Nicholas Nicholas: 2917 books

Book cover of Crystals for Karmic Healing

Crystals for Karmic Healing

Transform Your Future by Releasing Your Past

by Nicholas Pearson
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2017

A detailed guide for using crystals and gemstones to resolve negative karma and discover your soul’s purpose • Details the spiritual and chemical interpretations of more than 50 healing stones as well as fossils, flint, and amber • Offers advanced crystal exercises for past-life...
Book cover of Lo scrigno dei segreti

Lo scrigno dei segreti

L'odissea dei Pink Floyd

by Nicholas Schaffner
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 7, 2014

Una biografia della complicata vicenda dei Pink Floyd, dai giorni eroici di Syd Barrett al formidabile successo degli anni Settanta e ai velenosi intrighi degli anni Ottanta, dagli irripetibili spettacoli stroboscopici del 1967 ai pupazzi horror di "The wall": una meticolosa ricerca d'archivio,...
Book cover of The Sly Lake Gang
by Nicholas White
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2014

The Sly Lake Gang is the story of four estranged friends brought together through circumstance to face down a merciless killer -a monster connected to a strange incident from their childhood. Apathetic insurance professional Donald Borland reaches out for his adoptive brother Darren Lemay after a...
Book cover of Antifragilität


Anleitung für eine Welt, die wir nicht verstehen

by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2013

Die Summe von Talebs Denken – originelle Thesen, eleganter Lesegenuss und scharfe Pointen Wir leben in einer unsicheren Welt, und das System, das sie beherrscht, hat auf dramatische Weise vorgeführt, wie zerbrechlich es ist. Und doch haben wir nichts daraus gelernt und setzen dieser Fragilität...
Book cover of Der Schwarze Schwan

Der Schwarze Schwan

Die Macht höchst unwahrscheinlicher Ereignisse

by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2015

Eines der einflussreichsten Bücher der letzten Jahrzehnte Schwarze Schwäne stehen symbolisch für das, womit wir nicht rechnen. Wenn uns im Alltag ungeahnte Überraschungen begegnen, ist das vielleicht noch nicht so schlimm. Suchen sie jedoch gesamte Volkswirtschaften heim, kann das System...
Book cover of The Decline Of Western Restaurants: What You Don’t Know CAN Kill You
by Nicholas R. Daniels III
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2015

Over the past 30 years western restaurants have seen a quick degradation in both quality and service. In this book I try to help the reader -- customer, chef, manager, or owner -- understand why from my personal experience working as a chef. There are some scary stories, observations, and good advice.
Book cover of Getting Started with Fluidinfo

Getting Started with Fluidinfo

Online Information Storage and Search Platform

by Nicholas J. Radcliffe, Nicholas H. Tollervey
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2012

Imagine a public storage system that has a place online for structured data about everything that exists—or that could exist. This book introduces Fluidinfo, a system that enables you to store information about anything, real or imaginary, in any digital form. You’ll learn how to organize and...
Book cover of Household and City Organization at Olynthus
by Prof. Nicholas Cahill
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2008

Olynthus, an ancient city in northern Greece, was preserved in an exceptionally complete state after its abrupt sacking by Phillip II of Macedon in 348 B.C., and excavations in the 1920s and 1930s uncovered more than a hundred houses and their contents. In this book Nicholas Cahill analyzes the results...
Book cover of Tour of War
by Nicholas Caruso
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2014

In a totalitarian future, the haves live in the land of plenty, and the have-nots in the dead zones. Their secret government is called the Windows. Guardians keep the have-nots in check by feeding them chemicals, depriving them, teaching ignorance and spreading propaganda. Heroes are cultivated by...
Book cover of La última canción
by Nicholas Sparks
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 10, 2013

Por el autor de El cuaderno de Noah y Noches de tormenta. Cuando su madre la obliga a pasar las vacaciones con su padre en un pueblo de Carolina del Norte, Ronnie Miller una adolescente de 17 años, no puede imaginarse una tortura peor. Hace tres años que sus padres se separaron, pero ella nunca...
Book cover of Mensaje en una botella
by Nicholas Sparks
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 13, 2012

¿Te imaginas que te llegara un mensaje en una botella de parte del amor de tu vida a quien todavía no conoces? Theresa Osborne es una periodista de Boston que ha perdido la fe en las relaciones de pareja duraderas. Lleva tres años divorciada de su marido, quien la engañaba, cuando decide tomarse...
Book cover of Fantasmas del pasado
by Nicholas Sparks
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 10, 2013

Jeremy Marsh, periodista especializado en desenmascarar fraudes con apariencia de hechos sobrenaturales, viaja a Boone Creek, una pequeña localidad de Carolina del Norte, en busca de la causa real que se esconde detrás de unas apariciones fantasmagóricas en el cementerio del pueblo. Pero Jeremy...
Book cover of The Dunks
by Nicholas O'Neill
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2014

This is a book about a young boy growing up in a rough neighbourhood with crime on the rise with no one to point him in the right direction what live choices will he take to make or brake his future will crime be all his future has in it or will he change what happens for the better and do something with him self
Book cover of Learning versus the Common Core
by Nicholas Tampio
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2019

An open challenge to Common Core’s drive for uniformity Nicholas Tampio watched as his kindergartner’s class shifted from one where teachers, aides, parents, and students worked hard to create a rewarding educational experience to one in which teachers delivered hours-long lectures using...
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