This is a story of eight young boys, Barney, David, Denis, Rory, Hugh,Dominic, Steve & Aaron, just about to leave school at the age offourteen as that was the school leaving age in 1940 when this storybegan. It is told by BARNEY, who was the class Prefect, as Barney wasconsidered to be the ‘brains’ of the gathering and he had the bestmemory. The story is related when Barney is a much older man,suggested by David, one of his old classmates, in order to recordwhat the boys were like as youngsters and how they would develop asthey grew up . . .
This is a story of eight young boys, Barney, David, Denis, Rory, Hugh,Dominic, Steve & Aaron, just about to leave school at the age offourteen as that was the school leaving age in 1940 when this storybegan. It is told by BARNEY, who was the class Prefect, as Barney wasconsidered to be the ‘brains’ of the gathering and he had the bestmemory. The story is related when Barney is a much older man,suggested by David, one of his old classmates, in order to recordwhat the boys were like as youngsters and how they would develop asthey grew up . . .