Pablo: 657 books

Book cover of Names, Ethnicity and Populations

Names, Ethnicity and Populations

Tracing Identity in Space

by Pablo Mateos
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2014

Ethnicity has become one of the most studied human dimensions in social and biomedical sciences over the past decade. However, there are important shortcomings in the means available to researchers to define and classify human group difference in past, as well as contemporary populations. Personal...
Book cover of EU Treaties and the Judicial Politics of National Courts
by Pablo José Castillo Ortiz
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2015

Cases such as the Maastricht ruling by the German Federal Constitutional Court or the 'Crotty; decision by the Irish Supreme Court have gone down in the history of European integration as outstanding examples of intervention by judicial actors in important political processes. In this book, Dr. Castillo...
Book cover of Computational Models of Cognitive Processes
by Julien Mayor, Pablo Gomez
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2013

Computational Models of Cognitive Processes collects refereed versions of papers presented at the 13th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW13) that took place July 2012, in San Sebastian (Spain). This workshop series is a well-established and unique forum that brings together researchers...
Book cover of Painless Low Carb Recipes For Lazy People: 50 Simple Low Carbohydrate Foods Even Your Lazy Ass Can Make
by Phillip Pablo
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2014

Are you on Low Carb Diet and too lazy to cook? This recipes book contains 50 surprisingly simple Low Carb Diet recipes you can prepare and cook on the same afternoon. In other words, it is so simple, even your lazy ass can cook! The recipes follow the Low Carb Diet guidance and they are designed so...
Book cover of Manual del coaching.

Manual del coaching.

Cómo mejorar el rendimiento de las personas

by Jose Ángel Caperán Vega, Juan Pablo Villa Casal
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Es una herramienta para ayudar a facilitar el trabajo a aquellos coach que deseen ampliar conocimientos e incorporar herramientas para mejorar sus habilidades y recursos. Esta guía trata los conceptos básicos del coaching, la metodología que se debe emplear en un proceso de coaching y más de 20...
Book cover of Manual de negociación y resolución de conflictos.

Manual de negociación y resolución de conflictos.

Define objetivos, resuelve incidencias y obtén resultados

by Juan Pablo Villa Casal
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Claves para convertirte en el negociador imparable que todas las empresas querrán contratar. En la actualidad, la negociación es una importante habilidad que aprendemos a desarrollar muy tempranamente. Lo hacemos desde niños con nuestros padres para tener algo más de libertad o para que nos compren...
Book cover of Amistades imperfectas

Amistades imperfectas

Del Humanismo a la Ilustración con Cervantes.

by Juan Pablo Gil-Osle
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Este libro trata de la relación entre los discursos de la amistad masculina entre los siglos XV y XVIII en conexión con las representaciones de la amistad en Cervantes. El análisis de estas representaciones se enmarca entre dos grupos de teorías de la amistad. Por un lado, una serie de teorías...
Book cover of Running Out (2008)

Running Out (2008)

How Global Shortages Change the Economic Paradigm

by Pablo Rafael Gonzalez
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The shocking implications of a worldwide scarcity of natural resources have suddenly started to come clear. Higher prices for gas and heating oil may be a mere inconvenience, so far; occasional brown-outs and water shortages can be brushed off as seasonal or regional problems — but only up to a...
Book cover of Mörderische Begierden

Mörderische Begierden

Kriminelle Kurzgeschichten

by Kerstin Surra, Karl Plepeltis, Lorenz-Peter Andresen
Language: German
Release Date: October 8, 2012

Jeder Schuss ein Treffer! Nun, nicht immer. So mancher Schuss geht nach hinten los, und so manche Prise Gift schluckt unverhofft der Falsche. Diese Geschichten haben es in sich, denn hier läuft es oft gänzlich anders als erwartet. Heimtückische Mordpläne, skrupellose Killer, perfide Mordwaffen,...
Book cover of CT & MRI of the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Teaching File
by Pablo R. Ros, Koenraad J. Mortele, Vincent Pelsser
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2013

Now in its Third Edition, this trusted and practical volume in LWW’s Teaching File Series offers residents and practicing radiologists a unique opportunity to study alongside the experts in their field. For the first time, CT and MRI of the Abdomen and Pelvis is a hybrid publication, with a new...
Book cover of Breve historia de Euskadi

Breve historia de Euskadi

De los fueros a la autonomía

by Coro Rubio Pobes, José Luis de la Granja, Santiago de Pablo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 11, 2011

Un admirable esfuerzo de síntesis y objetividad que ayudará a comprender mejor el pasado, presente y futuro de Euskadi frente a tanto uso interesado de la historia. En la historia de Euskadi abundan viejos tópicos errados y falsos mitos, y escasean en cambio obras de divulgación de calidad...
Book cover of La España del siglo XX
by Santos Juliá, José Luis García Delgado, Juan Carlos Jiménez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 22, 2013

Primero la política y la sociedad, después la economía y, finalmente, la cultura son los tres ejes vertebradores del incitante recorrido por la España del siglo XX que invitan a seguir las páginas de esta obra. Adquiere así su forma definitiva un proyecto editorial -tras la aparición de los...
Book cover of Painless Alkaline Diet Recipes For Lazy People: 50 Surprisingly Simple Alkaline Diet Recipes Even Your Lazy Ass Can Make
by Phillip Pablo
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2015

Are you on Alkaline Diet and too lazy to cook? This recipes book contains 50 surprisingly simple Alkaline Diet recipes you can prepare and cook on the same afternoon. In other words, it is so simple, even your lazy ass can cook! The recipes follow the Alkaline Diet guidance and they are designed so...
Book cover of Livin’ la Vida Boba

Livin’ la Vida Boba

You Are Born, You Grow Up, You Try to Reproduce, You Get Cheated On, You Reproduce (With Another Partner), and You Die

by Lucano Divina, Juan Pablo Bustamante, Carlos Cubillos
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2016

Gathered together for the first time, a gourmet selection of the most read, most shared, and most insulted columns by the Bengal tiger Lucano Divina! After escaping from the Acheron Zoo, Lucano has been involved in the struggle against the imperialism of human stupidity, touching a range of subjects...
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