First imprint: 2836 books

Science Comics: Cars

Engines That Move You

by Dan Zettwoch
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2019

In Dan Zettwoch's Science Comics: Cars, you'll learn where cars came from and how they work. When you pop the hood, what are you looking at? How does gasoline—or electric batteries, or even steam—make a car move? Rev up your motor and take look at the combustible history of the automobile and...
by Sarah Benner
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2014

Justitia Themis is finally released from death row after eight years of trying to prove her innocence, only with the help of her sister Athena and her brother-in-law Moros, was she able to have her case reheard. Once she is free, she finds out about the unjust procedure of her trial and makes it her goal in life to prevent this from happening to others. She creates IUSTUS.
by Ronald MacDonald, Robert Rowen
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2013

Presented is the factual evidence that demonstrates the overthrow of world governments, and the ruination of liberties and property ownership's of the People globally. "They Own It All Including You" will reveal an unimaginable and hidden crime that is almost impossible to view without the information found within this book.
by Monique Vescia
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2012

Extensively updated and revised for 2012, this 466-page new edition maintains its strong focus on Seattle proper, but expands greatly its coverage of the surrounding area.From Ballard to Beacon Hill, this Newcomers Handbook® provides readers with the most up-to-date information on housing styles and...
by Jim Clark
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2011

Jim Clark shares his experiences as a highly successful film editor at a time when films were a true collaboration of talented individuals. The legendary "Doctor" Clark was the man who could make sick films healthy again. The role of editor in the collective collaborative process that is the...


The Power of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods

by John Bradley, Greg Thain
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

This book is a history of the some of the world's most famous brands, from humble beginnings to current exalted status, from smudged, kitchen-table pamphlets to $ multi-million ad campaigns, from backyard experiments to global research. It examines the most recent developments in these glittering...
by Geoffrey Veit
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2012

Fott’s Journey is a family experience. It can be enjoyed in one single reading or segmented over multiple days. The story includes life lessons of positive thinking, loyalty, true friendship and adventure. Each reading serves as an inspiration of togetherness for the narrator/reader and the child....
by Anthony Michael Chandler
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2012

This book will provide encouragement, insight, wisdom and instruction to anyone who has been called to lead, serve and/or deal with the inherent challenges of both life and ministry. Dr. Chandler is so transparent in his personal encounters as well as his professional experiences which have honed his interpersonal skills and has authenticated his call to lead as a Senior Pastor.

The Odyssey and The Idiocy

Marriage to an Actor, A Memoir

by Candace Hilligoss-Coster
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2017

I once was told there are three kinds of men I should never marry. Working actors. Non-working actors. Between jobs actors. That describes my husband to a T. For twenty years, I hung in with this guy. Supported him, massaged his ego, responded to his every whim, cried with him, rejoiced with him,...
by Les Clark
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2018

If you baked a cake from scratch, you'd find a recipe and follow directions. I didn't do that. I reached blindfolded into my mental pantry, saw and wrote, interviewed and memorialized, had an idea and, you know. It's about funny kids and brave veterans, bad situations and redemption, on the right track and off the rails, some fiction but mostly truth. It's my cake; have a slice.

Mit Reinhold Messner hoch hinaus

Abenteuer auf Achttausendern

by Gernot Uhl
Language: German
Release Date: May 30, 2017

Eisige Kälte, Schneegestöber, wenig Sauerstoff: Auf den höchsten Bergen der Welt - dem Mount Everest, dem K2 oder dem Nanga Parbat - gibt es keine Komfortzone. Über 8000 Metern Meereshöhe beginnt das Sterben: Der menschliche Körper baut in der dünnen Atmosphäre unaufhaltsam ab, selbst in Rastpausen....
by Gernot Uhl
Language: German
Release Date: August 25, 2017

Freudenmädchen in rosa Formen, jugendliche Selbstmörder auf dem Totenbett und völlig entstellte Geliebte - die Bilder von Pablo Picasso empören seine Zeitgenossen. Auch der Maler ist empört - über den Bombenangriff auf das wehrlose Baskenstädtchen Guernica. Wütend rührt er alle erdenklichen...

Mit Albert Schweitzer im Urwald

Aufbruch ins Ungewisse

by Gernot Uhl
Language: German
Release Date: June 13, 2017

»Dieser Mann hat Weh in der rechten Keule.« Sprechstunde im Hühnerstall von Lambarene, mitten in Afrika. Der Urwalddoktor Albert Schweitzer nickt seinem Übersetzer dankbar zu. Der ist zwar gelernter Koch und spricht nur holprig die Sprache des weißen Medizinmanns, aber darauf kommt es im Urwaldkrankenhaus...

Mit Axel Springer in Berlin

Gegen die Mauer

by Gernot Uhl
Language: German
Release Date: May 30, 2017

Berlin wacht auf - und ist eingemauert. Im Schatten der Nacht hat die DDR alle Ostdeutschen eingesperrt. Der Verleger Axel Springer, der gerade unmittelbar an der Grenze das modernste Zeitungshaus Europas baut, ist außer sich: Er riskiert sein 100-Millionen-Imperium, um den gefangenen Deutschen ein...
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