Shakespeare William: 2151 books

Book cover of König Richard III.
by William Shakespeare
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Die Tragödie von König Richard III. (engl. The Tragedy of King Richard the Third) ist ein Drama von William Shakespeare in fünf Akten über den englischen König Richard III. Das um 1593 entstandene Werk schließt an Heinrich VI., Teil 3 an und ist der letzte Teil der York-Tetralogie. (aus
Book cover of Coriolanus
by William Shakespeare
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Coriolanus (engl. The Tragedy of Coriolanus) ist eine Tragödie von William Shakespeare in 5 Akten, entstanden um 1607. Das Stück spielt Anfang des 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. in Rom und Antium und erzählt die Geschichte des römischen Patriziers und Kriegshelden Coriolanus, der sich gegen sein eigenes Volk wendet. (aus
Book cover of Henri VI – Partie 1
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: March 31, 2014

EXTRAIT: ACTE PREMIER SCÈNE I Abbaye de Westminster. Marche funèbre. Le corps du roi Henri V, découvert, exposé solennellement, entouré des DUCS DE BEDFORD, DE GLOCESTER ET D'EXETER, DU COMTE DE WARWICK, DE L'ÉVÊQUE DE...
Book cover of Othello


(Edition Intégrale - Version Entièrement Illustrée)

by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: April 23, 2017

Othello (Edition Intégrale - Version Entièrement Illustrée) * Inclus une courte biographie de William Shakespeare Descriptif : Héros à l'esprit guerrier jusque dans son discours amoureux, séducteur, maniant à la perfection le paradoxe et jouant à merveille sur l'ambiguïté des mots,...
Book cover of Le jour des Rois
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: March 31, 2014

EXTRAIT: ACTE PREMIER SCÈNE I Appartement dans le palais du duc. LE DUC, CURIO, seigneurs. (Des musiciens jouent.) LE DUC.- Si la musique est l'aliment de l'amour, jouez donc; donnez-m'en jusqu'à ce que ma passion surchargée en soit...
Book cover of Henri V (new classics)
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: February 9, 2016

C'est à tort que la plupart des critiques ont regardé Henri V comme l'un des plus faibles ouvrages de Shakspeare. Le cinquième acte, il est vrai, est vide et froid, et les conversations qui le remplissent ont aussi peu de mérite poétique que d'intérêt dramatique. Mais la marche des quatre premiers...
Book cover of Tout est bien qui finit bien
by William Shakespeare
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2012

Comprend 11 illustrations - 45 notes de bas de page - Environ 180 pages au format Ebook. Sommaire interactif avec hyperliens. Tout est bien qui finit bien (All's Well That Ends Well en anglais) est une comédie écrite par William Shakespeare, probablement entre 1601 et 1608. Une théorie...
Book cover of Coriolanus


A Tragedy

by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2013

A tragic play based on the life of Roman leader Cauis Marcius Coriolanus, by William Shakespeare.
Book cover of As You Like It

As You Like It

A Comedy

by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2013

A comedy by William Shakespeare set in a French duchy.
Book cover of All's Well That Ends Well
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2013

A comedy by William Shakespeare, set in Rousillon, France.
Book cover of The History Plays
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2014

It is part of Shakespeare's extraordinary contribution to our culture that, through his dramas based on English history, he played a unique part in forming our view of ourselves and our nationhood. From King John, in which through Magna Carta the king's absolute power was first limited and the people's...
Book cover of Sonetti - Sonetti 67-88 Libro 4/7 (versione PC o MAC)
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 13, 2012

Come può venire in mente a qualcuno, di tradurre in endecasillabi rimati centocinquantaquattro Sonetti (un sesto della Divina Commedia!), sapendo che di traduzioni di quell’Opera di Shakespeare ne esistono a centinaia? Mi era capitato di imbattermi in una frase di William Wordsworth che definiva...
Book cover of Sogno di una notte di mezza estate
by William Shakespeare
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Sogno di una notte di mezza estate (titolo originale: "A Midsummer Night's Dream") fu scritta probabilmente tra il 1593 e il 1595. E' senza dubbio una delle commedie più conosciute e apprezzate di William Shakespeare. L'opera si compone di tre storie collegate tra loro dalla celebrazione...
Book cover of King Richard III
by William Shakespeare
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2014

Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 in the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. His defeat at Bosworth Field, the last decisive battle of the...
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