Kunz: 97 books

Book cover of The Modified (The Biotics Trilogy, #1)
by C.A. Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2012

What would you sacrifice to save the ones you love? To save the one who holds your heart? To save the world? Kenley Grayson is all too familiar with these questions. After Earth is thrust into its first intergalactic war with an unknown race called the Bringers, our military forces begin...
Book cover of The Childe
by C.A. Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2012

Cat Colvin Average teenager? Or something else entirely? Cat Colvin is pretty much your typical run-of-the-mill teenager. Sure, she's taller than most girls, has a mane of fiery red hair that's impossible to tame, is left-handed, and her eyes are two different colors, but that's where the differences...
Book cover of Shakespeare's Gardens and Stones
by Henry N. Ellacombe, George Frederick Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2016

Shakespeare's Gardens and Stones This slim volume, number 10  in the Shakespeare series published by AfterMath, contains two complete works:  “The Plant-Lore and Garden-Craft of Shakespeare,” by Henry N. Ellacombe “Shakespeare and Precious Stones,” by George Frederick Kunz
Book cover of Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)
by C.A. Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2012

Surviving tenth grade is the least of Cat Colvin's worries. Cat Colvin wants more than anything to just be an "average" teenager and blend in, but having found out the secret of her adoption has Cat questioning her entire life. Unfortunately, there are much deeper and darker secrets...
Book cover of Witch Hunter Olivia
by T.A. Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2014

*A New Adult Paranormal Novel* In the town of Piedmont Pointe, where paranormal is the norm, a girl can easily get herself in over her head with a single wrong move. Unfortunately for Olivia Adams, she’s about to make several. Starting over is never easy, but it seemed like the only...
Book cover of The Elements of Taste
by Gray Kunz, Peter Kaminsky
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2008

Gray Kunz has teamed up with food writer Peter Kaminsky to put together a cookbook that looks precisely at what taste is. They have identified 14 basic tastes in the chef's palate and offer recipes showing how to use these fundamental building blocks.
Book cover of Effective Mormon Families

Effective Mormon Families

How They See Themselves

by Dyer, William G., Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 1986

This is William G. Dyer and Phillip R. Kunz' book on effective mormon families.
Book cover of Transformational Reminiscence
by John A. Kunz, MS, Florence Gray Soltys
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2007

"[A]s recently as fifty years ago people believed that reminiscing was a sign of senility....Today, along with a greater understanding of the significance of reminiscence we have seen the rising popularity of private memoirs in various forms, from oral histories by universities to audio and videotapes...
Book cover of The Modern Senate of Canada 1925-1963
by Frank Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1965

The role of the senate has changed much in recent years and—judging by the amount of recent public discussion on its role—might change even more in the future. This new study, the theoretical framework and theoretical discussion of which lift it out of the merely descriptive, contains a great...
Book cover of Species Conservation in Managed Habitats

Species Conservation in Managed Habitats

The Myth of a Pristine Nature

by Werner Kunz
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Written by an author with longstanding experience in the ecology of insects and birds and with a stellar academic record in molecular life sciences, this is a welcome challenge to the widely held beliefs in conventional environmental policies. Werner Kunz convincingly explains why maintaining high...
Book cover of Schlüsselsituationen der Sozialen Arbeit

Schlüsselsituationen der Sozialen Arbeit

Professionalität durch Wissen, Reflexion und Diskurs in Communities of Practice

by Eva Tov, Regula Kunz, Adrian Stämpfli
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Dieses E-Book enthält komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergrössern lassen. Professionalität bedeutet in der Sozialen Arbeit, wissens- und wertebasiert zu handeln. Eva Tov, Regula Kunz und Adi Stämpfli werden diesem Anspruch...
Book cover of Herausfordernde Führungssituationen

Herausfordernde Führungssituationen

Souverän bei Kritik und Konflikten

by Gunnar C. Kunz
Language: German
Release Date: March 7, 2017

Eine Reihe von Situationen, mit denen sich Führungskräfte im Berufsalltag konfrontiert sehen, sind nicht selten herausfordernd und heikel. Sie erfordern ein hohes Maß an Einfühlungsvermögen und Lösungsorientierung. Dies können eskalierende Konflikte im Team, Kritik an der eigenen Person oder...
Book cover of Selbstmanagement im Beruf

Selbstmanagement im Beruf

Entwickeln Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit

by Gunnar C. Kunz
Language: German
Release Date: March 19, 2019

Zum Inhalt Wer im beruflichen Umfeld langfristig erfolgreich sein will, muss immer wieder neue Anforderungen meistern, seine Stärken kontinuierlich ausbauen und eigene verborgene Potenziale wirksam entfalten. Gerade unter dem Vorzeichen des raschen technologischen Wandels und der Digitalisierung...
Book cover of 100 Jahre Österreich

100 Jahre Österreich

Die Politik 1918-2018 im Spiegel des Humors. Mit einem Vorwort von Heinz Fischer

by Johannes Kunz
Language: German
Release Date: October 2, 2017

Zeitgeschichte in Satire, Witz und Karikatur Mit Humor lebt es sich leichter. Diese Lektion haben die Österreicher gelernt. Und sie haben auf ihre Weise mit Satire, Witz, Anekdote und Karikatur die Geschichte ihres Landes glossiert und sie damit wenn schon nicht bewältigt, so wenigstens erträglich...
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