines » sur l’aire méditerranéenne, d’Aix-en-Provence,...
Book cover of Le soleil du lac qui se couche
by J.R. Léveillé
Language: French
Release Date: November 18, 2009

Angèle rencontre Ueno Takami. Comme prédestinés, ils se remarquent d’abord dans une galerie d’art, puis se retrouvent au parc ou à l’imprimerie, chez Rinella, où Ueno confectionne un livre d’art. Leur relation prend très vite une profondeur saisissante, libérant « un sentiment de blancheur...
Book cover of Vicious. Senza pietà
by L.J. Shen
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 28, 2019

Una lettura indimenticabile, unica, imperdibile. Un MUST READ. - Greta, Amazon Questo libro mi ha completamente ammaliata. - Carmen, Amazon Scioccante e inaspettato, da leggere tutto d'un fiato! Consigliassimo! - Giorgia, Amazon C’è solo un confine sottilissimo a separare l’odio e l’amore. C’è...
Book cover of Il problema è che ti amo
by Jennifer L. Armentrout, J. Lynn
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Non smettere mai di credere nell'amore Da quattro anni, il silenzio è lo scudo che la protegge dal resto del mondo. Circondata dall'affetto dei nuovi genitori adottivi, Mallory Dodge ha cercato di superare i traumi del passato, di convincersi di non avere più bisogno di essere invisibile,...
Book cover of In fuga da te

In fuga da te

Wicked 3

by Jennifer L. Armentrout, J. Lynn
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Mi hai salvato la vita. Pensavo che questa fosse la fine. Invece è soltanto l'inizio… È stata rapita, è stata torturata, è stata costretta a tradire le persone che ama. Adesso, Ivy Morgan vuole solo dimenticare. Eppure più passano i giorni, più lei ha l'impressione che quella terribile...
Book cover of Journal d'un vampire 3
by L.J. Smith
Language: French
Release Date: February 3, 2010

Revenue à la vie, Elena n'est plus une simple humaine. Dans ses veines coule désormais une force qui la rend irrésistible aux yeux de tout être malveillant. Pour protéger celle qu'il aime, Stefan le sait, il leur faut fuir Fell's Church : une créature maléfique y provoque d'étranges phénomènes......
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