Trish: 683 books

Book cover of The Forest at the Edge of the World
by Trish Mercer
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2016

Captain Perrin Shin, assigned to village Edge of the World, is out to do more than command the new fort. He’s determined to uncover the mystery of the Guarders: where they live, why they attack, and what they want. Suspiciously, none of their behavior has ever made sense. Mahrree Peto, a...
Book cover of Pierre's Story: Sequel to "I Was, I Am, I Will Be"
by John Coventry, Trish Faber
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2017

Reeling from the violent death of Michelle, the love of his life but a dangerous French terrorist, and the emptiness of never seeing their son Pierre, John Coventry sets off for a fresh start in Los Angeles. Unnerved by the Intelligence officers’ parting words, "You can never leave us John",...
Book cover of Fiançailles à la Saint-Valentin
by Trish Wylie
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2019

Quand elle hérite, à la mort de son meilleur ami, du manoir que possédait celui-ci, Shannon sent sa peur du lendemain s'estomper : grâce à Mattie, elle va pouvoir s'installer durablement avec Lizzie, sa fille de dix ans. Hélas, son inquiétude renaît quand elle apprend que c'est à Kane Healey...
Book cover of Guidée par la passion
by Trish Morey
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2016

Alors qu’elle voyage à Istanbul, Amber échappe de peu à la prison. Son salut ? Elle ne le doit qu’à l’intervention inespérée de Kadar Soheil Armimoez, un homme hautain et autoritaire qui la trouble immédiatement. Car, si elle lui est reconnaissante de l’avoir tirée de ce mauvais pas,...
Book cover of Sous le joug de la passion - Au piège de la vengeance
by Trish Wylie, Susan Napier
Language: French
Release Date: July 1, 2013

Sous le joug de la passion, Susan Napier Lorsqu’elle rencontre Blake Clayton, Olivia est d’emblée subjuguée par le charme ravageur de ce richissime héritier. Avant de se reprendre aussitôt : Blake n’est-il pas le premier client important que le cabinet d’avocats où elle travaille daigne...
Book cover of Une vengeance grecque
by Trish Morey
Language: French
Release Date: August 1, 2019

Athéna n’en revient pas. Son père, si peu présent dans sa vie, vient de tout lui léguer : sa fortune, une villa grecque, un immense yacht, un hélicoptère… Et surtout, l’île d’Argos ! Alors qu’elle prend timidement les rênes de sa nouvelle vie, elle tombe sous le charme d’Alexios...
Book cover of Hartstog op Hartenbos
by Trish Goosen
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: June 6, 2015

Karien van Tonder is vreeslik opgewonde toe haar verloofde, Shaun Morris, haar die projekbestuurder en hoofontwerper van hulle nuwe boetiekhotel maak. Al waaroor sy nie so seker is nie, is die ligging, want hy het wraggies op Hartenbos besluit. Nou moet Karien terugkeer na dié vakansiedorp waar sy...
Book cover of 365 Caregiving Tips: Travel and Respite Practical Tips from Everyday Caregivers
by Trish Hughes Kreis, Richard Kreis, Pegi Foulkrod
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Caregiving is hard enough and now we want to throw in traveling together?! Or arranging for a respite? Don’t caregivers have enough to do?! Yes we do but traveling or taking a respite is something all five authors have done while caregiving. Oh, it is not easy (understatement alert!). We understand...
Book cover of Women
by Trish Dozier
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2013

WOMEN is filled with satire and objectification of every interesting category that men encounter in the realm of chasing, finding, loving, speculating about, despising and being with a woman. This is a roller-coaster read intended to remind both sexes to take themselves more lightly when faced with the intricacies of personalities, relationships and interpersonal anything.
Book cover of Mariée sous contrat
by Trish Morey
Language: French
Release Date: July 1, 2014

Pour apporter un peu de réconfort à son grand-père malade, Simona a imaginé un plan aussi fou qu’audacieux : proposer à Alesander Esquivel de l’épouser. Bien sûr, elle sait que leurs deux familles se détestent depuis toujours, mais il s’agirait d’un mariage de convenance, jusqu’à...
Book cover of Feliz engano
by Trish Morey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 1, 2017

Esperavam-no duas surpresas: a sua amante não era quem ele pensava que era… e, além disso, estava grávida… Tegan Fielding devia fazer-se passar pela sua irmã gémea… e não ir para a cama com o chefe dela! Contudo, James Maverick era demasiado sexy e poderoso para conseguir resistir-lhe...
Book cover of O amor não se vende
by Trish Morey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Por fim apercebeu-se de que tinha algo que o dinheiro não podia comprar… o amor da sua esposa. Opal Clemenger estava na ruína e o único homem que podia ajudá-la era o impiedoso magnata Domenic Silvagni. Domenic era incrivelmente rico e pensava que podia conseguir tudo com dinheiro…...
Book cover of A tentação do indomável
by Trish Morey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Bem-vindos ao Chatsfield de Sidney! Franco Chatsfield nunca se regera pelas regras da sua família e não tinha a intenção de começar a fazê-lo naquele momento da sua vida. Mas o novo diretor-geral dos hotéis Chatsfield necessitava que Franco conseguisse um contrato e não podia recusar-se...
Book cover of Obstetric & Gynaecological Ultrasound E-Book
by Trish Chudleigh, PhD, DMU
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2016

This established text covers the full range of obstetric ultrasound examinations that a sonographer would be expected to perform in a general hospital or secondary referral setting, and is the only text that combines the practicalities of learning how to perform these examinations with the information...
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