Death's Doorstep, Prayer and a Miracle, is a mother's story about her oldest son's crippling car accident, when a careless driver broadsides the car he is in. Author Dianne Ramandt depicts what this tragedy meant to her son, herself, and the rest of their family. This book describes what it was like to have a son dropped off on death's doorstep, with a brain injury and in a coma. She writes about the shock and emotional pain that she, and the entire family suffered, and how her faith in God and in prayer became everything she needed. It's a story about faith, prayer and miracles, but also about opposition and fierce conflict that followed, while her son received miraculous recovery, restoration, and underwent strenuous rehabilitation. Dianne takes the reader through her dark valleys of anger and unforgiveness, to the glorious mountaintops of forgiveness and victory over the darkness that had formed over her life. Her story ends with changed lives, strengthened faith, and a passionate desire to serve her Lord and Savior.
Death's Doorstep, Prayer and a Miracle, is a mother's story about her oldest son's crippling car accident, when a careless driver broadsides the car he is in. Author Dianne Ramandt depicts what this tragedy meant to her son, herself, and the rest of their family. This book describes what it was like to have a son dropped off on death's doorstep, with a brain injury and in a coma. She writes about the shock and emotional pain that she, and the entire family suffered, and how her faith in God and in prayer became everything she needed. It's a story about faith, prayer and miracles, but also about opposition and fierce conflict that followed, while her son received miraculous recovery, restoration, and underwent strenuous rehabilitation. Dianne takes the reader through her dark valleys of anger and unforgiveness, to the glorious mountaintops of forgiveness and victory over the darkness that had formed over her life. Her story ends with changed lives, strengthened faith, and a passionate desire to serve her Lord and Savior.