Peter Peter: 17025 books

Book cover of Peter Cashin: My Fight for Newfoundland
by Peter J. Cashin, Edward Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Peter Cashin was at the centre—the stormy centre—of Newfoundland’s political and public life for more than thirty years. Known to many as “the fighting Major,” in a tribute to his wartime service with the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, he played a decisive role at every major stage in the...
Book cover of The Washermen

The Washermen

The Commander Allan Dice Books, #2

by Peter Hill
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2016

The Washermen. (A Commander Allan Dice Thriller) 'Peter Hill has done it again—a fast moving, action-packed thriller involving the secret service, the police, and underworld criminals.'  Coventry Evening Standard Three ruthless 'Washermen' arrive in England from Hong Kong. Their...
Book cover of The Politics of Disability

The Politics of Disability

A Need for a Just Society Inclusive of People with Disabilities

by Peter Gibilisco
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

We are confronted by neoliberalism and the inhumane consequences of its economic policies. The claim that "there is no alternative" to profit-making simply denies basic features of everyday reality. The Politics of Disability asks: Just where does all of this leave people with disabilities? What are...
Book cover of La Vita Segreta degli Alberi

La Vita Segreta degli Alberi

Cosa mangiano, quando dormono e parlano, come si riproducono, perché si ammalano e come guariscono

by Peter Wohlleben
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 5, 2016

Scopri la vita segreta degli alberi Gli alberi ci somigliano molto più di quanto pensiamo. Quello che per molti è solo un bosco, è in realtà una comunità molto ben organizzata e coesa. In questo libro scoprirete che gli alberi sentono il dolore, hanno ricordi, sentimenti, parlano tra di loro...
Book cover of Feuervogel


Das OMEGA-Team

by Peter Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: July 29, 2016

Action-Thriller aus der erfolgreichen Reihe „DAS OMEGA-TEAM“ von Peter Schmidt  (Mike Jaeger - Pseudonym) Erstausgabe erschienen im Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg. Überarbeitete, erweiterte Neuauflage Pájaro de fuego – "Feuervogel" ist der geheimnisvolle spanische...
Book cover of Die Regeln der Gewalt
by Peter Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: August 12, 2014

Thriller über den Terrorismus Die "Gruppe Kobra" zerstört den Zentralrechner des BKA, um ihre größten Schlag zu landen – doch das Ergebnis bestimmen immer die "Regeln der Gewalt" ... „Die Aufarbeitung des RAF-Terrors in Filmen, historischen Analysen und Studien hat Hochkonjunktur....
Book cover of In Pursuit of God
by Peter Schuler
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2016

Forty-one years ago, the Lord put a passion in the heart of Peter Schuler to seek God with all his heart, soul, and strength. Peter describes this passion in his introduction: “I love You, Lord. Burn away anything that is in me that is not of You. I fall short every day, but I run to You and feel...
Book cover of Abfangjäger: Ein Fall für Peter Zoff - Band 1
by Hans-Peter Vertacnik
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2013

'Du reißt den Bundeskanzler zu Boden und hältst ihm den Mund zu. Das Team verpasst ihm die Injektion und verschwindet. Alles klar?' Eigentlich ist der Ankauf neuer Jagdflugzeuge für das österreichische Bundesheer bereits beschlossen. Nur der Bundeskanzler zögert mit seiner Unterschrift - und...
Book cover of Ultimo: Ein Fall für Peter Zoff - Band 2
by Hans-Peter Vertacnik
Language: German
Release Date: March 19, 2013

Sie richtete sich auf. 'Hast du Benzin im Haus? Hier stinkt's danach.' - 'Vergiss es und schlaf weiter', antwortete er. Sie kuschelte sich an ihn. Es gab kein Geräusch, als ein brennendes Streichholz durchs geöffnete Fenster flog. Hannes Rieder ist eine schillernde und umstrittene Figur, eiskalter...
Book cover of The Bread Baker's Apprentice, 15th Anniversary Edition

The Bread Baker's Apprentice, 15th Anniversary Edition

Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread [A Baking Book]

by Peter Reinhart
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

Learn the art of bread making through techniques and recipes for making pizza dough, challah, bagels, sourdough, and more! Co-founder of the legendary Brother Juniper’s Bakery, author of ten landmark bread books, and distinguished instructor at the world’s largest culinary academy, Peter...
Book cover of Set Free

Set Free

Why I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

by Peter A. Rahme
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2017

Set Free is the testimony of Peter Rahme, an itinerant evangelist who received Jesus as his Lord and Savior in a dramatic spiritual encounter in 1980. In Set Free, Peter shares some of the shocking childhood experiences that would leave a traumatic and lasting imprint on his life. These experiences,...
Book cover of Filling in the Gaps

Filling in the Gaps

My Hi-de-High Life - The Sequel

by Peter Keogh
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2015

Filling in the Gaps follows on from Peter Keogh’s acclaimed and popular autobiography My Hi-de-Highlife: Before, During and After Su Pollard. This exciting sequel explores aspects of Peter’s life that were left out of his autobiography, including how a gay boy raised on a farm, and in spite of abuse...
Book cover of Ambient Findability

Ambient Findability

What We Find Changes Who We Become

by Peter Morville
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2005

How do you find your way in an age of information overload? How can you filter streams of complex information to pull out only what you want? Why does it matter how information is structured when Google seems to magically bring up the right answer to your questions? What does it mean to be "findable"...
Book cover of Wrights & Wrongs: My Life in Dance
by Peter Wright, Paul Arrowsmith
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2016

Peter Wright has been a dancer, choreographer, teacher, producer and director in the theatre as well as in television for over 70 years. His many productions of classic ballets are danced by companies not only in Britain but North and South America, Australia and Japan as well as in Europe. His production...
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