It can be a lonely road to recovery from depression. Theres a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes to allegedly help. But whos got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? Heal your troubled mind cuts straight to the heart of the matter. With insider shortcuts and secrets garnered from personal experience as both a sufferer and a doctor, Dr Sabina Dosani has ideas, tips and advice for beating the blues so you can reclaim your life. Whatever your circumstances and however depression affects you or someone you care about, Heal your troubled mind will help you find ways to defeat it.
It can be a lonely road to recovery from depression. Theres a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes to allegedly help. But whos got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? Heal your troubled mind cuts straight to the heart of the matter. With insider shortcuts and secrets garnered from personal experience as both a sufferer and a doctor, Dr Sabina Dosani has ideas, tips and advice for beating the blues so you can reclaim your life. Whatever your circumstances and however depression affects you or someone you care about, Heal your troubled mind will help you find ways to defeat it.