Song across water is a richly imagined novel based on the choices facing young men in the late 60's. This compelling story follows Martin Birkett from his college days to the wild BritishColumbia landscape. His exploits illuminate a great human experience as he sails his boat Cedar Song toward his personal search for being. The characters he meets on his magnificent journey influence his quest for meaning until he must finally confront himself. Fullerton's second novel is a compelling narrative set in the drama of modern urban life and in the nurturing power of wilderness. Unlike anything in today's booklists, this novel will be regarded as a literary achievement. If you fail to read it you are missing out on an important writer's far-reaching vision.
Song across water is a richly imagined novel based on the choices facing young men in the late 60's. This compelling story follows Martin Birkett from his college days to the wild BritishColumbia landscape. His exploits illuminate a great human experience as he sails his boat Cedar Song toward his personal search for being. The characters he meets on his magnificent journey influence his quest for meaning until he must finally confront himself. Fullerton's second novel is a compelling narrative set in the drama of modern urban life and in the nurturing power of wilderness. Unlike anything in today's booklists, this novel will be regarded as a literary achievement. If you fail to read it you are missing out on an important writer's far-reaching vision.