Around 410CE when the English migrated overseas from Northern Europe, they were still heathen and brought their own traditions with them. They still worshipped Nerthus, the Earth Mother and their traditions stir our imaginations even today. Originally they believed in Wyrd, the all-inclusive, Great Cosmic Mother of All Living rather than an exclusive, all powerful, male, creator sky-god. They were intimately connected to nature, the men having a great respect for the women who were always consulted in every important matter. This indicates they had preserved many of the values of an earlier, egalitarian society along after most other cultures had succumbed to the Patriarchal Takeover which began circa 3000BC. This is recorded most clearly in ancient Sumerian and Chinese records but there is also much evidence of the remnants of other egalitarian societies from 7500BCE up to 1400CE. This work links many diverse set similar influences worldwide, drawing upon archaeological, scientific, biological, medical, genetic and other prehistoric evolutionary information. It gives a startlingly charming, magickal, even enchanting view of life as it really is, stripped of all the superstitions, distortions and delusions of the human mind. A must for every sincere truth-seeker.
Around 410CE when the English migrated overseas from Northern Europe, they were still heathen and brought their own traditions with them. They still worshipped Nerthus, the Earth Mother and their traditions stir our imaginations even today. Originally they believed in Wyrd, the all-inclusive, Great Cosmic Mother of All Living rather than an exclusive, all powerful, male, creator sky-god. They were intimately connected to nature, the men having a great respect for the women who were always consulted in every important matter. This indicates they had preserved many of the values of an earlier, egalitarian society along after most other cultures had succumbed to the Patriarchal Takeover which began circa 3000BC. This is recorded most clearly in ancient Sumerian and Chinese records but there is also much evidence of the remnants of other egalitarian societies from 7500BCE up to 1400CE. This work links many diverse set similar influences worldwide, drawing upon archaeological, scientific, biological, medical, genetic and other prehistoric evolutionary information. It gives a startlingly charming, magickal, even enchanting view of life as it really is, stripped of all the superstitions, distortions and delusions of the human mind. A must for every sincere truth-seeker.