Silvia: 1154 books

Book cover of Revolution at Point Zero

Revolution at Point Zero

Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle

by Silvia Federici
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Written between 1975 and the present, the essays collected in this volume represent years of research and theorizing on questions of social reproduction and the consequences of globalization. Originally inspired by Federici's organizational work in the Wages for Housework movement, the topics discussed...
Book cover of Musas de Barcelona
by Silvia Angulo, Carles Barba, Maricel Chavarría
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 21, 2015

Un recopilatorio de maravillosas obras de arte de autores como Dalí, Tàpies, Picasso, Casas o Rusiñol y una apasionante investigación sobre las mujeres que inspiraron a estos grandes artistas. El artista siempre parte de la realidad para crear algo que la transciende, algo mágico que llamamos...
Book cover of How to Become a Brewery Cellar Worker

How to Become a Brewery Cellar Worker

How to Become a Brewery Cellar Worker

by Carley Silvia
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Brewery Cellar Worker. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Brewery Cellar Worker
Book cover of Sovereign Risk and Financial Crisis

Sovereign Risk and Financial Crisis

The International Political Economy of the Eurozone

by Silvia Pepino
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2015

This book provides an original and timely insight into the role that the domestic and international political economy played in the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis, combining an innovative theoretical framework with in-depth bond market analysis.
Book cover of Modern Analysis of Customer Surveys

Modern Analysis of Customer Surveys

with Applications using R

by Silvia Salini, Ron S. Kenett
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2011

Customer survey studies deals with customers, consumers and user satisfaction from a product or service. In practice, many of the customer surveys conducted by business and industry are analyzed in a very simple way, without using models or statistical methods. Typical reports include descriptive...
Book cover of The Uses of Psychoanalysis in Working with Children's Emotional Lives
by Devra B. Adelstein, Ann Alaoglu, E. James Anthony
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

This volume offers very specific illustrations of psychoanalytic ways of thinking and working in both clinical and pedagogical contexts with children. It is designed for professionals who work with infants, children, and adolescents, and who are seeking modes of working that respects emotions, that...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2

Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2

Safety, quality and sustainability

by Sabine Cardoen, Wendie Claeys, Claire Verraes
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2017

Summarises current research on pathogenic risks affecting milk and ways they can be controlled on the farm;  Reviews ways of measuring and reducing the environmental impact of dairy farming such as better grassland management;  Assesses the wider role of dairy farming and how it can be improved in the developing world
Book cover of The Sustainability of Renewable Energy in Europe
by Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Silvia Micheli
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2015

This book demonstrates that the much-needed global shift in energy production and use must happen at a territorial level in order to be truly successful and sustainable. This book enables regional implementation efforts by connecting broad EU environmental policies with plans for action at the territorial...
Book cover of 遇見26個自己:認識內在的26種人格,喜歡上不完美的自己
by 席薇雅.恩格爾(Silvia Maria Engl)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 18, 2017

★26個不完美的自我,讓人生幸福起來的心靈座標 接納你心中的自大狂、小媳婦、假淡定、自艾自憐、憤世嫉俗、完美主義**……** 邁向自我實現與幸福人生 ** ** 當你心中有「委曲自己」的「小媳婦」人格>>>先培養被討厭的勇氣,昂然面對他人 當你心中有「渴望被愛」的「浪漫姊」人格>>>要明白,想被愛,得先學會愛人 當你心中有「追求完美」的「完美主義姊」人格>>>要相信,做自己,也能受人喜愛! ◆ ** ** ** **周志建(心理博士/故事療癒作家/私塾帶領人)  吳若權(廣播主持人/作家)  周慕姿(《情緒勒索》作者、心曦心理諮商所所長)  褚士瑩(公益旅行家/作家)  蘇絢慧(諮商心理師/心理叢書作家) ──聯合推薦(以上謹依姓氏筆畫排列) ◆ ** ** ◎****你過的並不是自己的人生,而是各種「自我」的人生 嘿,你認識他們嗎? 自大狂、受害者、怨天尤人、自艾自憐、戲劇女王、完美主義者…… 這些慣性思維模式,是否讓你一次又一次裹足不前,無法大膽實現夢想、抓住幸福? 幸福並不難,問題只出在你怎麼想,怎麼去面對隱藏在內心深處的各種「自我」。** ** ◎了解**「自我」,改變與幸福才有可能發生**  改變最漫長的道路,是「從腦到心」這條路;不了解自己,就很難做出正確的選擇與改變,邁向幸福快樂的人生。  「德國頂尖心靈教練」席薇雅從瑜伽與內觀禪的體驗中,發現內在人格的運作模式,她用幽默的擬人化筆調介紹26個「自我」,教你透視這些「內在朋友」的心理與恐懼,奪回自己人生的主導權。 ◎接納「自我」,收下生命的禮物  本書詳盡說明26個人格形成的原因、特徵和想法,就好像在敘述26名個性迥異的朋友:  站在鎂光燈下的戲劇女王、渴望完美童話的浪漫姊,還有挑剔妹、潑冷水哥、萬事通哥、冷血姊、為錢擔心哥、羞恥妹、閒不下來哥……以及──等等我,「我還沒有準備好」姊!  ...
Book cover of Diverse Contemporary Issues Facing Business Management Education
by Mohammad Ayub Khan, Diana Bank, Edet E. Okon
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

In today’s society, it is not only desirable but essential for a business to take on a global edge. The best way to ensure a successful future is to educate business students about global policies currently at play. Diverse Contemporary Issues Facing Business Management Education discusses the issues...
Book cover of Un'incredibile normalità
by Silvia MacSell
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 9, 2015

La normalità di Alexandra è stata stravolta da Ben e dal rapporto che i due hanno tentato di costruire; ma ora le vacanze volgono al termine e Alex deve tornare a casa. I sentimenti sono più chiari ma c'è ancora qualcosa da risolvere prima di mettere il sigillo alla loro storia. Cos'ha in serbo il destino per Ben e Alexandra?
Book cover of Guida astrologica per cuori infranti
by Silvia Zucca
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 8, 2015

Trent'anni passati da un po', single (NON per scelta) e con un impiego che offre ben poche prospettive di carriera, Alice Bassi accoglie la notizia del matrimonio del suo indimenticato ex come il proverbiale colpo di grazia. Se non fosse ancora abbastanza, nella piccola rete televisiva per cui lei...
Book cover of Coincidenze
by Silvia Lanzi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2013

La vita può cambiare in un attimo. Una persona te ne presenta un’altra, cogli un’occasione estemporanea, prendi il coraggio a due mani e ti butti… E così da piccole cose, ne nascono di grandi, e ti trovi dove non avresti nemmeno osato sperare. Ma esistono davvero le coincidenze?
Book cover of 36 Fun Extra
by Silvia Strufaldi, Ricardo Garay
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 11, 2017

36Fun Extra é um almanaque gigante de diversão, nele você encontra 600 motivos para se divertir ou relaxar. Composto de: piadas, trivias, cartuns, quizzes e curiosidades. A cada novo volume novos motivos para você, rir, se informar de coisas inúteis e relaxar. Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos.
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