Safe as well as spectacular jumping is a key component of many dog sports. Combine the agility know-how of Julie Daniels (Enjoying Dog Agility #DTA111) and the conditioning expertise of veterinarian Christine Zink and you get a "must-have" book for your training library. Well-written and understandable information you will use to teach the jump as well as correct the problem jumper. Covers mechanics, structure, conditioning, solutions to jumping problems.
Safe as well as spectacular jumping is a key component of many dog sports. Combine the agility know-how of Julie Daniels (Enjoying Dog Agility #DTA111) and the conditioning expertise of veterinarian Christine Zink and you get a "must-have" book for your training library. Well-written and understandable information you will use to teach the jump as well as correct the problem jumper. Covers mechanics, structure, conditioning, solutions to jumping problems.