Kenneth Finkelstein’s first novel is an edgy narrative surging with comic originality and irreverent absurdity. In this introspective saga, trials of conscience ruminate beneath blossoming awareness. This is the story of Sam Shackleton. Sam is on the cusp of middle age, barreling through life, certain he knows it all. Until, that is, an anguished subconscious wakens, nudging him to pull anchor, drive his marriage off a cliff, detonate a lucrative career, and begin his search for meaning at the bottom of a Tibetan singing bowl. Stepping off the dizzy merry-go-round that is his life, Sam embarks on a spiritual journey. Accompanied by a relentless libido, he seeks clarity from a taxi driving angel, pogo stick hopping best friend, narcissistic psychiatrist, his dead grandmother, and a mystic with attitude.
Kenneth Finkelstein’s first novel is an edgy narrative surging with comic originality and irreverent absurdity. In this introspective saga, trials of conscience ruminate beneath blossoming awareness. This is the story of Sam Shackleton. Sam is on the cusp of middle age, barreling through life, certain he knows it all. Until, that is, an anguished subconscious wakens, nudging him to pull anchor, drive his marriage off a cliff, detonate a lucrative career, and begin his search for meaning at the bottom of a Tibetan singing bowl. Stepping off the dizzy merry-go-round that is his life, Sam embarks on a spiritual journey. Accompanied by a relentless libido, he seeks clarity from a taxi driving angel, pogo stick hopping best friend, narcissistic psychiatrist, his dead grandmother, and a mystic with attitude.