Stefan: 3445 books

Book cover of Dr. Stefan Frank 2424 - Arztroman
by Stefan Frank
Language: German
Release Date: December 5, 2017

In Claras Leben sieht es gerade alles andere als rosig aus: Nach einem Jahr, in dem sie ihren Freund wegen seines USA-Aufenthaltes nicht gesehen hat, sollte nun eigentlich alles anders werden. Sie hatten geplant, nach Davids Rückkehr zusammenzuziehen und gemeinsam miteinander alt zu werden. Stattdessen...
Book cover of Dr. Stefan Frank 2429 - Arztroman

Dr. Stefan Frank 2429 - Arztroman

Liebe auf verschlungenen Wegen

by Stefan Frank
Language: German
Release Date: January 9, 2018

Lena Molden ist Single und darüber ausgesprochen glücklich. Beziehungen engen sie ein. Wie viel schöner ist es doch, ein ungebundenes Leben zu führen! Als sie auf einer Party Jannik kennenlernt, erkennt sie schnell, mit was für einer Art Mann sie es hier zu tun hat: Der Schönling ist...
Book cover of Dr. Stefan Frank - Folge 2410

Dr. Stefan Frank - Folge 2410

Pass gut auf mein Mädchen auf!

by Stefan Frank
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2017

Mit gemischten Gefühlen betrachtet Rolf Wagner das Brautpaar, das vor dem Standesbeamten steht. Eigentlich hält er seinen Schwiegersohn für einen anständigen Kerl. Trotzdem glaubt er, dass diese Hochzeit ein Fehler ist. Hinter Julia und Henning liegen schwere Zeiten: Vor drei Jahren hatte die...
Book cover of The Peculiar
by Stefan Bachmann
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

The international bestseller and debut novel by teenage author and classical musician Stefan Bachmann is part murder mystery, part gothic fantasy, part clockwork adventure. Best-selling author Rick Riordan said of The Peculiar, "Stefan Bachmann breathes fresh life into ancient magic." Don't...
Book cover of The Whatnot
by Stefan Bachmann
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2013

The Whatnot is the acclaimed international bestseller and sequel to Stefan Bachmann's riveting debut novel, The Peculiar, which Publishers Weekly called "an absolute treat for readers of any age," and which the Los Angeles Times compared to "Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Charles Dickens's A Tale...
Book cover of Der letzte große Trost
by Stefan Slupetzky
Language: German
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Stefan Slupetzky, bisher als Krimiautor bekannt und vielfach ausgezeichnet, legt einen berührenden Roman über die Bürde der Geschichte und das Abschiednehmen vor. Friedenszeit in Österreich – seit zwei Generationen schon – ist für Daniel Kowalski eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Für seine Eltern...
Book cover of Specht Nummer 30
by Stefan Slupetzky
Language: German
Release Date: July 28, 2014

Kurzgeschichte von Stefan Slupetzky aus dem Band 'Mordserfolg'Zum Verlagsjubiläum versammeln sich Autorinnen und Autoren aus der Geschichte des Picus Verlags und tun das, was sie am besten können: erzählen. Was sie erzählen könnte unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Lassen Sie sich entführen in sechzehn...
Book cover of Writing for a Living
by Stefan Petrucha
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2013

Observations and strategies based on the two decade long writing career of Stefan Petrucha, author of over twenty novels and hundreds of graphic novels. This eBook collects the essays used for his successful online class of the same name, taught via the University of Massachusetts. Topics...
Book cover of The Book Of Guitar Tunings
by Stefan Grossman
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 1972

Tunings that differ from the standard EADGBE pattern have along and honorable history. From the pioneer blues-men to Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell and Bert Jansch, creative guitarists using unconventional tunings have been able to create unusual sounds, difficult or impossible in standard tuning. Until...
Book cover of LYFA! FITNESS 21 Days to Health and Fitness for Life!
by Stefan Stoman
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2014

Do you want to lose fat, build muscle and improve your health and fitness? Do you want to stay healthy, fit and lean for the rest of your life? Are you looking for a program that is both easy to implement and easy to follow? Do you want a program that truly works? Contained within these two cover...
Book cover of Lifting the Veil of Illusions: How to Identify and Heal the Influences of Unseen Forces
by Ted Stefan and Liza Glazer
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2010

All physical and emotional disease begins in the soul, offer authors and ministers Ted Stefan and Liza Glazer in Lifting the Veil of Illusions. Ridding oneself of unwanted energies involve identifying false beliefs and habits, releasing trauma and emotions and calling upon a Higher Source. A beautiful Healing Light Meditation is also offered as a tool.
Book cover of Emergency Department Treatment of the Psychiatric Patient

Emergency Department Treatment of the Psychiatric Patient

Policy Issues and Legal Requirements

by Susan Stefan
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2006

Many hospital emergency departments are overcrowded and short-staffed, with a limited number of available hospital beds. It is increasingly hard for emergency departments and their staff to provide the necessary level of care for medical patients. Caring for people with psychiatric disabilities raises...
Book cover of The Conspiracy of Good Taste

The Conspiracy of Good Taste

William Morris, Cecil Sharp and Clough Williams-Ellis and the repression of working class culture in the C20th

by Stefan Szczelkun
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2016

“The Conspiracy of Good Taste is a passionate analysis of the way working class culture has been appropriated and sanitised by middle class mediators of taste. Using the case studies of William Morris, Cecil Sharp and Clough William-Ellis, Szczelkun challenges their often widely seen role as enlightened...
Book cover of Amok ou Le Fou de Malaisie
by Stefan Zweig
Language: French
Release Date: May 7, 2019

Amok ou le Fou de Malaisie (Der Amokläufer) est une nouvelle de l'écrivain autrichien Stefan Zweig publiée en 1922. Le narrateur fait la rencontre sur un bateau d'un ancien médecin allemand parti pratiquer en Indonésie. Ce dernier est sous l'effet d'une vive et soudaine obsession pour une femme, sentiment qu'il met en parallèle avec l'amok. |Source Wikipédia|
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