Are you one of those people in business that strive for perfection, who are never willing to settle for second best? Are you always looking to shine on the ever-expanding global stage, where command of the Business English and the art of English conversation are very often vital prerequisites to success? If you feel that you are a consistently good performer in English negotiations, take presiding over business meetings and conference calls in your stride or handle the computer with ease, you might well be looking to put the finishing touches and make everything you say and write in English as dazzlingly effective as it is in your native Spanish. Maybe you need just that iota of extra confidence and finesse when it comes to high level sales or dealing with major financial transactions, where the added stress of shifting large sums of money comes into play and even the slightest slip up can lead to calamity. If all this strikes a chord with you, you could do no better than turn to a new Spanish to English/ English to Spanish business aid designed to propel you towards the very highest levels of excellence. Conceived and written by Dr. Emmanuel Skourtis and his team, this guide breaks entirely new ground in serving the needs of the business person operating daily in an English speaking environment and who is invariably required to take the lead. Especially those with prior knowledge of some of the most appropriate phrases and expressions, use of this innovative e-book will mean that you will very quickly surge ahead in expanding your range and fluency and, with the help of its user-friendly layout, identify the exact English equivalent of Spanish expressions which you already use to great effect in your work. As a person of high standing in your company, you are probably required to make the most dynamic of impressions through presentations, speech-making and, of course, those all-important business dinners and more informal gatherings, where small talk takes on immense significance, filling the gaps between all the jargon. The book therefore acknowledges, what every self-respecting slick business operator knows, that etiquette and social pleasantries are also a high priority. Being able to really put on the style in English and sail through the social occasions linked with the core business concerns can be crucial in cementing the deal and not undoing any hard work by an unnecessary slip of the tongue or an awkward silence. The book facilitates a greater use of subtlety, incisive use of colloquial language where appropriate and an area that is notoriously difficult to master in a foreign language, namely cracking jokes and humour. It offers a challenge that very few publications of its type have ever managed, combining as it does in-depth knowledge and experience of what it means to thrive in the business world along with phraseology and how to speak and write with grammatical accuracy. Dr. Skourtis and his team have left no stone unturned in their quest to preempt all your possible needs and they have come up with a truly unprecedented initiative. This is a Spanish to English/ English to Spanish guide that speaks in an authentic voice, one that you will encounter out there in the real world where business is enacted on a day to day basis. It is about getting results and, following the example of its creators, consigning all doubts to the waste paper basket. As a final thought, there can be no better analogy for this book than that of a guardian angel ready to conduct you through the cut-throat world of business, whose sole aim is to empower you to make clear and confident contributions in all your business dealings and sustain your creativity, success and reputation. You’ll be able to hold your head high in whatever the circumstances English is required, knowing that you are as near to native speaker level as you can be.
Are you one of those people in business that strive for perfection, who are never willing to settle for second best? Are you always looking to shine on the ever-expanding global stage, where command of the Business English and the art of English conversation are very often vital prerequisites to success? If you feel that you are a consistently good performer in English negotiations, take presiding over business meetings and conference calls in your stride or handle the computer with ease, you might well be looking to put the finishing touches and make everything you say and write in English as dazzlingly effective as it is in your native Spanish. Maybe you need just that iota of extra confidence and finesse when it comes to high level sales or dealing with major financial transactions, where the added stress of shifting large sums of money comes into play and even the slightest slip up can lead to calamity. If all this strikes a chord with you, you could do no better than turn to a new Spanish to English/ English to Spanish business aid designed to propel you towards the very highest levels of excellence. Conceived and written by Dr. Emmanuel Skourtis and his team, this guide breaks entirely new ground in serving the needs of the business person operating daily in an English speaking environment and who is invariably required to take the lead. Especially those with prior knowledge of some of the most appropriate phrases and expressions, use of this innovative e-book will mean that you will very quickly surge ahead in expanding your range and fluency and, with the help of its user-friendly layout, identify the exact English equivalent of Spanish expressions which you already use to great effect in your work. As a person of high standing in your company, you are probably required to make the most dynamic of impressions through presentations, speech-making and, of course, those all-important business dinners and more informal gatherings, where small talk takes on immense significance, filling the gaps between all the jargon. The book therefore acknowledges, what every self-respecting slick business operator knows, that etiquette and social pleasantries are also a high priority. Being able to really put on the style in English and sail through the social occasions linked with the core business concerns can be crucial in cementing the deal and not undoing any hard work by an unnecessary slip of the tongue or an awkward silence. The book facilitates a greater use of subtlety, incisive use of colloquial language where appropriate and an area that is notoriously difficult to master in a foreign language, namely cracking jokes and humour. It offers a challenge that very few publications of its type have ever managed, combining as it does in-depth knowledge and experience of what it means to thrive in the business world along with phraseology and how to speak and write with grammatical accuracy. Dr. Skourtis and his team have left no stone unturned in their quest to preempt all your possible needs and they have come up with a truly unprecedented initiative. This is a Spanish to English/ English to Spanish guide that speaks in an authentic voice, one that you will encounter out there in the real world where business is enacted on a day to day basis. It is about getting results and, following the example of its creators, consigning all doubts to the waste paper basket. As a final thought, there can be no better analogy for this book than that of a guardian angel ready to conduct you through the cut-throat world of business, whose sole aim is to empower you to make clear and confident contributions in all your business dealings and sustain your creativity, success and reputation. You’ll be able to hold your head high in whatever the circumstances English is required, knowing that you are as near to native speaker level as you can be.