Sur imprint: 245 books

El Cordobazo

La ciudad de la furia

by Jorge Las Heras Bonetto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 3, 2017

¿Qué fue el Cordobazo? Para algunos, protesta obrera u obrero-estudiantil; para otros, rebelión popular o, incluso, intento de insurrección. ¿Predominaron las motivaciones económico-corporativas? ¿las políticas o las ideológicas? ¿Fue su motor la lucha económico-sindical o la lucha política...

René Lévesque

Portrait d'un homme seul

by Claude Fournier
Language: French
Release Date: May 3, 2011

Qui était René Lévesque ? Sa passion indéfectible pour le Québec, son indéniable charisme et sa simplicité apparente en ont fait un héros populaire, une figure historique, presque mythique. L'homme reste cependant mal connu, car il était fondamentalement un être distant, réservé, fuyant....

Education, Economy and Identity

Ten years of Educational Reform in Thailand

by Collectif
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2018

Modern education in Thailand started at the end of the nineteenth century under the impulse of King Chulalongkorn. Many scholars tracing back the evolution from traditional education to a modern education system emphasized the feeling of necessity that motivated this transformation. Wyatt (1969),...

Norms and Practices in Contemporary Rural Vietnam

Social Interactions between Authorities and People

by Collectif
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2018

Since the 1980s, while trying to maintain political stability and territorial integrity, the Vietnamese state has strongly moved towards the transformation of a centrally-planned economy to a more market-oriented model, in which private, foreign and joint-venture businesses are increasingly becoming...
by Gaëlle Josse
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2014

New York, 3 novembre 1954. Dans quelques jours, le centre d'immigration d'Ellis Island va fermer. John Mitchell, son directeur, reste seul dans ce lieu déserté, remonte le cours de sa vie en écrivant dans un journal les souvenirs qui le hantent : Liz, l’épouse aimée, et Nella, l’immigrante...
by Hall Oakley
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 6, 2016

Fine Ottocento, sudovest americano. Warlock è una cittadina mineraria di frontiera in rapida espansione; insieme ai commerci, fioriscono il gioco d’azzardo e la prostituzione, gli scioperi e le scorribande dei cowboy. Mentre l’anziano governatore, il generale Peach, si crogiola ancora nel ricordo...
by Enrique Jadresic
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Quienes sufran por su rubor encontrarán aquí un camino, una puerta de salida que cumple con los más exigentes parámetros científicos y este libro les será de una ayuda invaluable. Para los otros también lo será: emergeremos de su lectura más amplios, más comprensivos y generosos, más conscientes....

State and Media in Thailand During Political Transition

Proceedings of the Symposium organized by the French Embassy, the German Embassy, the National Press Council of Thailand and Irasec at the Thai Journalist Association Building on May 2007, 23rd

by Collectif
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2018

The emergence of public opinion in Thailand through media was a sign of the development of modernity in the Kingdom. Growing influence of the public opinion raised a double question to local authorities: Media tended to spread western concepts, such as “democracy” or “freedom”; which could...
by Thomas Hughes
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2014

Thomas Hughes (20 October 1822 – 22 March 1896) was an English lawyer, judge and author. He is most famous for his novel Tom Brown's School Days (1857), a semi-autobiographical work set at Rugby School, which Hughes had attended. It had a lesser-known sequel, Tom Brown at Oxford (1861). Hughes had...
by Charles Willard Diffin
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2014

Charles Willard Diffin  (1884-1966) US engineer, airplane salesman and writer who graduated with a degree in analytical chemistry from the University of Buffalo, New York. He was most active with the magazines published by William Clayton and Street & Smith. He was one of the better writers...
by Ali Smith
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 8, 2016

«L’una e l’altra» è un romanzo a specchio, composto da due lunghe novelle che si collegano e si richiamano a vicenda. Una è la storia di una ragazza che, nella Ferrara del Quattrocento, si finge maschio per portare avanti la carriera di pittore (Ali Smith la immagina come segreto alter ego...
by Laia Jufresa
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 11, 2017

Nel romanzo d’esordio di Laia Jufresa si incrociano i destini di una ragazzina che sogna di coltivare mais in cortile, un antropologo vedovo, una giovane pittrice che inventa colori, due musicisti, una mamma hippy e un papà contabile. Nel corso dell’afosa estate di Città del Messico, mentre...
by Harry Parker
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 17, 2016

Tom Barnes è un giovane capitano dell’esercito britannico in Afghanistan, che durante una missione salta in aria su un ordigno improvvisato e perde le gambe; Latif è un ragazzo afghano che milita nelle file dei ribelli, mentre Faridun, suo amico d’infanzia, cerca di vivere pacificamente nel...
by Rodolfo Walsh
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 29, 2015

«Conoscere Rodolfo Walsh», scrive Massimo Carlotto nella prefazione, «è, per un lettore, un’avventura straordinaria. E questi tre racconti sono il miglior modo per entrare in sintonia con il suo universo narrativo». Tre storie poliziesche, con lo stesso protagonista: Daniel Hernández, un semplice...
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