Paul Bert: 14 books

Book cover of Histoire de l'Algérie racontée aux petits enfants
by Paul Bert, Jules Renard
Language: French
Release Date: August 2, 2016

— L’Algérie est la plus grande et la plus belle des colonies françaises. — Sa superficie est de 67 millions d’hectares, soit 14 millions d’hectares de. plus que celle de la France. — La France a mis dix-sept ans à conquérir l’Algérie. — L’Algérie...
Book cover of Éléments de zoologie
by Raphaël Blanchard, Paul Bert
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2016

Nous allons commencer par l’étude de l’embranchement des Vertébrés. Vous savez déjà que ces animaux sont caractérisés par l’existence d’un squelette dont la partie fondamentale est la colonne vertébrale. J’ajoute qu’un autre caractère qui leur est commun à tous, et que ne possède...
Book cover of Les Colonies françaises
by Paul Bert, Anna Clayton
Language: French
Release Date: July 21, 2016

Je n’avais pas plus de quinze ans, lorsqu’un jour mon père me rapporta de Paris quelques volumes de Fenimore Cooper, le grand romancier américain. Il y a longtemps de cela, hélas ! Mais je me rappelle encore mon enthousiasme d’enfant pour cette vie des prairies que j’entrevoyais dans ses...
Book cover of The Marauding Walls of Doom

The Marauding Walls of Doom

Another Strange Uncle Bert Story

by Bert Paul
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2013

All over the world, 8-foot-by-12-foot sections of brick wall appear out of nowhere and zoom along, striking things in their paths. Cars are wrecked, property is damaged, and many people are killed. What is causing this strange phenomenon? Who is behind it? Can the madman be stopped? Maybe Uncle Bert's...
Book cover of Out of Order Murder Mystery
by Bert Paul
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2012

Take everything you've ever known about mysteries, and get ready to toss it out the window. Preferably at the neighbor who stole your newspaper this morning. Go on. We'll wait here. This story is a spoof of murder mysteries and courtroom dramas, with a bit of science fiction thrown in. It is told, well,...
Book cover of Passez au salon

Passez au salon

150 anecdotes de salons du livre

by Isabelle Massé, Hugo Fontaines, Caroline Allard
Language: French
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Solitude des premiers salons du livre, erreurs sur la personne, séances de dédicaces interminables, cadeaux des lecteurs, témoignages émouvants, insultes et humiliations, séjours à l’étranger, fêtes et durs lendemains de veille, moments décisifs et consécrations, péripéties de tout acabit…...
Book cover of The Flounder Flats Festival Fiasco
by Bert Paul
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2013

A couple of odd organizations involving the elderly residents of High Towers in T-Ville are plotting to hoard…something, and store it…somewhere. They think their activities in this regard may be illegal, but necessary. Someone falls down an elevator shaft at the towers and dies. Accidentally?...
Book cover of Heidegger, Education, and Modernity
by Michael A. Peters, Valerie Allen, Ares D. Axiotis
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2002

Martin Heidegger is, perhaps, the most controversial philosopher of the twentieth-century. Little has been written on him or about his work and its significance for educational thought. This unique collection by a group of international scholars reexamines Heidegger's work and its legacy for educational...
Book cover of Albert Murray and the Aesthetic Imagination of a Nation
by Barbara A. Baker, Louis A Rabb, Roberta S. Maguire
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2010

  This collection consists of essays written by prominent African American literature, jazz, and Albert Murray scholars, reminiscences from Murray protégés and associates, and interviews with Murray himself. It illustrates Murray’s place as a central figure in African American arts and...
Book cover of Building Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi

Building Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi

Practical Modularity with Java in the Cloud Age

by Paul Bakker, Bert Ertman
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2013

If you’re an experienced Java developer in the enterprise, this practical, hands-on book shows you how to use OSGi to design, develop, and deploy modular cloud applications. You’ll quickly learn how to use OSGi, through concise code examples and a set of best practices derived from the authors’...
Book cover of The Plaid Memorandum
by Bert Paul
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2012

Long-time residents of T-Ville, Mrs. Plaid and Old Mr. P, are dismayed to see that their obituaries are published prematurely (and with little regard for facts) in the local newspaper. They decide to "lay low," though, in case someone is trying to do them in. Before heading out of town, Mrs. Plaid handwrites...
Book cover of Orient&Okzident


Begegnungen und Wahrnehmungen aus fünf Jahrhunderten

by Bert G. Fragner, Johann Heiss, Johannes Feichtner
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2016

Eine historische Betrachtung des Verhältnisses zwischen „Orient" und „Okzident", beides weit mehr als Raumkategorien, verweist auf ein enges Beziehungsgeflecht, das sich über die Jahrhunderte aufbaute. Wie die hier versammelten Beiträge mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Nachbarn Habsburgermonarchie...
Book cover of Des bières et des hommes
by Jean-Paul Hébert, Dany Griffon
Language: French
Release Date: December 27, 2012

De la saga des grands groupes de brasseries industrielles aux microbrasseries, de la cervoise gauloise à la Guiness irlandaise, de la stout anglaise au dolo burkinabé, de la bière classique au malt d’orge au munkoyo congolais en passant par la chicha sud-américaine, ce livre numérique aborde...
Book cover of Toutes les bières moussent-elles ?

Toutes les bières moussent-elles ?

80 clés pour comprendre les bières

by Dany Griffon, Jean-Paul Hébert
Language: French
Release Date: June 29, 2010

Les bières, millénaires, universelles, ont accompagné le développement des civilisations. 1,8 milliard d'hectolitres est produit chaque année par les brasseries industrielles auquel il faut ajouter les boissons de type « bière autochtone ». Les dolos en Afrique, chichas en Amérique du Sud,...
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