"A real master will not try to convince you of the truth, but he will definitely persuade you towards it. A master can only help you in removing the obstacles so that meditation happens! The purpose of this book is to expose you to the path of Great Masters like Buddha, Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed and other flowers like Socrates, Heraclitus, Lau Tzu, Lei Tzu, Krishna, Ramakrishna, Raman, Osho, etc. The names are many more; only one has to be prepared for the journey. Your body is the temple of the unknown. It is a miracle of the unknown! The harmony that the body creates may become the door to inner harmony! Breathing is the alphabet of the body and through it one is easily bridged to meditation. One only has to be aware of it! One simply is! No thinking. No feeling. This is the ultimate experience of bliss! Beyond this there is nothing! This is the eternal search! You have arrived home! This is meditation!There are many reasons to visit a spa and the fastest growing reason to spa is for stress release and the pursuit of wellness. Spas today have become a reference point for healthcare and rejuvenation of mind, body and soul. Spas for healthy living gives a snapshot of what you'll find, out there in the world of modern spas. It creates a skilful synthesis between age-old therapies and modern spas treatments by focusing on the traditional sciences of Ayurveda, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Lomilomi and many more around the world. This book also puts across spas as an ideal remedy that yield long-lasting results. A must read for those desiring to feel renewed, recharged and rejuvenated. Take your first step on the path to well-being and maximise your spa experience!"
"A real master will not try to convince you of the truth, but he will definitely persuade you towards it. A master can only help you in removing the obstacles so that meditation happens! The purpose of this book is to expose you to the path of Great Masters like Buddha, Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed and other flowers like Socrates, Heraclitus, Lau Tzu, Lei Tzu, Krishna, Ramakrishna, Raman, Osho, etc. The names are many more; only one has to be prepared for the journey. Your body is the temple of the unknown. It is a miracle of the unknown! The harmony that the body creates may become the door to inner harmony! Breathing is the alphabet of the body and through it one is easily bridged to meditation. One only has to be aware of it! One simply is! No thinking. No feeling. This is the ultimate experience of bliss! Beyond this there is nothing! This is the eternal search! You have arrived home! This is meditation!There are many reasons to visit a spa and the fastest growing reason to spa is for stress release and the pursuit of wellness. Spas today have become a reference point for healthcare and rejuvenation of mind, body and soul. Spas for healthy living gives a snapshot of what you'll find, out there in the world of modern spas. It creates a skilful synthesis between age-old therapies and modern spas treatments by focusing on the traditional sciences of Ayurveda, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Lomilomi and many more around the world. This book also puts across spas as an ideal remedy that yield long-lasting results. A must read for those desiring to feel renewed, recharged and rejuvenated. Take your first step on the path to well-being and maximise your spa experience!"