Meyer: 1965 books

Book cover of Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Gier nach Macht und Geld

by Sabine Meyer, Donald Trump
Language: German
Release Date: April 29, 2016

Donald Trump gehört zweifellos zu den populärsten Kandidaten für die anstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen im November 2016. Auch hier in Deutschland haben die Medien seit den 80er-Jahren die Karriere und die Skandale um den Immobilienmogul aufmerksam verfolgt. Finanzielle Schieflagen, undurchsichtige...
Book cover of The Book of Wine

The Book of Wine

An Introduction to Choosing, Serving, and Drinking the Best Wines

by Jackson Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2014

A full-bodied exploration of wine! The lush, earthy taste of Malbec. The rich, spicy scent of Shiraz. The crisp, refreshing bubbles in Prosecco. What's the secret to pouring the perfect glass of wine? The Book of Wine opens the door to the delightfully complex world of wine. Each page encourages...
Book cover of The Human Tradition in Premodern China
by Ina Asim, Anthony Deblasi, Peter Ditmanson
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2002

The Human Tradition in Premodern China is a collection of biographical essays revealing the variety and complexity of human experience in China from the earliest historical times to the dawn of the modern age. China is a vast country with a long history, and one which is by itself as complex as the...
Book cover of Emp Survival: 10 Dangerous Places You Should Avoid When An Emp Starts
by Noel Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2017

What are you going to do when an EMP strikes? Are you ready for all of the chaos and uncertainty that is going to arise when the country goes off the grid and some of your most basic daily habits can no longer happen? This is exactly what the enemies of this country would just love to do and many...
Book cover of Studying the Holocaust Through Film and Literature: Human Rights and Social Responsibility
by Miriam Klein Kassenoff, Anita Meyer Meinbach
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2004

Through film and literature, this book shows students the moral and ethical lessons that have evolved from the Holocaust so they can connect them with the moral dilemmas they face in their own lives. The authors focus on 3 main lessons of the Holocaust - thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not...
Book cover of Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul

Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul

Heartwarming Stories About People 60 and Over

by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Paul J. Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2012

This collection offers readers loving insights and wisdom--all centering on the prime of life. Contributors to this volume include Erma Bombeck, Ruth Stafford Peale, Tom Landry, Florence Littauer, Roy Rogers and Max Lucado.
Book cover of Rachel McAdams 126 Success Facts - Everything you need to know about Rachel McAdams
by Gladys Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2014

This book is your ultimate resource for Rachel McAdams. Here you will find the most up-to-date 126 Success Facts, Information, and much more.In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Rachel McAdams's Early life, Career and Personal...
Book cover of Kobra
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: November 20, 2013

Die laaste ding wat kaptein Bennie Griessel van die Valke nodig het, is moeilikheid. Want hy suip dalk al weer, hy lieg vir sy kollegas en sy AA-borg, en die intrek by Alexa Barnard was ’n fout. ’n Karnallie van ’n fout. Maar die gastehuis-bloedbad buite Franschhoek was die werk van ’n professionele...
Book cover of Ikarus
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: March 6, 2015

Op 17 Desember spoel die lyk van Ernst Richter oop in die duine anderkant Parklands – dié Ernst Richter, berugte internet-entrepreneur, baas van die omstrede webwerf, wat ’n maand gelede so onverklaarbaar en sensasioneel verdwyn het. Selfs in normale omstandighede sou die Valke Bennie...
Book cover of Die vrou in die blou mantel
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: November 6, 2017

Daar ver onder in die Kaapse nag steel iemand skilderye waarop vroue in blou geklee is. En kaptein Bennie Griessel droom van verloofringe, en sy kollega Vaughn Cupido bekommer hom oor commitment. En die private eye Billy de Palma, “narcissist, psycho, real arsehole”, is besig met sy gewone onheilighede....
Book cover of 7 Dae
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: March 6, 2016

Ek sal elke dag ʼn poliesman skiet, tot julle die moordenaar van Hanneke Sloet aankla, lees die dreigbrief aan die SAPD. En dan begin hy. Bennie Griessel is die een wat die dossier moet heropen. Die saak is 40 dae oud, die spoor is koud. Daar’s geen motief nie, geen leidrade, net ʼn reeks naakfoto’s,...
Book cover of Infanta
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: November 7, 2014

“My naam is Bennie Griessel en ek is ’n alkoholis.” “Hallo, Bennie,” sê die twee en dertig stemme in ’n blymoedige koor. “Ek het gisteraand ’n bottel Jack Daniel’s uitgesuip en my vrou geslaan. Sy het my vanoggend uit die huis uit gesit. Ek is nou een dag sonder drank. Ek is hier...
Book cover of Prooi
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: October 8, 2018

Kapteins Griessel en Cupido wil van meet af aan nie dié docket hê nie. Die een van Johnson Johnson, oud-poliesman, sy lyk gekry langs die treinspoor anderkant Drie Susters. Want die saak is weke oud. Yskoud. Opgeneuk deur die SAPD, afgedwing op die Valke. Twee passasiers op die wêreld se luuksste...
Book cover of Onsigbaar
by Deon Meyer
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: May 30, 2012

Lemmer se Eerste Algemene Wet: Moenie betrokke raak nie. Hy pas dit veral toe in sy werk as vryskut-lyfwag by Body Armour, waar hy laag af is op die pryslys, want hy’s die een met die kriminele rekord, die gebrekkige sosiale vaardighede en die baie kort humeur. Wanneer die mooi, ryk Emma le Roux...
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