Capitalizing on the growing trend of books, TV and radio shows, and articles about rising consumer debt and the emotional and psychological reasons we shop and spend and often go overboard, Bought Out and pent! Recovery from Compulsive hopping and pending is a book everyone could use. It seeks to answer the questions: Where do our attitudes about money, shopping and spending come from? Why are so many of us struggling with our finances? Is it possible to become addicted to shopping or spending? If so, what can be done to prevent or treat this condition?
Capitalizing on the growing trend of books, TV and radio shows, and articles about rising consumer debt and the emotional and psychological reasons we shop and spend and often go overboard, Bought Out and pent! Recovery from Compulsive hopping and pending is a book everyone could use. It seeks to answer the questions: Where do our attitudes about money, shopping and spending come from? Why are so many of us struggling with our finances? Is it possible to become addicted to shopping or spending? If so, what can be done to prevent or treat this condition?