Chitolla, a swallow from a land of talking animals, suddenly finds herself in another world: a world of bats, where a cannibalistic and deified warlord spreads fear to the entire population. She meets up with Patas, a Vampire bat who's trying to escape the warlord's wrath. Together, they and their new traveling companions set out on a dangerous journey. Meanwhile, her mate embarks on his own quest with a librarian owl, as the two seek for a way to bring Chitolla home. What follows is an adventure across desert paradises, dense jungles, unfamiliar islands, and a bat city; encounters with winged giants, black cobras, and a ghostly predator; and confrontations that ultimately lead Chitolla and her bat friends into preparations for war.
Chitolla, a swallow from a land of talking animals, suddenly finds herself in another world: a world of bats, where a cannibalistic and deified warlord spreads fear to the entire population. She meets up with Patas, a Vampire bat who's trying to escape the warlord's wrath. Together, they and their new traveling companions set out on a dangerous journey. Meanwhile, her mate embarks on his own quest with a librarian owl, as the two seek for a way to bring Chitolla home. What follows is an adventure across desert paradises, dense jungles, unfamiliar islands, and a bat city; encounters with winged giants, black cobras, and a ghostly predator; and confrontations that ultimately lead Chitolla and her bat friends into preparations for war.