Sol: 249 books

Book cover of Common Core: Yea & Nay
by Sol Stern, Peter W. Wood
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2014

Why Conservatives Should Stop Opposing the Common Core (Common Core: Yea) by Sol Stern In the past few decades – as progressives gained influence in universities and schools of education – the idea of a coherent, content-rich curriculum has been erased from America’s classrooms. Now, for...
Book cover of We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe / Recuerdo, Celebración, y Esperanza
by Armando Solórzano
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2014

The history of Mexican Americans in Utah is complex, but it is also a history that is neither well represented in mainstream recounting nor well recognized in the mainstream understanding of Utah’s past. Convoluted interactions among Native Americans, Spaniards, French, Mexicans, Anglos, and others...
Book cover of Where to Next?

Where to Next?

A Memoir Beyond Borders

by Solène Anglaret
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2018

This memoir will take you on a journey from childhood to adulthood through France, Norway, the United States, the United Kingdom, China and Australia. It is filled with challenging experiences, fundamental lessons, and unforgettable encounters. Witness how such a lifestyle beyond borders changes...
Book cover of A Deniable Man
by Sol Stein
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Susan Whitcomb, a brilliant New York trial lawyer, has learned her craft from the best in the field—Professor Farlan Amory Adams, her Columbia law teacher, millionaire mentor, and eloquent would-be lover. She needs every shred of the rigorous mental training he has given her when, without warning,...
Book cover of Inspire, Play, Listen, Create, Imagine
by Misty Sol, Paul Trefz
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2014

Inspire, Play, Listen, Create, Imagine is a collection of five poems with artwork that will dazzle and fascinate young readers. This collection, authored by Misty Sol and Paul Trefz with artwork by Misty Sol, is intended to inspire young learners and encourage them to become creative thinkers and...
Book cover of Our Eyes Never Lie

Our Eyes Never Lie

Experiences of an Entrepreneur Physician

by Sol Goldenberg
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2017

Our Eyes Never Lie by Sol Goldenberg   Author Sol Goldenberg was a family physician in London, England, for 32 years. His passion for poetry and writing equaled his love for medicine. The personal care he offered his patients encouraged him to maintain a high standard...
Book cover of Víctima de víctimas

Víctima de víctimas

Teoría, práctica y aplicaciones de las constelaciones familiares

by David Solá
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 24, 2014

Este es el séptimo libro del reconocido psicólogo David Solà, autor, entre otros éxitos, de Educar sin maltratar, del que se han vendido más de diez mil ejemplares. Esta obra es un manual práctico para conocer la Terapia Sistémica Transgeneracional, más conocida como Constelaciones Familiares....
Book cover of Sol B. River: Plays Two
by Sol B. River
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2017

Includes the plays The White Witch of Rose Hall, The Last Admittance of Man, 48-49, Making Waves, Walk Against Fear and Two Tracks and Text Me. The White Witch of Rose Hall explores the horrors of voodoo and slavery. In The Last Admittance of Man Jesus has sought permission from God to see...
Book cover of Champollion
by Robert SOLÉ
Language: French
Release Date: August 23, 2012

La vie et les pensées, au jour le jour, de Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832), le célèbre égyptologue qui perça le secret des hiéroglyphes, à travers sa correspondance et ses plus grandes œuvres. La collection " Autoportraits ", dirigée par Laurent Greilsamer, est née...
Book cover of Die Weite fühlen

Die Weite fühlen

Aufzeichnungen einer Hirtin.

by Pia Solèr
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2011

Einfach mal weg sein - eine der großen Sehnsüchte des zivilisierten Menschen. Pilgern auf dem Jakobsweg. Kein iPhone, kein Internet. Oder raus, aufs Land. Doch wie fühlt es sich an, schon immer einfach weg zu sein, von Berufs wegen? Pia Solèr ist knapp 40 Jahre alt und Hirtin. Sie lebt in einem...
Book cover of After the Madness

After the Madness

A Judge's Own Prison Memoir

by Sol Wachtler
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2014

Driving down the Long Island Expressway in November of 1992, Sol Wachtler was New York’s chief judge and heir apparent to the New York governorship. Suddenly, three van loads of FBI agents swerved in front of him—bringing his car and his legal career to a halt. Wachtler's subsequent arrest, conviction,...
Book cover of How to Build a Financial Model
by Sol Hong
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2012

My storyI remember when I was a junior in college and had just received my summer internship with an investment bank. I knew there was going to be intensive training on financial modeling but my school did not equip me with the proper skills for my internship. Sure, the core curriculum taught...
Book cover of Practically Investing

Practically Investing

Smart Investment Techniques Your Neighbour Doesn’T Know

by Coreen T. Sol
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2014

If the last financial crisis cost you money, you may be wondering whether you should continue investing in the market. After all, you have bills to pay and a job to keepand you cant spend all your free time crunching numbers. With the help of an expert, you can control your financial future...
Book cover of Nacer bajo tierra
by Sol Díaz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Una historia sobre la búsqueda del origen, sobre el encuentro con la propia sombra, sobre aprender a honrar los ancestros y desafiar lo aprendido, sobre encontrar el camino propio.“El inconsciente de Sol Díaz sabe escribir y dibujar. De eso no tengo dudas. Nacer bajo tierra no es una alegoría...
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